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Balloting Preparation Overview Link 11 A/B PDG - Link 11 A/B Network Simulation Standard.

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Presentation on theme: "Balloting Preparation Overview Link 11 A/B PDG - Link 11 A/B Network Simulation Standard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balloting Preparation Overview Link 11 A/B PDG - Link 11 A/B Network Simulation Standard

2 Development Process & Roles Product Balloting Product Approval NOTE: Product balloting and approval typically takes 4 months or more. They key to success is plan/schedule the effort and work the plan.

3 Step 2: Complete Product Development Approval to Enter Ballot: PDG Review & Comment Resolution Draft & Verify Product Editorial Checklist Confirm Balloting Package Submit Balloting Package for SAC/EXCOM Review Submit Balloting Package for SAC/EXCOM Review

4 PDG Review & Comment Resolution At various times during development, draft products are provided to the PDG membership for review and comment. PDG members make comments about the product, the comments should fall into one of the following categories: – General comments are those that concern the overall organization of the document or fundamental concepts identified in the document. – Editorial comments are those that deal with typographical errors, grammatical errors, and formatting. – Technical comments are those that specify changes in content that will affect the interpretation, scope, technical use, or how specific clauses in the document are covered. All comments shall be resolved before proceeding. Comments may be resolved by creating PCRs for future efforts/versions. PDG should exercise caution in declining comments. Such comments generally indicate a lack of documentation or a need for clarification to ensure the same issues don’t arise within the Ballot Group. NOTE: This step is useful as a rehearsal for the actual ballot. It also informs the BG and reduces the complexity of comments during the actual ballot.

5 Draft & Verify Product Editorial Checklist Draft number (per Product Numbering Procedures) and date on every page. Copyright statements included with the current year cited in the copyright statements. Reference clauses for each reference mentioned in text. Current references. Exclusion of nonstandard references. Permission releases for text or figures from other copyrighted sources. Correct verbs used in the Product (i.e., shall, should, etc). Trademark or patent issues addressed properly. Ensure SI units (International Standard of Units) used consistently (for compatibility with IEEE and ISO; non-SI units require SAC approval). No mention of specific companies. An introduction is included with the PDG roster.

6 Confirm Balloting Package The circulation package should consist of the: Product being balloted (ref check list) PDG Review Comments & Resolutions Product Nomination Instructions for completing the ballot Additional documentation determined pertinent by the PDG – Meeting Minutes – Drafting Minutes & other documentation on DG actions/process

7 Step 3: Product Balloting Balloting Steps SAC PDG BRG DG TAD Submit draft product to SAC for 'Approval to Ballot' XX Send initial balloting announcement XX Establish balloting group XX Send second balloting announcement XX Prepare product and balloting package XX Conduct ballot X Determine ballot results X Resolve ballot group member comments XXX Conduct re-circulation ballot (if required) X Close balloting process XX Announce ballot results XX

8 Submit draft product to SAC for 'Approval to Ballot‘ (1 month) The PDG submits the draft product & balloting package through their TAD to the SAC for review. The SAC will review the product for completeness and the PDG’s drafting process for evidence of product maturity Balloting Package: – Draft Product – Meeting minutes – Comment resolution artifacts – Relevant supporting material for major technical revisions to support the SAC’s review. The SAC can accept the product for balloting or send it back for more work. – Note the SAC meetings twice monthly; this step takes one month or more. – During this step, begin working on the next steps to keep on schedule. PDG shall prepare & submit to the SAC a categorization of organization to be used for balancing a ballot group and the plan for ballot resolution, including the make-up of the Ballot Review Group (BRG) if one is being used.

9 Forming the Ballot Group The three steps to creating a Ballot group are: 1) Ballot Announcement (1 month) 2) Form the Ballot Group 3) Balance the Ballot Group

10 Form the Ballot Group

11 Ballot Announcement (1 month) The ballot announcement shall include: A description of the product A description of ballot group responsibilities, and deadlines The announcement serves as an invitation interested individuals join the product’s ballot group. The invitation to join the ballot group is open for a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 45 days.

12 Form the Ballot Group Individuals joining the ballot group must be current SISO members and shall provide the following required information when responding to the Ballot Announcement: SISO Member Number Name Organization (as defined in the announcement) Postal Address Email Address Phone Number Representation: (select one) – Commercial – Government – Academic Interest: (select one) – User – Developer – General Interest

13 Balance the Ballot Group The ballot group shall be balanced using three different criteria— representation, organization and interest. The three criteria areas are described below: Representation: three categories exist for representation: commercial, government, and academic. No representation category shall exceed 75% of the ballot group and each category shall be a minimum of 10% of the ballot group. Organization: No organization shall exceed 25% of a representation category. – Pay particular attention to this one. Academia is generally a challenge. Interest: three categories exist for interest: user, developer, and general interest. No interest category shall exceed 50% of the ballot group. NOTE: In order to achieve balance, the BG members can change their criteria in many cases; such as academia to government.

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