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Severe Weather Scheme Co-ordinator Melanie Swanwick Rural Action Yorkshire CENTRAL AREA COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT FORUM.

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Presentation on theme: "Severe Weather Scheme Co-ordinator Melanie Swanwick Rural Action Yorkshire CENTRAL AREA COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT FORUM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Severe Weather Scheme Co-ordinator Melanie Swanwick Rural Action Yorkshire CENTRAL AREA COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT FORUM

2 Course Content Introductions Background to the scheme Problems in severe weather Vulnerable groups Volunteer Role Health and Safety Safeguarding Reporting Other help

3 Introductions Name Why are you volunteering? What do you hope to gain?

4 Background 2011 – 2012 Winter Gritting Scheme Increased awareness around risk Desire to protect vulnerable groups Autumn 2013 letters sent Volunteers/vulnerable people identified Co-ordinator post from Feb 2014

5 Health Impacts A cold spell during a mild winter is followed: Two days later by a sudden rise in heart attacks Five days later by a big rise in the number of strokes Twelve days later by a big rise in respiratory diseases

6 Other Health Impacts Cold also affects our health and wellbeing: The cold increases blood pressure which increases the risk of heart attacks and stokes The cold lowers resistance to respiratory infections such as coughs, bronchitis, sore throats Also damp and cold houses can make people depressed and become socially isolated because they loose interest in doing anything The cold affects your mobility – arthritis becomes worse, strength and dexterity becomes weaker and there is an increased risk of accidental injuries and falls

7 Problems in Severe Weather Not able to get about – feeling stuck at home Not able to get to the shops or doctors ‘Feeling under the weather’ more Not being able to heat your home to a comfortable level Worrying about paying a big heating bill.

8 Who is vulnerable in severe weather?

9 Vulnerable Groups Older people Very young children People with a medical condition People with a disability

10 In severe weather what might a vulnerable person need?

11 Volunteer Role What skills does a volunteer need?

12 Volunteer Code of Conduct Do Wear appropriate footwear for the weather when leaving the house Always follow the advice of the policies provided Always give a receipt for shopping bought Be prepared to listen and let the person talk Attend relevant training/meetings wherever possible Phone the co-ordinator if you have a problem or have any concerns or incidents Don’t Accept any money/gifts from service users – unless you are fetching shopping Administer medication Undertake any form of personal care e.g. washing, dressing, toileting Lift or move heavy objects Become involved in family disputes or personal affairs Enforce your own religious or political views on a person Give a person a lift in your own vehicle

13 Equal Opportunities The Law - The Equality Act 2010 Scheme Policy

14 Health and Safety Insurance and own risk Safe volunteering - Personal Plan Accidents/Incidents Complaints Changing User/Volunteer

15 Safeguarding The Law Duty to promote the welfare and safety of vulnerable adults

16 What is Abuse? Physical Sexual Psychological Financial or Material Neglect and Acts of Omission Discriminatory Safeguarding

17 Disclosures Do Make sure the individual is safe Assess whether emergency services are required and if needed call them Listen Offer support and reassurance Ascertain and establish the basic facts Make careful notes and obtain agreement on them Ensure notation of dates, time and persons present are correct and agreed Take all necessary precautions to preserve forensic evidence Follow correct procedure Explain areas of confidentiality; immediately speak to your co-ordinator for support and guidance Explain the procedure to the individual making the allegation Remember the need for ongoing support. Don’t Confront the alleged abuser Be judgmental or voice your own opinion Be dismissive of the concern Investigate or interview beyond that which is necessary to establish the basic facts Disturb or destroy possible forensic evidence Consult with persons not directly involved with the situation Ask leading questions Assume Information Make promises Ignore the allegation Elaborate in your notes Panic It is important to remember that the person who first encounters a case of alleged abuse is not responsible for deciding whether abuse has occurred

18 DBS Requirements Regulated Activity – Legal Requirement Recruitment of ex-offenders Handling of DBS information

19 Data Protection Storage of personal information Information about users Confidentiality

20 Other Reporting What? Why? When? How can we report these things?

21 Other Help Age UK Citizens Advice Bureau Horton Housing Others

22 Summary Follow policies and procedures In you are unsure get in touch If you have concerns discuss them with the co-ordinator

23 Further Training Safeguarding Adults at Risk - Everyone Making Every Contact Count – Optional orksandhumber/shared/MECC/index.html

24 Any questions?

25 Next Steps DBS Checks Allocation of vulnerable person Initial Contact – by when?


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