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History and politics of Finland Quiz!. 1. What does ‘sami’ mean? a)It’s the name of the indigenous people of Scandinavia. b)It’s one of the official languages.

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Presentation on theme: "History and politics of Finland Quiz!. 1. What does ‘sami’ mean? a)It’s the name of the indigenous people of Scandinavia. b)It’s one of the official languages."— Presentation transcript:

1 History and politics of Finland Quiz!

2 1. What does ‘sami’ mean? a)It’s the name of the indigenous people of Scandinavia. b)It’s one of the official languages in Finland. c)It’s the commonly used name of the northern part of Finland.

3 2. The first crusade to Finland in 1155 was made by a)the French b)the Russians c)the Swedes.

4 3. Finland was part of the Swedish realm for a)250 years b)700 years c)1000 years.

5 4. The first book published in Finnish was a)the New Testament b)Kalevala c)ABC-book.

6 5. Finland becomes an autonomous Grand Duchy under the Russian emperor in a)1548 b)1809 c)1917.

7 6. Finland’s declaration of independence was made in 1917 on a)5 th February b)1 st May c)6 th December.

8 7. In the civil war of 1918, the parties opposed were a)the red and the white b)the Lutherans and the orthodoxies c)the Swedish-speaking and the Finnish- speaking.

9 8. The war between Finland and Russia in 1939-1940 was called a)the Forest war b)the Short war c)the Winter war.

10 9. Which of these statements is not true: a)Finland and Germany are both allies and enemies during the Second World War. b)Southern Finland is occupied by the Soviet forces in 1942. c)Finland cedes some territories to the Soviet Union after the Continuation War of 1941-1944.

11 10. During the Cold War Finland a)becomes a member of NATO b)becomes part of the East-European block c)remains neutral.

12 11. Finland becomes a member of the European Union in a)1972 b)1995 c)2007.

13 12. The Finnish government is formed of a)three center-right parties b)the two main parties c)all parties except the Finns.

14 13. The current president of the Republic of Finland, Sauli Niinistö, a)is a lawyer b)was earlier a member of the Green League c)is divorced.

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