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Literature Mika Waltari Johannes Linnankoski Music Jean Sibelius (1865-1957)

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2 Literature Mika Waltari Johannes Linnankoski

3 Music Jean Sibelius (1865-1957)

4  Artworks of Jean Sibelius Symphonies:  Symphony № 1-7 Symfonias poems:  «Saga» (1892)  «Wood nymph» (1894)  «Finland» (1899)  «Daughter of Pohjola» (1906)  «Night jump to the sunrise» (1907)  «Driad» (1910)  «Bard» (1914)  «Oceanides» (1914)

5 Lordi Apocalyptica

6 Chart

7 Henry Theel Ida Emilia Aalberg Film Ville Haapasalo

8  Museum «Karelian house», Imatra  The oldest and picturesque buildings were chosen for the museum «Karelian house». The museum is organized in such a way that gives the impression of the village. Architecture and sculpture

9  Museum Seurassari, Helsinki

10  OLAVINLINNA Olavinlinna is a fortress which is located on an island in the bay of the Saimaa Lake in the northeast Finland in the province of Savo. The medieval fortress is an active participant of Russian-Swedish wars of the XV to XVIII сenturies.

11  HÄME CASTLE Häme Castle was founded approximately in 1300. It is located in Hämeenlinna, on the bank of the river Vanaya in the historic area of Tavasti.

12 Aaltonen Wäinö Valdemar (1894 –1966)

13 Art and museums


15  National Museum of Finland, Helsinki History of Finland is presented in a historical buildings in the style of national romanticism since the Stone Age to the present day. The autors is most famous trio of Finnish architects are G. Gezellius, A. Lindgren and E. Saarinen. The National Museum of Finland is located on the Mannerheim avenue, 34 (Mannerheimintie)

16  Museum Eureka, Vantaa Popular-science center "Eureka" is a unique exhibition complex cognitive rides, where you can see the latest achievements of science and technology. You can look at and touch the exhibits in the museum.

17  Tank Museum, Parala The Museum of tanks in Parala or the museum of armored vehicles, shows the history of tank units in Finland. About 20 tanks and armored trains are located on a hill outside. Exhibits present more than 50 tanks, several antitank weapons, documents and photographs.

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