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Criterion B Information/ Measurement Abraham Brimo, Camila Diaz, Miguel Nuñez, Daina Garcia, Katelyn Lopez.

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Presentation on theme: "Criterion B Information/ Measurement Abraham Brimo, Camila Diaz, Miguel Nuñez, Daina Garcia, Katelyn Lopez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criterion B Information/ Measurement Abraham Brimo, Camila Diaz, Miguel Nuñez, Daina Garcia, Katelyn Lopez

2 How To Start Once you have decided on your topic and your direction, you will be moving on to the second criterion. In this section of your IA you will be collecting pieces of information and measurements to include. This will be extremely important for your project since it will be the source with which you use to achieve the end product or the conclusion to your experiment.

3 What Is Information? Can come in several forms such as… ❖ Decimal searches ❖ Temperatures ❖ Shoes sizes, heights, weights ❖ Gender, hair color, eye color, car color, etc. ❖ And just information such as your purpose for doing the processes you do

4 Two quick things.. 1. Identified the type of data required (in simpler terms What are you looking for?) Ex. #1- The correlation between height of NBA players and their shooting percentage 2.Identified data that is relevant and important to the task? Ex. #1- So you are looking for existing data from several NBA teams and their height as long with their shooting percentage. This data is relevant to what you are looking for and is important to continue with the process.

5 Ways to collect data There are many ways to collect data, it is just important to keep in mind how your data would be better collected. Ex. Surveys and questionnaires, counting, devising tests and/or measuring, conducting experiments, constructing diagrams or models, also you could get data from reliable sources on the internet. Like a program specifically for collecting data on a specific topic, statistical records, etc… Ex. #1- You would look at statistical records on the internet (since its impractical to go to at least five NBA teams and ask them their height and shooting points for a season)

6 How Much Is Needed? How much data is appropriate? This depends on what you are doing your IA on. Some topics will require more than others. You should have enough to provide substantial (qualitative and quantitative) results that allows for accuracy in your IA.

7 Be aware and overall honest. 1. Always make sure to elaborate and explain anything that you do. Just every single thing, be as detailed as possible. What you're doing, why you’re doing it, etc.. 2. Be aware of possible sources of error and associated problems with any part of your Criterion B section (or in the whole project really) and be sure to address it in full. 3. Address the reliability of your data collecting method and your resources.

8 Organizing Data Make sure to ask yourself: 1. Is my data relevant? 2. Is my data of sufficient quantity? 3. Is my data of sufficient quality? 4. Did I acquire my data from a reputable source? 5. Did I cite the source of my data (this is an example of the details) 6. Did I include all the raw data in the appendix (Information that is not essential to explain your findings, but that supports your analysis) 7. Did I organize the raw data appropriately? 8. (if necessary) Did I group my data well

9 What Not To Do The information/measurements gathered should not be: One-Dimensional Too sparse or simple Unable to be structured Unable to collect assumptions from the quantity or quality Example: Mass of Stars (Sol)

10 What To Do In order to receive a 3 in Achievement Level (max) Relevant information must be collected Organized appropriately for analysis Sufficient in quantity and quality Secondary sources must contain evidence of sampling (if appropriate) Sampling techniques must be described completely The information/measurements gathered should: Be more than one-dimension Have assumptions made based on the quantity or quality Contain depth and breadth

11 What To Do Example


13 Works Cited 0IA%20Guide.pdf

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