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Training of Trainers Eco-labelling: What it is and how to do it 14 - 18 September, InWEnt Bonn UNEP/EC project “ Enabling developing countries to seize.

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Presentation on theme: "Training of Trainers Eco-labelling: What it is and how to do it 14 - 18 September, InWEnt Bonn UNEP/EC project “ Enabling developing countries to seize."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training of Trainers Eco-labelling: What it is and how to do it 14 - 18 September, InWEnt Bonn UNEP/EC project “ Enabling developing countries to seize eco-label opportunities“ The project is carried out with funding from the European Union and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany)

2 Televisions Anna Esteve Module B3

3 Learning Objectives Participants will learn about: information on product group definition and their evolution eco-label criteria for TVs, test methods and assessment/verification how to prepare an application award of licences tools to promote the eco-label

4 Programme Introduction Application process Eco-label criteria for TVs LUNCH Eco-label criteria for TVs Making an application exercise Questions and further discussion

5 Module B3 EU Eco-Label Website and Key References Criteria −Commission Decision of 12 March 2009 establishing the revised ecological criteria for the award of the Community Eco-label to televisions. Background document −Revising the Eco-label Criteria for Televisions. Final Report. April 2008. –Revision led by UK Competent Body. –Technical support: AEA technology.

6 Module B3 EU Eco-Label Website and Key References EU Eco-label Website

7 Module B3 EU Eco-Label Website and Key References EU Eco-label Website −ECOLABEL MENU About Eco-label Eco-labelled products Meetings corner Contacts Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ) Useful links −Brochures and promotional materials

8 Module B3 EU Eco-Label Website and Key References Contacts −Eco-label Helpdesk −Competent Bodies −Interest groups: –Industry –Retailers –Environmental organizations –Consumers –Trade unions −TV product group contacts: –Catalan Competent Body (Spain) –UK Competent Body –Swedish Competent Body

9 Module B3 EU Eco-Label Website and Key References Green Store

10 Module B3 Study criteria Licence of the company (Verify the legality) Check products CompileRequire documentation Do the tests documentation to providers Fulfil the Application Pack SEND THE APPLICATION TO THE COMPETENT BODY Introduction to EU Eco-Label Application Process Process Steps

11 Module B3 Introduction to EU Eco-Label Application Process Who can apply Manufacturer Importer Service provider Trader or retailer (products marked under their own brand names) Which CB to apply to - Competent Body of the country or region where the products is manufactured. - When the product originates in the same form in several member states, the applicant can choose a CB in one of those stats (CB will consult those other member states). - When the product is made out the European Community the application must be made in a country in which the product has been placed on the market.

12 Module B3 Introduction to EU Eco-Label Application Process New applications Application may refer to a product placed or a range of products placed on the market. Renewing the contract Modifications to eco-labelled products, and adding new products

13 Module B3 Introduction to EU Eco-Label Application Process Forms: Application pack and dossier: Part 1: Details of the applicant and product. Part 2: Compliance with the criteria. Verification form (if it is needed) Verification process could be made by: Competent Body Independent third party

14 Module B3 Introduction to EU Eco-Label Application Process Contents of the Application Pack a. The applicant Name of the applicant / Address / Contact name / Contact details / Website / In what capacity company applying for the Eco-label b. The product -Trade name of product -Internal reference number -Type of product -Main composition -Name and address of manufacturing site -Confirmation that product is place on the market in the EU -EU countries in which this product is manufactured in the same form -EU countries in which this product is sold -Rough estimate of annual number of articles produced (units) -Rough estimate value of annual sales in European Economic Area (€)

15 Module B3 Introduction to EU Eco-Label Application Process Contents of the Application Pack c. This application -Is the first application for the EU Eco-label for this product? -Is this an application to add a new product to a licence for a product range already covered by an Eco-label? -Other environmental labelling schemes under which the product has already been registered, such as the Nordic Swan. -Assessment and certification method used (certified self-assessment / independent third party assessment): -Approved test centre -Fee reduction that company claims -Model of applicant declaration -Check list of the criteria and the documentation to deliver in the Dossier Legal compliance

16 Module B3 Introduction to EU Eco-Label Application Process Licensing Award registration and notification to the European Eco-label Helpdesk. Notification form information: -Details of CB -Details of licence holder -Details of Retailer selling own brand Eco-labelled products -Details of application -Specifications -Product description -Important marketing information Licence validity: end of the validity of the criteria.

