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30 Second Timer End 30 Second Timer End AIMS To understand the debate of Brownfield vs Greenfield development To understand the pressures on the rural-urban.

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Presentation on theme: "30 Second Timer End 30 Second Timer End AIMS To understand the debate of Brownfield vs Greenfield development To understand the pressures on the rural-urban."— Presentation transcript:


2 30 Second Timer End

3 30 Second Timer End

4 AIMS To understand the debate of Brownfield vs Greenfield development To understand the pressures on the rural-urban fringe

5 Brownfield Sites Greenfield Sites The UK has a shortage of houses. Where shall we build them? Brownfield Site – An area, usually within the inner city, that has previously been used Greenfield Site – An area, usually in the rural/urban fringe, that has never been developed before

6 You have £1,000,000. You need to choose the correct answer/answers to each question and decide where to put your money. Any money placed on a wrong answer is lost. Can you answer all the questions and keep all of your £1,000,0000?

7 We need to build more houses in the UK because…… Inward migration adds 200,000 to the UK population in 2010 People are much taller these days so we need bigger houses Increased divorce rates mean that more houses are needed Natural Disasters wipe out 100,000 houses every year

8 We need to build more houses in the UK because…… Woodworm irreparably damages 500,000 houses a year People like to play loud music so they need to build new houses in quiet areas More people are staying single so less couples means more houses needed There are over 1.8 million people on waiting lists for council houses

9 We need to build more houses in the UK because…… Only 5% of all building projects in the UK is housing Many older houses are now unfit for purpose and need to be replaced Landscape tax means that older housing is too expensive

10 We need to build more houses in the UK because…… There is a high demand in the North and less in the South There is a high demand in the South and less in the North

11 AND FINALLY….We need to build more houses in the UK because…… The EU building standards mean that many homes are now unfit to live in an must be demolished House prices have risen and due to the recession, building has slowed

12 What does the Government say? The aim of the previous Government was to build 3 million new houses by 2020 60% of these should be built on Brownfield Sites Every town must do their bit and must build a set number of houses by 2020 Although the new Government has changed the plan, many towns are still planning to press on with their building programmes Stroud must build 2000 homes to meet their target

13 Option 1 – Hunts Grove – North Stroud

14 Option 2 – Various Brownfield Sites

15 Homework (Read both articles and answer the questions) Why are young professionals queuing up to buy a property at Brewery Wharf? Why did many of the properties not sell to begin with? council-objects-Hunts-Grove/story-15522822- detail/story.html council-objects-Hunts-Grove/story-15522822- detail/story.html Why are some people against the building of Hunt’s Grove in the rural urban fringe of Gloucester?

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