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CC2420DK Overview and The ZigBee device objects (ZDO) Real-Time Systems Lab Dea Don Jeon.

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Presentation on theme: "CC2420DK Overview and The ZigBee device objects (ZDO) Real-Time Systems Lab Dea Don Jeon."— Presentation transcript:

1 CC2420DK Overview and The ZigBee device objects (ZDO) Real-Time Systems Lab Dea Don Jeon

2 Context  CC2420DK  ZigBee example application plan  Profile Builder  Configurator  IEEE 802.15.4 Packet sniffer  Z-Network  Z-Trace  ZigBee Specification  ZDO

3 ZigBee example application plan Lower Layer Logical Node Type : PAN Coordinator Beeper GasSensor CompasSensor TempSensor GyroSensor EP=1, ClusterID=1 EP=2, ClusterID=2 EP=3, ClusterID=3 EP=4, ClusterID=4 EP=5, ClusterID=5 ZDO EP=0 Profile ID : 7 Zigbee Stack

4 Profile Builder

5 Configurator (Cont)  User Devices Files OSAL_SEN.c : adds all the tasks to the task list SEN.c : User Applications SEN.h : Profile ID, Cluster ID and EndPoint are Defined  Build Project  Project files of Programmers Notepad (Editor)

6 Programmers Notepad ( Editor )

7 Configurator  Devices

8 Configurator (Cont)  Device Settings

9 Configurator (Cont)  Device Settings Files NLMEDE.h : PHY Channel, Beacon order, related network layer management entity and etc. nwk_globals.h : NIB(Network layer information base) ex) Network topology, Maximum logical node ZDApp.c : ZigBee Device Application ZDApp.h : PAN_ID, Node status and etc  Build Project

10 IEEE 802.15.4 Packet sniffer

11 Z-Network  Z-Network is an application that displays the hierarchical topology of a ZigBee network

12 Z-Trace  Development application which can be used to communicate with a ZigBee target device development system.(RS-232)

13 ZDO ( ZigBee device objects )  is an application which employs Network and application support layer primitives to implement End Devices, Routers and Coordinators in Release 0.75 of the ZigBee protocol.

14 ZDO functions  Initializing the APS, NWK, SSP and any other ZigBee device layer  Assembling configuration information from following functions  Device and Service Discovery  Security Manager  Network Manager  Binding Manager  Node Manager

15 Device and Service Discovery

16 Match_Desc_req example code void ZDApp_AutoFindDestination( byte endPoint) { byte ep = 0; zAddrType_t dstAddr; SimpleDescriptionFormat_t *sDesc; ep = endPoint; if ( ep == ZDO_EP ) return; // Can't do for ZDO SetLed( LED4, LED_OFF ); ZDApp_AutoFindMode_epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( ep ); if ( ZDApp_AutoFindMode_epDesc ) { sDesc = ZDApp_AutoFindMode_epDesc->simpleDesc; // This message is sent to everyone dstAddr.addrMode = AddrBroadcast; dstAddr.addr.shortAddr = sDesc->AppProfId; ZDP_MatchDescReq( &dstAddr, NWK_BROADCAST_SHORTADDR, sDesc->AppProfId, sDesc->AppNumOutClusters, sDesc->pAppOutClusterList, sDesc->AppNumInClusters, sDesc->pAppInClusterList, 0 ); if ( keys & EVAL_SW4 ) { // Initiate a Match Description Request (Service Discovery) // for the mandatory endpoint ZDApp_AutoFindDestination( DLC03395_epDescMandatory.endPoint ); } DLC03395_App.c ZDApp.c