17 Module B3 Introduction to EU Eco-Label Application Process Register code It provides information about the product group, the competent body which has awarded the Eco-label and the numeration of the application. SHARP’s register code: ES-CAT/022/001 SONY’s register code: ES-CAT/022/002 SAMSUNG’s register code: SE/022/001

18 Module B3 Introduction to EU Eco-Label Application Process Costs Fees MinimumMaximumReductions Application fee 300 €1.300 €≥ 25% SME ≥ 25% Applicants from developing countries Annual fee 500 €25.000 €₌ 15% EMAS / ISO 14001 0,15% of annual≥ 25% SME volume of sales≥ 25% Applicants from developing countries ≤ 25% First 3 applicants in a product group ≤ 30% Other Eco-labels Testing expenses

19 Module B3 Televisions product group definition Product group definition process Evolution −COMMISSION DECISION of 25 March 2002 establishing the ecological criteria for the award of the Community eco-label to televisions. (Current criteria). −Commission Decision of 12 March 2009 establishing the revised ecological criteria for the award of the Community Eco-label to televisions. Into force on 1st November 2009 Valid until 31 October 2013

20 Module B3 The Criteria Scope Mains powered electronic equipment, the primary purpose and function of which is to receive, decode and display TV transmissions signals. Televisions code number: 022. Introduction of the criteria Energy savings Mercury content of Fluorescent Lamps Life-time extension Design for disassembly Heavy Metals and Flame Retardants User instructions Information appearing on the Eco-label

21 Module B3 Energy Savings Passive Standby Passive Standby consumption ≤ 0,3 W or For TV with an easily visible hard off-switch (consumption in off option ≤ 0,01 W) ≤ 0,5 W Maximum energy consumption Energy consumption in on-mode ≤ 200 W

22 Module B3 Energy Savings Energy Efficiency Until 31 December 2010 On-mode power consumption ≤ 0,64 · (20 W + A · 4,3224 W/dm 2 ) From 1 January 2011, until 31 December 2012 On-mode power consumption ≤ 0,51 · (20 W + A · 4,3224 W/dm 2 ) From 1 January 2013 On-mode power consumption ≤ 0,41 · (20 W + A · 4,3224 W/dm 2 ) A = visible screen area expressed in dm 2

23 Module B3 Energy Savings Assessment and verification: Test report. Test according to the revised IEC 62087 standard. Conditions of the test: On mode consumption in its condition as delivered to the consumer. (Or if TV has a forced menu upon initial star up, the default shall be the setting which is recommended by the manufacturer for normal home use). Photographic evidence regarding the hard off-switch. Using the dynamic broadcast video signal (Methods of Measurement for the Power Consumption of Audio, video and Related Equipment).

24 Module B3 Energy Savings Assessment and verification: Test report. Laboratories: Tests can be carried out in-house (CB approval) Test can be carried out in Laboratory approved by the Competent Body Laboratory that meet the requirements expressed in standard EN ISO 17025

25 Module B3 Energy Savings Related legislation Directive EuP Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2005 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-using products and amending Council Directive 92/42/EEC and Directives 96/57/EC and 2000/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. Televisions. Lot 5 30th March 2009. Regulatory Committee adopted minimum performance and labelling requirements for TVs. The Paragraph 1 of the Annex I of the Commission Regulation implementing Directive 2005/32/EC is closely related with criterion 1.c) of the EU Eco-label for televisions. It sets that the on-mode power consumption shall not exceed the following limits: Full HD resolution: 20 W + A · 1,12 · 4,3224 W / dm 2 All other resolutions: 20 W + A · 4,3224 W /dm 2 From 1 April 2012 the limits will be: All resolutions: 16 W + A · 3,4579 W / dm 2 The Paragraph 2 (2)(a) of the Annex I of the Commission Regulation implementing Directive 2005/32/EC is closely related with criterion 1.a) of the European Eco-label. The Paragraph 2 sets the following limits: a) Power consumption in “off mode” < 0,3 W Exception: TVs with an easily visible switch (consumption ≤ 0,01 Watts) < 0,5 W

