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By: William Schwarzenberger ALL THE AWESOME YOU NEED!

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Presentation on theme: "By: William Schwarzenberger ALL THE AWESOME YOU NEED!"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: William Schwarzenberger ALL THE AWESOME YOU NEED!

2 Here at Epic Burger we like our burgers to be epic and served with a smile. If the customers are happy…well you keep your job. Which is a very good thing. You all will be assigned to certain jobs for each week. There is cooking, cleaning, serving, and cashier. Maybe a few more. There will be safety precautions that will to be need to be taken.

3 Our Expectations is to always be awesome to your co-workers and customers. We expect you to take the uttermost passion and safety in your work. Such as cleaning, cooking, and serving. Always wash your hands. If you are sick, do not come to work we will send you home. We expect you not to be late for any reason.

4 Our Dress code is not very demanding we just want you to wear T-shirt and some jeans or shorts we would prefer your shirt being red. You cannot wear anything that is revealing to much or has something inappropriate written or showing on your clothes.

5 You will get 1-2 breaks depending on how long your shift is and the time of your break will depend on what time your shift starts and ends. Your breaks will be 30-35 minutes. You may eat lunch here for a 50% discount you could pay with your paycheck or whatever money you have on you. You may bring your own lunch to work.

6 All jobs have certain responsibilities. If you lose anything that is apart of your job it is your fault

7 All shifts will most likely be spilt into 7 hour shifts. If you have any plans you may trade or give someone your shift if they say yes. If it a emergency you may leave. You will have vacation time and all holidays we will be closed. You will be paid over vacation time. 15 vacation days 10 sick days. 5 days a week. 7.55/Hr

8 If late to work by over 10 minutes you have cleaning duty for the day 20-30 minutes you have to clean the bathroom for 2 days if late over a hour- 2 hours you have cleaning duty for all rooms for a week.


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