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Big Blue Ox Author: Susan Stevens Crummel Illustrator: Janet Stevens Genre: Animal Fantasy.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Blue Ox Author: Susan Stevens Crummel Illustrator: Janet Stevens Genre: Animal Fantasy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Blue Ox Author: Susan Stevens Crummel Illustrator: Janet Stevens Genre: Animal Fantasy

2 Big Blue Ox Day 1

3 Reading Words topt o p ox o x mop m o p hoth o t potp o t rock r o ck When o is the only vowel letter in a word, it usually stands for the short o sound.

4 Reading Word n o t s o b l o t h o p n o d g o t s o ck

5 Word Reading - short o, i, and a fox ran bag mop sat lid rock am hop top back six not wax van

6 Animals can do big jobs. They help people a lot. Some help police search for tots who stray. Others herd flocks of sheep every day. Guide dogs lead us around town. They help avoid bumps and bends. But the best job animals have Is to be our friends.

7 Big Blue Ox Day 2

8 -s plurals cat cats pigpigs h a m s m a p s t a b s s a ck s h i ll s p a n s k i t s r a g s l o ck s b i ll s p i n s

9 Word Reading -s plurals wigs fans ribs cabs lips dock hogs bats bins jams lids van bibs tots racks

10 Poem Animals can do big jobs. They help people a lot. Some help police search for tots who stray. Others herd flocks of sheep every day. Guide dogs lead us around town. They help avoid bumps and bends. But the best job animals have Is to be our friends.

11 The Oxen Song In olden days most farms had oxen. They helped to produce farmers’ crops. They pulled wagons for transportation. As helpers the oxen were tops. Oxen, oxen, In past times big oxen were Everywhere. Oxen, In present times oxen are Rare.



14 Big Blue Ox Day 3

15 tottots When you come to a new word, look at all the letters in the word and think about their sounds. Check to see if the word has an -s ending. cot cots job jobs

16 Short o Not Short o

17 Vocabulary town mud

18 High - Frequency Words get blue help from use go take he

19 We know that a real ox is strong and does work on a farm. We’re going to read a story about a made- up ox that is big and blue. We’ll find out what kind of work this ox does to help on the farm.

20 Amazing Words serve danger

21 serve To serve means to do work for or to help.

22 danger Danger is something that can hurt you.

23 Amazing Words snuggle When you snuggle with someone, you lie close to them and get comfortable.

24 enormous If something is enormous it is very, very big.

25 powerful Something that is powerful is very strong.

26 Big Blue Ox Day 4

27 Word Reading Nick pit and big can ran we six sack box fix up Pam take van pigs have dig hill with

28 Sentences Pam and Nick have to fix the van. We can take the sack up the hill. Six pigs ran to the box of cobs. Dig a big pit with me.

29 use get help You can hop to _______ the pot. Mom can _________ if it’s hot. ________ a lid to go on top. If it tips, get a mop!

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