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Proposal to establish a Southend Education Board Schools Forum 8 th June 2016 Brin Martin Head of Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal to establish a Southend Education Board Schools Forum 8 th June 2016 Brin Martin Head of Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal to establish a Southend Education Board Schools Forum 8 th June 2016 Brin Martin Head of Learning

2 Rationale To draw together education professional to act as a central strategic vehicle to inform on education matters To strengthen the partnership with key stakeholders with an interest in education across Southend To improve the visibility and leverage of education performance politically within the Council To ensure a mechanism that will continue to improve the outcomes for learners “after” the White Paper To embed school to school support (alongside residual LA statutory functions) in Southend

3 Education Board Principles: Discharge statutory functions of Schools Forum Single, overarching consultation and engagement body Membership elected from constituent groups/stakeholders Non political, not part of Southend formal constitution Remit: Retain current School Forum specific statutory decisions Monitor agreed education priorities, performance, plans, resourcing and outcomes Advise/recommend to Council on education matters Commission support where required Consultation on policy and strategy

4 Place Planning Schools Forum SOPHASOSHA Special School Association SSGA Place Planning Working Group LSCB/CPG Scrutiny Existing relationships Admissions Forum Place Planning Success for all…

5 Education Board Existing statutory functions of Schools Forum Resources School Performance Primary Head Teachers Secondary Head Teachers Special School Head Teachers Southend Governors Association Vulnerable Learners Possible structure for an Education Board Business, Skills and Enterprise Academy representation as part of executives Other elected bodies Other members Observers Proposed Education and Skills Board Non Forum Groups Current Schools Forum Structures KEY +

6 Proposed Board Membership Statutory constitution representation: Proportionate representation from primary secondary and special school representatives Governor representation Early Years representatives; 16-19 provider representative; Professional association representative Dioceses representation Additional representation for the Board : Universities Business, Employers and Commerce; Health Director People* Head of Learning* Officer lead representation from sub groups* Executive Councillor for Children and Learning * Observer status*: Chairman Corporate Parenting Group; Chairman Southend Local Safeguarding Children's Board Clerk/Administration; Press; Public. *non voting

7 Relationships to other bodies/boards/Services Quarterly report to Cabinet Input to People Scrutiny Committee as required eg… Members School Places working group Political Possible route for escalation/reference through existing affiliated groups eg… School improvement RSC meetings SETSA Trust eg… SEND Board; Success for all; Health and Wellbeing Board eg… Corporate Parents; Safeguarding; Health eg… Southend Business Partnership Services Economic Development Children's Services

8 Possible sub group generic remit To devise, subject to the agreement of the Board a medium/long term work plan within the specified area; To both receive from and escalate to the Board; To undertake detailed operational scrutiny and reporting required by the Board; To undertake further work commissioned by the Board, including potential task and finish groups; To monitor the performance outcome measures determined by Board in their area of specialism; To ensure clear linkage across sub group agendas and chairs; To actively engage with their constituent bodies; To ensure effective coordination of message and action from affiliated groups.

9 School Improvement… EEE April 17 “ We will enable the best leaders to play a wider role by transferring responsibility for school improvement from Local Authorities to school and system leaders…” EEEp73 Minister May 17 The academy programme puts control of running schools in the hands of teachers and school leaders - the people who know best how to run their schools… This system will allow us to tackle underperformance far more swiftly than in a local-authority-maintained system where many schools have been allowed to languish in failure for years.

10 School performance sub group Outputs: Data collection and analysis leading to identification of priorities; Ownership of school improvement strategy and outcomes; Transparent categorisation of schools; Commissioning generic improvement activity and interventions; Monitoring, reporting, impact and evaluation review to Board School Performance group: Standing members from Education Board Additional Sector Led members Representative from SETSA executive Regional School Commissioner Head of Learning Lead Officer for School Improvement RSC OFSTED Commissioned work through SETSA SLA Core School Improvement

11 Timeline Socialising the agenda with key stakeholder groups April/May Schools Forum 8 th June Formal Consultation June Cabinet Decision 28 th June Formal establishment of Board Sept First meeting of Board October 12 th Phased establishment of subgroups as soon as possible thereafter

12 Recommendation That Schools Forum approve in principle the establishment of the Education Board; That Schools Forum notes the parallel political approval That officers work with stakeholders to draft all associated and relevant administration that will enable the Board to function in the Autumn; To progress accordingly with establishing the subgroup structure, starting with school performance

13 Plan Bs… NFER 2015 “There was some indication to suggest that, if a schools forum was no longer in existence, another platform for discussion would be required”. Allow the market to dictate; Continue with SF until it no longer has statutory powers; The Council to run a separate Education Board alongside SF; Schools themselves organise a collective voice independent from SBC;

14 Actions now required (assuming approval) Feed consultation responses into formal proposals; Work with (smaller) group of current SF members to work up relevant documentation; Start recruitment process for Board (standing SF) and sub groups Draft annual work programme for Board Seek buy in from all stakeholders for a launch in September

15 For discussion… Overall do the proposals appear sensible and workable? Do you have a view on the proposed membership? Are the proposed sub groups the right ones? Do you specifically: – Approve in principle the proposal as a whole? – Agree the proposal for a short consultation?

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