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Providing Formative Evaluation.90 Feedback to teachers on what is happening in their classrooms so they can ascertain: “How am I doing?” in achieving the.

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Presentation on theme: "Providing Formative Evaluation.90 Feedback to teachers on what is happening in their classrooms so they can ascertain: “How am I doing?” in achieving the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing Formative Evaluation.90 Feedback to teachers on what is happening in their classrooms so they can ascertain: “How am I doing?” in achieving the learning intentions they have set for their students so they can decide: “Where to next?” for the students. When teachers were required to use data and evidence, effect sizes were higher. When the data was graphed, effect sizes were higher than when data was simply recorded.

2 Reciprocal Teaching: Summarizing.74 Enable students to summarize, question, clarify and predict through small group and teacher dialogue as they attempt to make the text meaningful. Teachers assist to help students monitor their reading, learning, thinking and eventually, writing responses.

3 Teaching Strategies.60 Research done on students with learning disabilities. Higher effect sizes for models of instruction that included direct and strategy instruction. Most successful strategies modeled: sequencing, drill repetition, strategy cues (when to use certain strategies), reading comprehension, vocabulary and creativity.

4 Cooperative Learning.59 Cooperative Learning vs. Individualistic Learning – shows the power of peers in the learning equation Cooperation was superior to competition in promoting achievement in all subject areas Students engaged in cooperative learning were more successful in problem solving Improved positive relationships among different cultures and handicaps

5 Vocabulary Programs.67 Vocabulary instruction and knowledge of word meanings help growth in reading comprehension Students who experienced vocabulary instruction had major improvements in reading comprehension of passages containing TAUGHT words (definitional and contextual information, deep processing, multiple exposures, and images)

6 Questioning.46 Higher-level questioning from teacher Questioning opens up possibilities of meaning Builds comprehension Improves memory Checks to see if they have learned the content Higher order questions enhances deeper learning

7 Writing Programs.44 Explicit teaching of critical steps of writing process: strategies for planning, revising, and editing compositions (esp. for struggling writers) Writing strategies for summarizing reading material (.75) Setting clear and specific goals for what students are to accomplish with their writing product (.70) Teaching students to write increasingly complex sentences (.50)

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