26 Module B3 Mercury Content of Fluorescent Lamp Total amount of mercury Hg ≤ 75 mg (visible screen diagonal ≤ 40 inches) Hg ≤ 99 mg (visible screen diagonal > 40 inches)

27 Module B3 Mercury Content of Fluorescent Lamp Assessment and verification: Self declaration with the compliance with the criteria. Suppliers lamps declarations with the number of lamps and the total mercury content of the lamps.

28 Module B3 Life-time extension Commercial guarantee ≥ 2 years Availability of compatible electronic parts ≥ 7 years

29 Module B3 Life-time extension Assessment and verification: Information included in the User manual.

30 Module B3 Life-time extension Related legislation Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees. “Article 5 Time limits 1. The seller shall be held liable under Article 3 where the lack of conformity becomes apparent within two years as from delivery of the goods. If, under national legislation, the rights laid down in Article 3(2) are subject to a limitation period, that period shall not expire within a period of two years from the time of delivery.”

31 Module B3 Design for disassembly Television easily dismantled: Fixtures shall allow for its disassembly. Plastics parts shall be of one polymer or be compatible polymers for recycling. Not use of metal inlays that cannot be separated. Data on nature and amount of hazardous substances in the television shall be gathered.

32 Module B3 Design for disassembly Assessment and verification: Disassembly report (written or audiovisual format) including a diagram of the television labelling the main components and identifying any hazardous substances in components.

33 Module B3 Design for Disassembly Related legislation The International Standard: ISO 11469 Plastics – Generic identification and marking of plastics products, specifies a system of uniform marking of products that have been fabricated from plastics materials. Provision for the process or processes to be used for marking is outside the scope of this standard. The marking system is intended to help identify plastics products for subsequent decisions concerning handling, waste recovery or disposal. Generic identification of the plastics is provided by the symbols and abbreviated terms given in ISO 1043, parts 1 to 4.

34 Module B3 Design for Disassembly Related legislation Directive 2006/121/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 amending Council Directive 67/548/EEC on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances in order to adapt it to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and establishing a European Chemicals Agency. According this Directive a Classification and Labelling Inventory will be developed based on the notifications by industry of dangerous substances and on the information on classification and labeling included in the REACH registration dossiers. Any manufacturer or importer who places on the market a dangerous substance requiring registration under REACH, must notify the Agency of the following: a) identity of the manufacturer or importer; b) identity of the substance(s); c) hazard classification of the substance(s); d) hazard label of the substance(s); e) specific concentration limits. The Agency will create and maintain this inventory in the form of a database, which shall be publicly accessible.

35 Module B3 Design for Disassembly Related legislation The "Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)", addresses classification of chemicals by types of hazard and proposes harmonized hazard communication elements, including labels and safety data sheets. It aims at ensuring that information on physical hazards and toxicity from chemicals be available in order to enhance the protection of human health and the environment during the handling, transport and use of these chemicals. The GHS also provides a basis for harmonization of rules and regulations on chemicals at national, regional and worldwide level, an important factor also for trade facilitation.

36 Module B3 Heavy Metals and Flame Retardants Prohibition: Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr6+ PBBs and PBDEs < 0,1 % Prohibition of use of Flame retardants with the risk phrases in plastic parts: R40, R45, R46, R50, R51, R52, R53, R60, R61, R62, R63

37 Module B3 Heavy Metals and Flame Retardants Assessment and verification: Applicant declaration. Declaration signed by the plastic and flame retardant suppliers. Relevant safety data sheets about materials and substances. Identification of the flame retardant used.

38 Module B3 Heavy Metals and Flame Retardants Related legislation Directive RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. “Article 4. Prevention 1. Member States shall ensure that, from 1 July 2006, new electrical and electronic equipment put on the market does not contain lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE). National measures restricting or prohibiting the use of these substances in electrical and electronic equipment which were adopted in line with Community legislation before the adoption of this Directive may be maintained until 1 July 2006.”