17 Match_Desc_req example code (Cont) buf = osal_mem_alloc( bufLen ); if ( buf ) { // Fill in the buffer pBuf = buf; *pBuf++ = LO_UINT16( nwkAddr ); // NWKAddrOfInterest *pBuf++ = HI_UINT16( nwkAddr ); *pBuf++ = LO_UINT16( ProfileID ); // Profile ID *pBuf++ = HI_UINT16( ProfileID ); *pBuf++ = NumInClusters; // Input cluster list if ( NumInClusters ) { pBuf = osal_memcpy( pBuf, InClusterList, NumInClusters ); } *pBuf++ = NumOutClusters; // Output cluster list if ( NumOutClusters ) osal_memcpy( pBuf, OutClusterList, NumOutClusters ); // Send the message stat = ZDP_FillAndSend( &afdstAddr, Match_Desc_req, bufLen, buf, AF_TX_OPTIONS_NONE ); // Free the memory osal_mem_free( buf ); } else stat = afStatus_MEM_FAIL; return stat; } #endif // ZDO_MATCH_REQUEST afStatus_t ZDP_MatchDescReq( zAddrType_t *dstAddr, uint16 nwkAddr, uint16 ProfileID, byte NumInClusters, byte *InClusterList, byte NumOutClusters, byte *OutClusterList, byte SecurityEnable ) { byte *buf; byte *pBuf; byte bufLen; afStatus_t stat; afAddrType_t afdstAddr; ZDP_ConvertToAFAddr( &afdstAddr, dstAddr ); // Calculate bufer length needed bufLen = 2 + 2 + 1 + 1; // nwkAddr + ProfileID + NumInClusters + NumOutClusters bufLen += (NumInClusters + NumOutClusters); // Allocate the buffer ZDProfile.c

18 Match_Desc_req example code (Cont) afStatus_t ZDP_FillAndSend( afAddrType_t *dstAddr, byte clusterID, byte DataLength, byte *Data, byte txOptions ) { byte discoverRoute; if ( (dstAddr->addrMode == AddrBroadcast) || ((dstAddr->addrMode == Addr16Bit) && (dstAddr->addr.shortAddr == 0xFFFF)) ) { discoverRoute = true; } else discoverRoute = false; return ( afFillAndSendMessage( dstAddr, // DestAddr ZDP_AF_ENDPOINT, // Endpoint clusterID, // ClusterId 1, // TransCount FRAMETYPE_MSG, // FrameType &ZDP_transID, // TransSeqNumber NULL, // CommandType NULL, // AttribDataType NULL, // AttribId NULL, // ErrorCode DataLength, // DataLength Data, // Data txOptions, discoverRoute, AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS ) ); } ZDProfile.c

19 Match_Desc_req example code (Cont) afStatus_t afAddOrSendMessage( afAddrType_t *dstAddr, byte srcEndPoint, byte clusterID, afAddOrSend_t AddOrSend, byte FrameType, byte *TransSeqNumber, byte CommandType, byte AttribDataType, uint16 AttribId, byte ErrorCode, byte DataLength, byte *Data, byte txOptions, byte DiscoverRoute, byte RadiusCounter ) { …………………………….. afMultiHdr->frameType = FrameType; afMultiHdr->msgLen = 1; // Seed the size for the tranType/Count afMultiHdr->clusterID = clusterID; afMultiHdr->txOptions = txOptions; afMultiHdr->discoverRoute = DiscoverRoute; afMultiHdr->radiusCounter = RadiusCounter; /* Setup the destination address */ afMultiHdr->dstAddr.addrMode = (byte)dstAddr->addrMode; …………………………….. /* Increase CurrentTransCount */ afMultiHdr->transCount++; if (AddOrSend == SEND_MESSAGE) stat = afSendMulti(); return stat; } AF.c

20 Match_Desc_req example code (Cont) afStatus_t afSendMulti( void ) { ………………….. if ( afMultiHdr != NULL ) { // Find the single endpoint description epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( afMultiHdr->srcEP ); if ( epDesc && (afMultiHdr->transCount > 0) ) { // Update the message trans type and count afMultiHdr->msg[0] = BUILD_UINT8( afMultiHdr->frameType, afMultiHdr->transCount ); ……………….. /* Send the packet */ if ( APSDE_DataRequest( &afMultiHdr->dstAddr, afMultiHdr->dstEP, profileID, afMultiHdr->clusterID, afMultiHdr->srcEP, (uint16)(afMultiHdr->msgLen), afMultiHdr->msg, afMultiHdr->txOptions, afMultiHdr->discoverRoute, afMultiHdr->radiusCounter ) == ZSuccess ) { stat = afStatus_SUCCESS; } ………………….. } afMultiHdr_t *afMultiHdr = (afMultiHdr_t*)NULL; // Global variables -- AF.c

21 Security Manager

22 Network Manager

23 Binding Manager

24 Node Manager

25 Q&A

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