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Published byJason Nicholson Modified over 8 years ago
welcome EANN board of directors meeting, Belgrade, 7-8-9 May 2010
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Apologies for absence
Changes for the agenda Proposal: Exchange point 13 NeuroBlend with point 14 Venue/date/time next meeting
3. Minutes of the Opatija meeting April 2009
4. Reports executive officers 5 minutes!!
4. Report president ESNO meeting November 2009 together with Katrin EC meeting January 2010 Amsterdam Hosting NeuroBlend VLE Promoting NeuroBlend Networking: WFNN Congress Belgrade Preparing proposal Towards next level of services (3) NeuroBlend activities: see ‘Towards the next level of EANN services (3)’
5. Reports & announcements national representatives 4 minutes !!
6. Finances Financial realisation and balance 2009 Budget 2010 Guidelines EANN financial cycle
7.9 th quadrennial congress Blankenberge, Belgium Organization process Budget Program
8. EANN website
9. EANN Research interest group
10. EANN strategic plan 2009-2014 1.Neuroscience nursing is recognised as a speciality in Europe by the public and the healthcare systems 2.EANN is part of a strategic network for further developments & implementation of EANN goals 3.The services of the EANN are accessible to every neuroscience nurse in Europe 4.Promotion and public relation (to be formulated). 5.Fifth goal: Evidence based neuroscience nursing?
12. strategic plan 2009-2014: activities NeuroBlend website: making it available to neuroscience nurses a EANN focus group: Community of teachers to guarantee high quality education, maintaining and new developments. Community of practice, blog, EANN website Community of researchers to develop a evidence based body of knowledge
Mission Statement The mission of the European Association of Neuroscience Nurses (EANN) is to support and enhance the development of competence in neuroscience nursing by improving the exchange of information between neuroscience nurses in Europe.
Goals 1.Nursing care will be delivered by competent neuroscience nurses. 2.Neuroscience nursing is recognised as a speciality in Europe by the public and the healthcare systems 3.The services of the EANN are accessible to every neuroscience nurse in Europe. 4.Neuroscience nursing knowledge is available to neuroscience nurses in Europe.
1. Neuroscience nursing is recognised as a speciality in Europe by the public and the healthcare systems Priorities for Action (2003-2008): A.Collect information to determine the status of neuroscience nurses in each country. B.Develop a common definition of “neuroscience nurse“ to include educational and clinical preparation. C.Highlight the impact neuroscience nurses have on patient care. D.Encourage national neuroscience nursing associations to develop a common strategy with which to lobby for recognition at a national level.
2. EANN is part of a strategic network for further developments & implementation of EANN goals Priorities for action:
3. The services of the EANN are accessible to every neuroscience nurse in Europe Priorities for action 2003-2008: A.Optimise current means of information. B.Develop stronger links between EANN and the national neuroscience nursing associations. C.Develop an adequate infrastructure to support the activities of the EANN Priorities for action 2008-2009 D.NeuroBlend, ECP, NeuroBlend book
4. Promotion and public relation (to be formulated). Priorities for action:
5. Fifth goal (to be formulated). Priorities for action:
5. Neuroscience nursing knowledge is available to neuroscience nurses in Europe Priorities for action: A.Identify the research priorities of European neuroscience nurses. B.Prepare a position statement on the value of research utilisation. C.Establish and maintain a network of nurse researchers providing the opportunity to conduct pan-European research. D.Promote the sharing of information from research studies and ongoing research activity
11. New EANN members
12. Other way of thinking of EANN congresses Discussion: Every four years or more frequently in more regions? Venue next congress: nominations: 1 December 2010 BOD decision early 2010
13. Venue, date and time 2011 BOD meetings Blankenberge, Belgium In a congress year EANN is used to have two BOD meetings One in the winter (two days) One at the congress (4 or 5 hours max.)
