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1 50 000 companies 1,4 milion of work places 50 billion of euros of revenues aggregated 16 european countries.

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Presentation on theme: "1 50 000 companies 1,4 milion of work places 50 billion of euros of revenues aggregated 16 european countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 50 000 companies 1,4 milion of work places 50 billion of euros of revenues aggregated 16 european countries

2 Departments: 2 Metal Industry Electronics Construction Textile Transport Education and culture Environment Tourism Social service

3 40 000 cooperativeS of associated work 10 000 SOCIAL COOPERATIVES 270 000 job places 25 000 people in need Social services and job integrations 10 000 SOCIAL COOPERATIVES 270 000 job places 25 000 people in need Social services and job integrations

4 4 1979 Manchester In the ‘90: an over all confederation CICOPA’S Regional organization Today: 50 000 cooperatives / 1.4 milion of job places/ 5 billion of euros of revenues aggregated The history:

5 CECOP in the cooperative movement : 5

6 Aim: Rappresentation and lobby 6 Network upload Communication Expert advice / expertise

7 Social Cooperative

8 ITALY: 381 law of 1991 PORTUGAL: 1998 SPAIN: 1999 GREECE: 1999 FRANCE: 2001 POLAND: 2006 HUNGARY: 2006 Social Cooperatives and their corrispondent in Europe:

9 Italy Portugal Spain France Poland Hungary Italy (2005) Finland Slovenia Belgium Great Britain Social Cooperative Social companies Companies with social aim Society of community's interest

10 An important precondition : Activities that assure the satisfaction of all the foundamental needs of everyone or of the majority of the citizens in a specific place The promotion of the SIG (such as social services or job integration of the needy people in the society )should be a priority in the europe political agendas, nationals and locals for a better prevention of the social exclusion 10

11 The international standard of the social cooperatives: The specifity of the social cooperatives (as companies who pursue general interest of the community) must be recognised by the pubblic authority in the elaboration of pubblic policy in the SIG field, social inclusion and local development The legislation on the social cooperatives have to give importance to theese standard l

12 Some reccomendations: A legal recognition for the social cooperatives Incentivise for the construction of development funds The creation of horizontal/consortiums groups... Particular fiscal policy Social and environmental clauses in the pubblic farm out

13 Pubblic Farm out: Pubblic Farm out: Economical offer more advantageous Integration of social and environmental clause Farm out reserved to companies who pursue aims of general interest 13

14 The Consortium The Vägen ut! (“Uscirne”), Sveden




18 Thanks, i am available for further questions! ELISA TERRASI Development and Studies officer ELISA TERRASI Development and Studies officer 18

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