39 Module B3 User instructions Information included into the User Manual and in the website. Power consumption On Off Passive standby Information on energy savings possible in different modes Average annual energy consumption Advantages about energy efficiency

40 Module B3 User instructions Information included into the User Manual and in the website. How to reduce power consumption Un-plugging TV when it is not being used for a long time (0 kWh) Using the hard off-switch (almost 0 kWh) Using the stand-by mode reduce the consumption Reducing the brightness of the screen will reduce energy Position of the hard off-switch Who is qualified to repair TVs End-of-life instructions for the proper disposal of TVs Information about the Eco-label:

41 Module B3 User instructions Assessment and verification: Declaration of the applicant. Copy of the Instruction manual.

42 Module B3 Life-time extension Related legislation Directive WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) ‘Article 5. Separate collection 2. For WEEE from private households, Member States shall ensure that by the 13 August 2005: (a) systems are set up allowing final holders and distributors to return such waste at least free of charge. Member States shall ensure the availability and accessibility of the necessary collection facilities, taking into account in particular the population density; (b) when supplying a new product, distributors shall be responsible for ensuring that such waste can be returned to the distributor at least free of charge on a one-to-one basis as long as the equipment is of equivalent type and has fulfilled the same functions as the supplied equipment. Member States may depart from this provision provided they ensure that returning the WEEE is not thereby made more difficult for the final holder and provided that these systems remain free of charge for the final holder. Member States making use of this provision shall inform the Commission thereof; (c) without prejudice to the provisions of (a) and (b), producers are allowed to set up and operate individual and/or collective take back systems for WEEE from private households provided that these are in line with the objectives of this Directive;’

43 Module B3 Life-time extension Related legislation Directive WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) ‘Article 6. Treatment 1. Member States shall ensure that producers or third parties acting on their behalf, in accordance with Community legislation, set up systems to provide for the treatment of WEEE using best available treatment, recovery and recycling techniques. The systems may be set up by producers individually and/or collectively. To ensure compliance with Article 4 of Directive 75/442/EEC, the treatment shall, as a minimum, include the removal of all fluids and a selective treatment in accordance with Annex II to this Directive.’

44 Module B3 Information appearing on the Eco-label Text included into the box 2 of the Eco-label: High energy efficiency Reduced CO 2 emissions Designed to facilitate repair and recycling

45 Module B3 Information appearing on the Eco-label Assessment and verification: Declaration of the applicant. Copy of the packaging and documentation where the Eco-label appears.

46 Module B3 Making an Application. Exercise 1 Purpose of the exercise: Learn how to make an application in practice. Introduction of the exercise: Televisions’ manufacturer: Company ‘A’. Multinational company certified with ISO 14001 and registered into the EMAS’ register. The company is located in China and the main part of the production is done there, for that the products are labelled as ‘Made in China’.

47 Module B3 Making an Application. Exercise 1 Introduction of the exercise: Products: Three products of the same family: TV1-32”, TV2-42”, TV3-46”. The three models have the same components; the only difference is the size. (TV1- 32” = 32 inches, TV2-42” = 42 inches, TV3-46” = 46 inches). These televisions are LCD (Liquid Crystal Displays) with an IRD (Integrated digital Receiver/Decoder). These products are sold around the world, also in all the European countries.

48 Module B3 Making an Application. Exercise 1 Questions: 1. Where to deliver the application? 2. Which reductions could the company apply for? 3. Documentation needed to justify the fulfilment of each criterion. 4. How to obtain this information.

49 Module B3 Exercise 1. Solutions 1.Where to deliver the application? According article 7, paragraph 3.c of the Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July 2000 on a revised Community eco-label award scheme, the application may be presented to any European competent body.

50 Module B3 Exercise 1. Solutions 2. Which reductions could the company apply for? To know the exact percentage of reduction it is necessary to contact with the Competent Body. [1] COMMISSION DECISION of 10 November 2000 establishing the application and annual fees of the Community Eco-label (2000/728/EC) [2] COMMISSION DECISION of 22 May 2003 amending Decision 2000/728/EC establishing the application and annual fees of the Community eco-label (2003/393/EC)

51 Module B3 Exercise 1. Solutions 3. Documentation needed to justify the fulfilment of each criterion. 4. How to obtain this information? Criteria No 1. Energy savings a. Passive Standby b. Maximum Energy Consumption c. Energy Efficiency Documentation: Test reports done in an accepted laboratory. It is necessary 3 test one for every television model: TV1-32”, TV2-42” and TV3-46” because the consumption increase with the size.

