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BA in a World of Federalized Education Common Core is a fad with unavoidable consequences By What’s BA doing to preserve.

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Presentation on theme: "BA in a World of Federalized Education Common Core is a fad with unavoidable consequences By What’s BA doing to preserve."— Presentation transcript:

1 BA in a World of Federalized Education Common Core is a fad with unavoidable consequences By What’s BA doing to preserve its integrity?

2 Does Brookfield Academy… Recognize encroachment(s)? Determine consequences? Prepare defenses? Communicate strategy? Strengthen BA’s Connection with Its Past Inquiring minds wonder how Brookfield Academy preserves its heritage

3 BROOKFIELD ACADEMY To graduate students prepared for college and life, educated in the skills, values, and heritage of responsible, constructive, free people The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy. UWOSH and Pearson/CC UWOSHPearson/CC COMMON CORE Mission Control Local versus global  national  state  local

4 Knows addition and subtraction facts through 20, multiplication and division from 0-5 and 10 BA PRIMARY SCHOLAR STANDARDCCSS = STANDARD + PEDAGOGY One Standard Is Not Like Another Standards should be descriptive, not prescriptive BA standards should be on website

5 1996: Achieve is founded at the National Education Summit by leading governors and [mostly] business leaders [financed by crony businesses and progressive guvs and foundations]Summit 2006: Achieve releases its first annual report on the ADP college- and career-ready policy agenda: “Closing the Expectations Gap: An Annual 50-State Progress Report on the Alignment of High School Policies with the Demands of College and Work.”Closing the Expectations Gap: An Annual 50-State Progress Report on the Alignment of High School Policies with the Demands of College and Work 2009: Work begins on the development of the Common Core State Standards; Achieve partners with the National Governors Association and Council of Chief State School Officers on the Initiative and a number of Achieve staff and consultants serve on the writing and review teams.Common Core State Standards 2010: The final Common Core State Standards are released; Achieve begins serving as Project Management Partner for the Partnership for Assessment [testing] of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).Common Core State StandardsPARCC It goes back further, but you have to start somewhere, and Achieve touts the followingAchieve CC Standard History 2011: Achieve begins managing the state-led development of the K-12 Next Generation Science Standards. 2012 – Achieve – “After 30 years of fits and starts, true transformational reform in education is not only possible but also entirely within our grasp.” Implementing CCSS: A Workbook for State and District LeadersNext Generation Science Standards Implementing CCSS: A Workbook for State and District Leaders 2013: The final Next Generation Science Standards are released.Next Generation Science Standards

6 Interdependency Standards, tests, and textbooks aren’t neutral Define what it takes to be prepared for real life Whoever writes the standards decides what that means – being a good global citizen/worker? Test how well standards are met – PSAT, SAT, ACT, AP tests Brookfield Academy’s standards differ more and more from national standards being tested Filter information needed to pass tests Textbook companies filter info to reflect tests. What classroom materials do you use? Teach to pass tests How are new teachers correcting and supplementing biased materials to reflect BA standards? Standards Tests Classroom Curriculum Textbooks Plan to pass tests and meet standards Tests drive the curriculum. How are new teachers developing curriculum/lesson plans?

7 New and existing teacher, admin, and trustee alignment with BA A well planned hiring process to actively filter for like-minded people A strengthened faculty & staff mentor program Strongly worded ideals in communications and on website Current textbooks, worksheets, lesson plans, and tests Lesson plans aligned to BAs mission, values, the Trivium More reliance in history on binders of pulled-together material Honors Austrian economics class Real concerns need to be addressed, not dismissed Danger, Will Robinson! Education schools produce teachers aligned with the Common Core philosophy, textbook, and tests This should be on website

8 Judeo-Christian and Greco Roman heritage Classic Rhetoric emphasis Freedom philosophy and Five Stars Does curriculum and integrity matter? Does being “just” a BA student mean you can’t get into the college of your choice? AP common core textbooks, instruction, tests Commonly found at the free, local school nearby Opportunity #1 Offer a higher quality honors program in Upper School

9 BA’S SECRET SAUCE Mission Philosophy (independence and freedom) Traditional Pedagogy Below Market Tuition Location Like-Minded People Five Stars Character Development Triangle Founding Values Academic Excellence Small Class Size Traditions Classical Education American Heritage Pledge/Prayer/Morning Assembly Judeo-Christian Philosophy WHAT MUST BE PRESERVED Brookfield Academy A lot of time, money, and effort resulted in these lists

10 Mission Founding Values Character Development Five Stars Academic Excellence Philosophy (independence and freedom) American Heritage Judeo-Christian Philosophy Traditional Pedagogy Triangle Pledge/Prayer/Morning Assembly Small Class Size Classical Education Below Market Tuition Like-Minded People Traditions Brookfield Academy With a little rearranging… Location (also part of the sauce) is not as vulnerable to change by faculty, staff, admin or trustees

11 Guiding principles for BA The Bedrock of Brookfield Academy Mission Independence and Freedom Philosophy Traditional Pedagogy Below Market Tuition Like-Minded People

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