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Modernizing The Nevada Plan for School Finance Senate Bill 508 (2015 Session) 1.

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1 Modernizing The Nevada Plan for School Finance Senate Bill 508 (2015 Session) 1

2 Senate Bill 508 - Components Enrollment Equity Allocation Model Weighted Funding 2

3 Enrollment Removes “Count Day” and instead requires a reporting of “Average Daily Enrollment” (ADE) on a quarterly basis. 17 States, including Nevada utilize this system (Education Commission of the States). Takes into account student enrollment for the whole school year. 3

4 Enrollment: Hold Harmless Hold harmless is revised to compare ADE quarter to quarter across one year. If ADE has decreased 5% or more from the same quarter of the immediately preceding school year, the larger enrollment from the current or preceding school year must be used. Eliminates hold harmless for enrollment decreases less than 5%. Eliminates the two-year look back. 4

5 The Nevada Plan NRS 387.121 Legislative Declaration “…the proper objective of state financial aid to public education is the ensure each Nevada child a reasonably equal opportunity.” 5

6 The Nevada Plan The Nevada Plan was adopted in 1967 and continues to be the basis of the funding formula used in Nevada. The Nevada Plan is referred to as an “Equity Allocation Model.” 6

7 Equity Allocation Model S.B. 508 includes The Model in the NRS. The Model allows for the calculation of each school district’s unique basic support guarantee. - Wealth Factors - Salary Costs - Transportation 7

8 Equity Allocation Model The Model is currently composed of 12 calculation modules. S.B. 508 requires The Model to be reviewed and revised (as necessary) not later than July 1 st of each even-numbered year. The Model must be made available on the NDE website. 8

9 2016 Equity Allocation Working Group Andrew J. Feuling Director of Fiscal Services, Carson City School District Jeff Zander Superintendent, Elko County School District Jerri Norton Director of Fiscal Services, Elko County School District Jim McIntosh Chief Financial Officer, Clark County School District Patti Lamb Business Manager, Storey County School District Phyllys Dowd Director of Business Services, Churchill County School District Mike Schroeder Budget Director, Clark County School District Paul Johnson Chief Financial Officer, White Pine County School District Jessica Hoban Administrative Services Officer, State Public Charter School Authority

10 2016 Equity Allocation Working Group NDE Members Dr. Steve Canavero Superintendent of Public Instruction Mindy Martini Deputy Superintendent for Business and Support Services Adrienne Monroe Director of the Office of District Support Stefani Hogan Management Analyst, Office of District Support NDE Advisors Susan Brown Budget Analyst V, Governor’s Office of Finance - Budget Division Julie Waller Senior Program Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau Jaimarie Dagdagan Program Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau Adam Drost Program Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau

11 The New Model The Equity Allocation Working Group is currently developing a new, more user-friendly and transparent model. Results tested against the traditional 12 module system. Consolidates all required data measurements from 12 workbooks into 1 “3-page” workbook. Will include “section notes” to assist the general public with understanding the data and formulas on every page. Will be posted on NDE’s website.

12 Kindergarten Kindergarten students are fully funded to support full-day kindergarten for all. 12

13 Weighted Funding Special Education English Learners (Els) (ZOOM Program) At-Risk (High Poverty) (Victory Program) Gifted and Talented (GATE) 13

14 Weighted Funding: Taskforce on K-12 Public Education Funding 2014-2015 Interim Recommendations Special Education: 1.0 weight English Learners (Els):.5 weight At-Risk (High Poverty):.5 weight Gifted and Talented (GATE): No recommendation 14

15 Weighted Funding: Plan NDE is required to develop a plan, as soon as practicable, to determine weights and apply to The Nevada Plan for the four populations. - The amount of the weights; and - The date the weights should be implemented or phased in. The date may not be later than FY 2021-2022. 15

16 Weighted Funding: Reports On or before October 1, 2016, the State Superintendent must submit a report to the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to the 2017 Legislature that includes: - Per pupil expenditures achieved via 2015 Legislative appropriations for the four populations; and - Any recommendations for legislation to address the unique needs of those students. 16

17 Special Education: Weights Special Education Unit Funding is Repealed. Enrollment must not exceed 13% of total student enrollment for a school district or charter school. The calculation for weighted funding for FY 2017 is funding for special education divided by enrollment. The achieved multiplier must be reported to the State Board, Interim Finance Committee, and the Governor. For FY 2017, it is anticipated that all school districts and State charter schools will be funded at a minimum of a.5 weight for special education. 17

18 Special Education: Contingency Fund $5 million in FY 2017 The Contingency Account for Special Education Services is created. The State Board is required to adopt regulations for the reimbursement program. 18

19 English Learners: Weights Zoom Schools – Components $50 million in each fiscal year of the 2015-2017 Biennium Nevada's Zoom Schools program was implemented during the 2013-2015 Biennium and is designed to meet the needs of English Learners. Services in Clark and Washoe School Districts include Pre-K, Reading Centers, and Summer/Intercession. Based upon the FY 2015 program implemented in Clark and Washoe School Districts, per pupil allocations are estimated at approximately $1,015 for the program, providing a weight of.18. Data for the remaining school districts is currently being compiled. 19

20 High Poverty Learners Victory Schools – Components $25 million in each fiscal year of the 2015-2017 Biennium Nevada's Victory Schools program is a new designed to meet student needs at the lowest performing schools within the highest poverty zip codes throughout Nevada. Based upon FY 2015 enrollment, per pupil allocations are estimated at approximately $1,137.45 for the program, providing a weight of.20. 20

21 Gifted and Talented Learners $5.2 million in each Fiscal Year SB 515 (Section 20) provides $5,174,243 in both Fiscal Year 2015- 2016 and Fiscal Year 2016-2017 for pupils enrolled in school districts and charter schools who qualify for gifted and talented education (GATE) programs. The money is distributed on a per pupil basis to students who have been identified as gifted and talented. For FY 2015, the student population was 12,436, which provides approximately $416 per pupil or a weight of.07. 21

22 Questions. 22

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