52 Module B3 Criteria No 2. Mercury content of Fluorescent Lamps Documentation: Manufacturers’ self declaration. Documentation on the mercury content of lamps from supplier 1 for each model. Criteria No 3. Lifetime extension Documentation: Copy of the User Manual.

53 Module B3 Criteria No 4. Design for Disassembly Documentation: Report detailing the dismantling of the television (one report for model). Diagram of the television labelling the main components and any hazardous substances. Document with a detailed list of hazardous substances including the identification of the material type, the quantity used and the location.

54 Module B3 Criteria No 5. Heavy Metals and Flame retardants a. Cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium 6+, PBB and PBDE. Documentation: Manufacturers’ self declaration. b. Plastic parts shall not contain flame retardant substances that are assigned some risk phrases. Documentation: Declaration signed by providers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Copy of Material Data Safety Sheets of Plastic a, b, c, d, e and f.

55 Module B3 Criteria No 6. User instructions Documentation: Copy of the user manual. (Could be a unique User manual for all models or one for model). Criteria No 7. Information appearing on the Eco-label Documentation: Copy of the materials (user manual, promotional materials, packaging, etc.) that include the EU Eco-label.

56 Module B3 Making an Application. Exercise 2 Purpose of the exercise: Deliver an application to extent a license or modify a certified product.

57 Module B3 CASE 1: Enlargement of the license Introduction of the exercise: Company A wants to apply the European Eco-label for a product that it is almost equal than some awarded products. The new product is called TV4-36”. The only difference between products TV1-32”, TV2-42” and TV3-46” and the new model TV4-36” is the size of the television. The new model TV4-36” has 36 inches. Questions: 1. Which criteria company has to justify again. 2. Which documentation to deliver to justify the fulfilment of the new product.

58 Module B3 Exercise 2. Solutions CASE 1: Enlargement of the license 1. Which criteria company has to justify again. 2. Which documentation to deliver to justify the fulfilment of the new product. Documents: Document signed by Company explaining the changes introduced in the product. Dossier justifying that the product keeps fulfilling the criteria affected. Criteria affected: As the unique change is the size of the product the criteria affected are: Criterion No 1. Energy Savings Criterion No 2. Mercury content of Fluorescent Lamps Criterion No 6. User instruction and Criterion No 7. Information appearing on the Eco-label

59 Module B3 Criteria No 1. Energy savings Documentation: Test report. Criterion No 2. Mercury Content of Fluorescent Lamps Documentation: Manufacturer self declaration. Documentation on the mercury content of lamps from supplier 1. Criterion No 6. User instruction and Criterion No7. Information appearing on the Eco-label Documentation: Only if the User manual is different, Company A has to provide a copy of it.

60 Module B3 CASE 2: Modification of awarded products. Introduction of the exercise: Company A will use a new plastic: Plastic g, provided by Supplier 8, instead of the Plastic a. Question: 1. Which criteria Company has to justify again 2.Which documentation to deliver to justify the fulfilment of the new product.

61 Module B3 Exercise 2. Solutions CASE 2: Modification of an award 1. Which criteria Company has to justify again 2. Which documentation to deliver to justify the fulfilment of the new product. Documents: Document signed by Company explaining the changes introduced in the products. Dossier justifying that the product keeps fulfilling the criteria affected. Criteria affected: As the unique change is one plastic part the criteria affected is: Criterion No 4. Design for Disassembly Criteria No 5. Heavy Metals and Flame retardants

62 Module B3 Criterion No 4. Design for Disassembly Only if there are a hazardous substances included in the plastic part. Documentation: Diagram of the television modified including the new plastic. Document with a detailed list of hazardous substances including the substances of the new plastic.

