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Thursday Andy Hamilton 7 th grade World History Week of February 11, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday Andy Hamilton 7 th grade World History Week of February 11, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday Andy Hamilton 7 th grade World History Week of February 11, 2013

2 Assessment CFU and Closure Check for 80% mastery of content; re-teach if necessary Class work and homework Graded based on completion and accuracy. Each assignment accounts as 10% of qtr. Grade. Quizzes and Tests Will be graded on percent correct. Quizzes count as 40% of the qtr. Grade and tests count as 50% of the qtr. Grade.

3 Assessment and Future Instruction Results from students’ class work, quizzes, and tests will be used to determine future instruction. Mastery of the topic by 80% or more of the students will result in instruction moving to a new topic. Mastery by less than 80% of the students will result in further instruction of the material using additional graphic organizers to manipulate the content.

4 Grouping Students are grouped together as shoulder partners. Every 3 to 4 weeks partners are reassigned randomly through pulling cards. Partners remain together for 3 to 4 weeks unless separated due to behavior. A student who is separated from his/her partner will work alone until the next reassignment at which time the student will be eligible for a partner. In the event of an “odd man out” situation, the extra student will work alone, substitute when a student is absent, or work with a group as assigned by the teacher. In quizzing/testing situations, students will work individually.

5 Differentiation A variety of methods are incorporated to accommodate the needs of individual learner’s throughout lessons such as: Discussion (whole group, partners, and teams) Visuals (graphic organizers, charts, pictures, videos, etc.) Note taking Text features Hands on activities Informational text strategies Early finisher work IEP/504 plans

6 Early Finishers When all work is completed, early finishers will read from a book located on the book shelf.

7 Materials Classroom technology Unit 9 TEST, WWI, Part 1 Student workbooks

8 Bellwork Pull out and study Word Webs created on Wednesday to review for World War I TEST, Part 1

9 Thursday’s Announcements Thursday- World War I TEST, Part 1 Friday- NO SCHOOL, Parent-Teacher Conferences

10 Agenda Bellwork Review-Preview Unit 9- World War I TEST, Part 1 End of WWI Vocabulary Activity- SWB

11 Standard 7-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the causes and effects of world conflicts in the first half of the twentieth century. Indicator1 Explain the causes and course of World War I, including militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the impact of Russia’s withdrawal from, and the United States entry into the war. Essential Questions What are the key topics and events that will be covered on Part 1 of the Unit 9 TEST? (What are the key words?)

12 Continuum of Learning Past- You learned about the factors that led to United States involvement in World War I and the role of the United States in fighting the war. Present- We will learn about underlying causes of World War I and the role of the United States in international affairs. Future- You will learn about reasons for the United States involvement in World War I and its impact on South Carolina, and consequences of United States involvement in World War I.

13 Previous Knowledge Nationalism among the people of nations How imperialism gave the powerful countries the opportunity to take over the weaker nations Causes of World War I Alliances of World War I US gets dragged into World War I

14 Relevance This unit should give you an greater understanding why social studies/history is taught in school. If we as human do not learn from our mistakes, then we will make them again, and make them even worse than the first time.

15 Life Experience Think about a time when you made a mistake and learned from it. When you were put in that situation again, you knew what you were supposed to do to avoid a problem.

16 Essential Question What are the key topics and events that will be covered on Part 1 of the Unit 9 TEST?


18 I do: Model thinking aloud Model how I would use the “test- taking strategies” when answering the first question on the Unit 9 TEST.

19 We do: Gradual release As a class, we will use the “test- taking strategies” to answer the second question on the Unit 9 TEST.

20 Closure Answer on your white board Remind students that they should use the test-taking strategies in order to give themselves the opportunity to be successful on this TEST.

21 You do: Students complete activity and turn in for a class work/homework grade. Students will take the Unit 9 TEST (World War I, Part 1) After completing the TEST, students will work on the World War I Vocabulary Activity in the student workbook page 191.

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