14. NeuroBlend Where do we stand now Committee Advising Trademark License NeuroBlend activities EC Report Dutch Community of Practice Report Towards the next level of services (3)
New EANN services Website (public) Neuroscience nursing education, starting situation in Europe Curriculum documents Valorization & implementation Train the trainer plan ECP European competence profile BLP Blended learning plan EFP European function profile ELP European learning plan FLP flexible learning path MD module description TAP testing & assessment policy Moodle (members only) All public website documents Repository Virtual patiënt cases Virtual ward cases Virtual workspace Virtual learning environment Community of teachers National Communities International Community educational services communicational services
Growth model Moodle (members only) All public website documents Repository Virtual patiënt cases Virtual ward cases Virtual workspace Communities of NN (national) Virtual learning environment Community of teachers International community of NN 20082009201020112012 P&T Next X X P= partners T= teachers 1st
Patients:Neuroscience nursing:Clients > 14 million patients Acute & neurorehabilitation and long term Patients are represented in all health care settings NeuroBlend and EANN surveys: > 1 million nurses & care givers Enormous training needs Enormous need for learning materials COP: use communication utilities, # essential for interesting sponsoring Educational Institutes: use & produce content for courses and clinical lessons Individual Nurses: use modules and courses for learning & accreditation
NeuroBlend full partnersEANN BODTogether 9 schools, universities & hospitals invested own contribution Promotor responsible for NeuroBlend legacy License system & Trademark protection 19 countries, 3500 members Policy making cycle 1 year Policy makers Other groups (like WFNN) could participate
NeuroBlend FoundationFoundation BoardEducational BoardCommunity of teachers Promote high quality NN education Offer competence based blended learning framework Create international network of NN, teachers and scientists Initiate follow up projects Cooperate with strategic partners 3 members, international Steering committee Policy making under restriction of NeuroBlend Partnership & EANN Defining strategic partners & cooperation 5 members, international Preparing & advising long term policy Propose quality & proceeding criteria Organises & steers COT Certificates teachers Program management new and follow up projects Starts later Participates in train the trainer courses NeuroBlend ambassadors Maintaining, actualizing, producing and peer reviewing of learning materials and modules
Calculation Example Assumptions: Total sales volume neuro drugs and & health care aids in all EANN countries 5% spend on marketing Of which 10% spend on nurses Of which 8% for NeuroBlend 500 million Euro 25 million Euro 2,5 million Euro 200.000 Euro Running Company & ICT& help desk Content development & accreditation NeuroBlend Foundation & repository 80.000 Euro 96.000 Euro 24.000 Euro
NeuroBlend Foundation National NN AssociationContent Development & Accreditation Content Provides for international NeuroBlend standards Provides for repository materials Takes care of final approval of products Identifies needs and priorities Develops a set of national quality standards (evidence based) Helps Running Company to search for sponsors Identifies at least 3 excellent producers of E-learning content Organizes peer review Approves the products Nominates products for final approval NeuroBlend Foundation School or hospital or company Selected by tender Works under NeuroBlend license Takes care of accreditation according national standards High quality digital learning materials, videos, webquests. lessons and modules In national languages and in English (for sharing reasons) Criteria: NeuroBlend standards, assignment, national standards, cultural aspects, Creative Commons License
Giving, taking & sharing Use of learning materials in the repository for content development Lessons and modules are put back in the repository Creative Commons licence REPOSITORY Content Development
costs Table COSTSyear 1year 2year 3year 4year 5 Total costs Foundation Board & ™ protection1210012320128701325513805 Total costs Educational board 2172521835273352805029205 Total costs office 1647423063362425061158687 Payback Loan EANN 00070008000 Coaching & administration 031599020704320 TOTAL COSTS 502995753377437100986114017
profits Table BENEFITS EDUCATIONAL SERVICESyear 1year 2year 3year 4year 5 FEE educational institutions (VAT excluded)1105018900285004500063000 Total discount fee (VAT excluded) 1725027000375005200070000 Total individual students (VAT excluded) 01400294044106160 Total individual students (VAT excluded) 01150240050007800 total 20% sponsor finances (VAT excluded) 2800460070001000012000 Loan EANN 15000 Paid VAT (office) 27463844604084359781 TOTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 488465689484380124845168741
balance Table BALANCE YEAR 1YEAR 2YEAR 3YEAR 4YEAR 5 TOTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 488465689484380124845168741 TOTAL COSTS 502995753377437100986114017 BALANCE/PROFIT -1453-63969432385954724
Thanks! and have a save trip home
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