63 Module B3 Criteria No 5. Heavy Metals and Flame retardants Cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium 6+, PBB and PBDE. Documentation: Manufacturers’ self declaration. Plastic parts shall not contain flame retardant substances that are assigned some risk phrases. Documentation: Declaration signed by providers 8. Copy of Material Data Safety Sheet of Plastic g.

64 Module B3 CASE 3: Change of name of an awarded product. Introduction of the exercise: The product TV1-32” will be also called and sold for marketing reasons as Television1-32”. Question: 1. Which criteria Company has to justify again 2. Which documentation to deliver to justify the fulfilment of the new product.

65 Module B3 Exercise 2. Solutions CASE 3: Change of name of an awarded product. 1. Which criteria Company has to justify again 2. Which documentation to deliver to justify the fulfilment of the new product. Documentation: Document signed by Company explaining that the unique modification is that Company A changes the product name, but the product is exactly the same.

66 Module B3 Successful Stories

67 Module B3 Success Stories SHARP 1st TV with the European Eco-label (2005) Products awarded with the Flower: LCD colour televisions, family SH LC-13SH1E, LC-15SH1E, LC-20SH1E, LC-15SH2E, LC20SH2E LCD colour televisions, family AQUOS LC-20S4E, LC-26GA6E, LC-32GA6E, LC-37GA6E, LC-26P50E,LC-32P50E, LC37P50E, LC-32GA9E, LC- 37GA9E, LC-32BV9E, LC-37BV9E, LC-26P55E, LC-32P55E, LC-37P55E, LC-32GA8E, LC-32BV8E, LC- 37GA8E, LC-37BV8E, LC-26SA1E, LC-26SV1E, LC-32SA1E, LC-32SV1E, LC-37SA1E, LC-37SV1E,LC- 42SA1E,LC-32RA1E, LC-37RA1E, LC-32SA1EA, LC-32SV1EA, LC-19A1EBK, LC-19A1EWH, LC32D65E, LC32D653E, LC32D654E, LC37D65E, LC37D653E, LC37D654E, LC46D65E, LC46D653E, LC46D654E, LC52D65E, LC32DH65E, LC32DH65S, LC32DH66E, LC37DH65E, LC37DH65S, LC37DH66E, LC46DH65E, LC46DH65S, LC46DH66E, LC52DH65E, LC52DH65S, LC52DH66E, LC32DH77E, LC32DH77S, LC32DH77V, LC42DH77E, LC42DH77S, LC42DH77V, LC46DH77E, LC46DH77S, LC46DH77V, LC52DH77E, LC52DH77S, LC52DH77V, LC32A47E, LC32DH57E, LC32DH57S, LC19S7E, LC26S7E, LC19SH7E, LC26SH7E, LC40LE600E, LC40LE600S, LC46LE600E, LC46LE600S, LC32LE700E, LC32LX700E, LC32LU700E, LC32LE700S, LC32LU700S, LC40LE700E, LC40LX700E, LC40LU700E, LC40LE700S, LC40LU700S, LC46LE700E, LC46LX700E, LC46LU700E, LC46LE700S, LC46LU700S, LC52LE700E, LC52LE700S

68 Module B3 Success Stories SONY (2009) Products awarded with the Flower: 32E5500/5510/5520 series, 40E5500/5510/5520 series, 37P5500 series, 40P5500 series, 37S5500 series, 40S5500 series, 32V5500/5610 series, 37V5500/5610 series, 40V5500/5610 series, 46V5500/5610 series, 52V5500/5610 series, 32W5500/5710/5720/5730/5740 series, 37W5500/5710/5720/5730/5740 series, 40W5500/5710/5720/5730/5740 series, 46W5500/5710/5720/5730/5740 series, 40WE5 series, 46WE5 series, 52W5500 series, 32S5600/P5600/P3600 series, 37S5600/P5600 series, 40S5600/ P5600/ P3600 series, 40Z5500/5710 series, 46Z5500 series, 52Z5500 series

69 Module B3 Questions and Further Discussion Marketing Material Brochure for consumers Brochure for producers

70 Module B3 Questions and Further Discussion Marketing Material Promotional Flash Use of the Flower logo in a brochure, article or publication. Guidelines for the use of the Flower

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