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Bell work #42 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Nothing.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell work #42 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Nothing."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bell work #42 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Nothing

3 Agenda/Announcements Go over FRQ Child Development Chart HW/ Coming up: Child Development Chart due tomorrow! Read pg. 337-366 by tomorrow! Study Guide/Flashcards for this unit due Friday, October 30 th ! Keep up with your flashcards (do about 3-4 a day) Human Development Test- next Friday, October 30 th ! Goal(s): Be able to assess what you need to improve on while writing FRQs. Be able to brainstorm cognitive, physical, emotional, moral and social development changes that happen as children are growing up. Candy Friday! Will your class qualify? Teacher Assistants for this Week on the Board Test Makeups/Corrections- before and after school (except after school on Friday) this week.

4 If you weren't here for the test, please step out.

5 Going over your test FRQs For any of the question parts that you didn't receive the point (every N that you received), look at the rubric and write in, using the abbreviations, why you don’t think you scored.

6 Child Development Chart Part 1- In this chart’s first blank column (that is all that you are filling out for now), brainstorm (tell me what you know; not using the book or your phone for this) the different cognitive, physical, emotional, moral, and social milestones that a child goes through. Do this with your bell work partner. Each of you has to write down what you come up with on your own chart, so be sure you each have one.

7 Child Development Chart This chart is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Part 2- Now, place the name of each stage AND a simple explanation of it (using your words) of the following theories of development into the appropriately placed age group. Do this by using chapter 9, the following pages to be exact: Erikson- pg. 364 (look at the chart) AND pg. 411 for adolescence (look at the chart) Piaget- pg. 369-372 Kohlberg- pg. 390- look at the chart- you will have to estimate which stage will go into which age group If you get done earlier than everyone else, work on your flashcards and/or the study guide for this unit.

8 Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! 1.Out of all of the milestones you came up with, which do you think is the most important? Explain why. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

9 Bell work #43 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Nothing

10 Agenda/Announcements Stage Theories Project S.S. Lab HW/ Coming up: Read pg. 368-381 by Friday! - Quiz on Friday! Stage Theories Project due Thursday of next week! Study Guide/Flashcards for this unit due Friday, October 30th! Keep up with your flashcards (do about 3-4 a day) Human Development Test- next Friday, October 30th! Goal(s): Be able to start exploring each of the three main human development stages.

11 STAGE THEORIES PROJECT Due Thursday of next week (the day before the test)! Be sure to read the instructions fully prior to working on this. Take on this role of a teacher and be sure to explain everything as well as you can in the easiest terms possible. You want to understand each of the three main stage theories well.

12 Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! Do you agree with Piaget’s stages? Why or why not? Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

13 Bell work #44 Start on the bell work when we get to the computer lab. For now, just sit tight until I go over the agenda/announcements with you. Pass up: Nothing

14 Agenda/Announcements Stage Theories Project S.S. Lab HW/ Coming up: Read pg. 368-381 by Friday! - Quiz on Friday! Stage Theories Project due Thursday of next week! Study Guide/Flashcards for this unit due Friday, October 30th! Keep up with your flashcards (do about 3-4 a day) Human Development Test- next Friday, October 30th! Goal(s): Be able to explore each of the three main human development stages.

15 STAGE THEORIES PROJECT Due Thursday of next week (the day before the test)! Be sure to read the instructions fully prior to working on this. Take on this role of a teacher and be sure to explain everything as well as you can in the easiest terms possible. You want to understand each of the three main stage theories well. If you get done earlier than everyone else, work on your flashcards and/or the study guide for this unit.

16 Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! Do you agree with Erikson’s stages? Why or why not? Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

17 Bell work #45 Start on the bell work when we get to the computer lab. For now, just sit tight until I go over the agenda/announcements with you. Pass up: Nothing

18 Agenda/Announcements Stage Theories Project LRC Lab HW/ Coming up: Read pg. 368-381 by tomorrow! - Quiz tomorrow! Stage Theories Project due Thursday of next week! Study Guide/Flashcards for this unit due Friday, October 30th! Keep up with your flashcards (do about 3-4 a day) Human Development Test- next Friday, October 30th! Goal(s): Be able to explore each of the three main human development stages. Last day to come in after school and then tomorrow before school to do test corrections/test makeups. Handing work out as you work on the project

19 STAGE THEORIES PROJECT Due Thursday of next week (the day before the test)! Be sure to read the instructions fully prior to working on this. Take on this role of a teacher and be sure to explain everything as well as you can in the easiest terms possible. You want to understand each of the three main stage theories well. If you get done earlier than everyone else, work on your flashcards and/or the study guide for this unit.

