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Carlos Granja *#, Ivan Štekl *, Stanislav Pospíšil $ Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague

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Presentation on theme: "Carlos Granja *#, Ivan Štekl *, Stanislav Pospíšil $ Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague"— Presentation transcript:

1 Carlos Granja *#, Ivan Štekl *, Stanislav Pospíšil $ Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 & IEAP CTU Prague $ Liaison to Eastern Europe * SPN Central Europe # SPN Latin America AdCom Meeting

2 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 Dresden: AdCom Meeting25 October 20082Carlos Granja / IEAP CTU Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 IEAP CTU Prague

3 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 Dresden: AdCom Meeting25 October 20083Carlos Granja / IEAP CTU Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 IEAP CTU Prague

4 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 Dresden: AdCom Meeting25 October 20084Carlos Granja / IEAP CTU Prague Scientific Program Network Central & Eastern Europe SPN Coordinators Barbara Obryk (IFJ Krakow), Ivan Stekl (IEAP CTU Prague)

5 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 Dresden: AdCom Meeting25 October 20085Carlos Granja / IEAP CTU Prague Scientific Program Network # Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague *Chemistry Faculty Universidad Oriental de Uruguay $ Institute Physics UNAM Mexico MX, BR, AR, CH, UR, VZ, CU, COL, PE, PA, EC, 700 emails & 20 Institutions: Crystal Growth, Nuclear Physics, Medical Imaging 20 contributions to IEEE NSS MIC 2008 Dresden Latin America Carlos Granja #, Laura Fornaro *, Mercedes Rodriguez $ SPN Coordinators

6 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 Dresden: AdCom Meeting25 October 20086Carlos Granja / IEAP CTU Prague IEAP CTU Prague/CZ Contribution IEEE NSS/MIC 2008 Conference: Promotion: CZ, Central/Eastern Europe, Latin America Support: Central Budget, Prague Full Conference Fees Participants: 19 (13 IEAP CTU) Contributions: 27 (19 IEAP CTU: 9 talks, 10 posters) Direct contribution: CTU Prague Grant for students & young participants with approved submissions (10.000 EUR). Indirect in-kind: All (13) IEAP CTU Prague paying participants (12.500 EUR).

7 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 Dresden: AdCom Meeting25 October 20087Carlos Granja / IEAP CTU Prague IEEE NSS-MIC-RTSD 2008: Submissions [%] CIP: Submission info 27 CE/EE = 150 [7.0 %] LA = 31 [1.5%] 42 26 554 271 204 132 Total submissions: 2136

8 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 Dresden: AdCom Meeting25 October 20088Carlos Granja / IEAP CTU Prague IEEE NSS-MIC-RTSD 2008: Submissions [%] 27 42 26

9 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 Dresden: AdCom Meeting25 October 20089Carlos Granja / IEAP CTU Prague IEEE NSS-MIC-RTSD 2008 & CZ IEEE, NPSS New IEEE Members: 12 (6 students) New NPSS Members: 11 (6 students) CZ/SK IEEE: New NPSS Chapter (22 total members) Technical Sponsorship  Bratislava JINR Dubna 2009 Summer School  Latin American Nuclear Physics Symposium: 2009 Chile

10 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 Dresden: AdCom Meeting25 October 200810Carlos Granja / IEAP CTU Prague JINR Dubna/Prague 2007 Summer School

11 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 Dresden: AdCom Meeting25 October 200811Carlos Granja / IEAP CTU Prague JINR Dubna/Bratislava 2009 Summer School

12 Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague IEEE NSS-MIC 2008 Dresden: AdCom Meeting25 October 200812Carlos Granja / IEAP CTU Prague

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