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Last week, Trevor told some stories Two sons – will you work for me?  Two replies  Say no – but go.  Say yes – but do nothing.

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Presentation on theme: "Last week, Trevor told some stories Two sons – will you work for me?  Two replies  Say no – but go.  Say yes – but do nothing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Last week, Trevor told some stories Two sons – will you work for me?  Two replies  Say no – but go.  Say yes – but do nothing

2 Last week, Trevor told some stories Four friends  Concern for their crippled friend  Took him to Christ What Jesus thinks  A willingness to act, reach out  Not just what I say, but what I do

3 Evangelism 1. What stops us?  Fear  Shame  Multicultural Society  Who can I talk to?

4 Evangelism 1. What stops us?  The world is so different, not Christian  Keep away from it, Separation  But Jesus said “Go into all the world”  Do we live in a Christian ghetto? “Foray evangelism”

5 Evangelism 1. What stops us?  Uncomfortable with some old methods  Open air.  Door-to-door  Making an appeal  Crusades.  Busyness  Blindness  Compassion fatigue

6 Evangelism 2. How to do it  Magazine Article “Everyday evangelism”  What does evangelism look like in churches in the UK today?  “Mission is interactive, in partnership with the God who calls, equips, and sends us - responsive to different needs, and contexts, and should not be merely focused on proclamation”

7 Evangelism 2. How to do it Evangelism is the communication of the gospel  It should be about...  The way we ARE  The things we DO  The things we SAY  All three together

8 Evangelism 2. How to do it Each one on its own is not enough  Being alone -- too passive  Doing alone -- too ambiguous  Speaking alone -- too narrow  Whole person holistic ministry, not just souls  Evangelism is not the exception, the “special event” but the everyday rule.

9 Evangelism 2. How to do it Some examples of what Churches are doing today a) Welcoming the stranger  Immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. b) Debt counselling  CMA and Christians Against Poverty (CAP) “When I see people get free they change physically. They stand taller, and their shoulders are not hunched. People coming back at the Anniversary celebrations of our debt centre. “

10 Evangelism 2. How to do it c) Alpha Course “ it works really well.” d) Being welcoming and responsive ”No physical resources, but we could pray “ Welcoming - Mothers & babies, uniformed organisations Responsive - to felt needs.  “All we have done is prayed, and God has done the rest. 80% of the congregation is new.”

11 Evangelism 2. How to do it e) Senior citizens.  National scheme comes in to help churches set up programmes f) Pioneering in the mission field - Britain!  Go to places where there is no church  Church planting - incarnational ministry

12 Evangelism 2. How to do it f) Pioneering in the mission field - Britain !  Start by  Listening   Loving service   Community growth   Church emerges and grows

13 Evangelism 2. How to do it g) Hanging around Being available, showing you care Could our church do any of these? 94% of people in UK are not part of any church 96% of UK children only hear about Jesus in school

14 Evangelism 3. What next?  We are all his body  We are all different, different gifts. What is your gift?  What part of your gift could be used by the church to reach out?  Ask God,  As a church what do you want us to do?  How should we reach out to Rhyl?

15 Evangelism 3. What next? Evangelism program  When?  Christmas, Easter  Calendar evangelism  Special events  Reach out  Special events evangelism  Every day outreach  What does Rhyl need all the time?  Service evangelism  We should be Jesus in our town

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