20 Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! Do you agree with Kohlberg’s levels? Why or why not? Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

21 Bell work #46 Place raffle tickets into the box! We will share the last few days’ worth of bell work. Pass up: Bell Works

22 Human Development Quiz Get into your usual groups. Be sure to enter your answers on the scantron; you can choose an answer different from the rest of your group if you feel it fits better. You can use any resource besides your textbook or your phone/iPad/laptop/you get the idea. Place the scantrons and the quiz on the side counter once done. Wait until everyone finishes to go back to your regular seats.

23 Agenda/Announcements Chapter 9 Quiz Development Graphic Organizer Longitudinal/Cross Sectional Studies Twin Studies HW/ Coming up: Read pages 384-421 by Tuesday! Stage Theories Project due Thursday of next week! Development Graphic Organizer (for extra credit)/ Study Guide/Flashcards for this unit due Friday, October 30th! Keep up with your flashcards (do about 3-4 a day) Human Development Test- Friday, October 30th! Goal(s): Be able to answer questions based on information you have written down as you read the textbook. Be able to explain the similarities and differences between longitudinal and cross sectional studies. Be able to explain nature vs. nurture (aka maturation vs. learning by experiences) as well as the results of a famous twin study. Candy Friday! Does your class qualify?

24 Go back to your regular seats, please.

25 Bouchard’s Research on Identical Twins Reading and Questions Answer the questions provided on the left hand side of the reading. Do so on a separate piece (maybe half piece; share with a partner) of paper with your name on it. Write BOTH THE QUESTION AND THE ANSWER on this sheet. Hold on to this until everyone finishes.

26 Bouchard’s Research on Identical Twins Reading and Questions Let’s go over this!

27 Bouchard’s Research on Identical Twins Reading and Questions Pass up BOTH the answers and the reading

28 Main question to answer through twin studies: Nature vs. nurture Aka- Maturation vs. learning through experiences

29 Longitudinal Studies Longitudinal Studies- data is gathered for the same subjects repeatedly over a LONG period of time can extend over years or even decades longitudinal cohort study- the same individuals are observed over the study period

30 Cross Sectional Studies Cross Sectional Studies- aka- cross-sectional analysis, transversal study, prevalence study study that involves the analysis of data collected from a sample of different groups of people at one specific point in time think ACROSS different SECTIONS of the population

31 Cohort effect- effect of being born at about the same time, exposed to the same events in society, and influenced by the same demographic trends and thus, having similar experiences that make the group unique from other groups. most likely to be a problem during a cross- sectional study as it is difficult to separate effects of developmental changes from cohort effects when examining age effects across a wide range of ages Ex. use of computer at different ages

32 Milestone an important even in a child’s development

33 Maturation Genetics play a part in how your body develops to allow you to grow physically

34 Maturation Cephalocaudal Maturation The body develops from its top to bottom Refers to the pattern of changing spatial proportions over time during growth Example the gradual change in head size relative to body size during human growth

35 Maturation Proximodistal Maturation The body develops from its center to the outer parts Example the spinal cord develops before outer parts of the body the child’s arms develop before the hands and the hands and feet develop before the fingers and toes

36 Was Bouchard’s study longitudinal or a cross sectional study?

37 Twin Studies After reading in your textbook about twin studies, answer the following questions: How are twin studies and adoptee studies used to learn about the influences of nature and nurture?

38 Development Graphic Organizer Best time to retain information from studying- study before you take a nap/ before you go to sleep Extra credit! As always, circle any of the terms/concepts you are not greatly familiar with. Then, define them either someplace on the graphic organizer or on another sheet that will be attached to it.

39 RAFFLE PRIZE! Let’s draw!

40 Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! What tends to be genetically passed on from parents to twins? Explain. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

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