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世 界 名 畵 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille (2) French Realism painter ( 1796-1875 ) Bach – Violin Sonate Nr. 3 C-dur, BWV 1005, iii. Largo 1.

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Presentation on theme: "世 界 名 畵 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille (2) French Realism painter ( 1796-1875 ) Bach – Violin Sonate Nr. 3 C-dur, BWV 1005, iii. Largo 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 世 界 名 畵 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille (2) French Realism painter ( 1796-1875 ) Bach – Violin Sonate Nr. 3 C-dur, BWV 1005, iii. Largo 1

3 Corot In a Park, 47x48cm (Musee du Louvre) -1874 2

4 Corot In the Woods at Ville d'Avray 3

5 Corot Interior of Sens Cathedral (Musee du Louvre) -1874 4

6 Corot Interrupted Reading (The Art Institute of Chicago) -1870 5

7 Corot - Italian Girl - 1872 6

8 Corot - Italian Peasant Boy - 1825 7

9 Corot Italian Woman, aka Jewish Algerian Woman - 1870 8

10 Corot La Cervara, The Roman Campagna (Cleveland Museum) -1830 9

11 Corot La Toilette, aka Landscape with Figures -1859 10

12 Corot La Buissiere, Near Bethune, pas de Calais, Lane Bordered by Willows,27x35cm-1874 11

13 Corot Lady In Blue, 80x50cm (Musee du Louvre) -1874 12

14 Corot Landscape At Arleux (National Gallery, London - 1871 13

15 Corot Landscape With A Boy (Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg)-1855 14

16 Corot Landscape With A Lake (Hermitage Museum, Russia) -1870s 15

17 Corot – Landscape (Harvard University) 16

18 Corot - Landscape, 32x21cm 17

19 Corot Lormes, Shepherdess Sitting under Trees beside a Stream (Cleveland Museum of Art) 1842 18

20 Corot Madame Stumpf and Daughter - 1872 19

21 Corot Marino, Large Buildings on the Rocks, 24x36cm -1826 20

22 Corot Marissal, Path to The Front of the Church -1866 21

23 Corot Mill at St. Nicolas les Arras, 65x81cm (Musee d'Orsay, Paris)-1874 22

24 Corot Misty Morning (Minneapolis Institute of Art) -1865 23

25 Corot Mlle. Leotine Desavary Holding a Turtledove, 59x38cm -1872 24

26 Corot Monk with a Cello (Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany) -1874 25

27 Corot - Mont Soracte -1826 26

28 Corot Mornig (Hermitage Museum, Russia) -1850s 27

29 Corot Morning at Beauvais, 36x42cm(Museum of Fine Art, Boston)-1860 28

30 Corot Morning, Woman Hearding Cows (Musee d'Orsay)-1860 29

31 Corot MORNING (National Gallery, London) -1853 30

32 Corot - Mother and Child - 1860s 31

33 Corot Nemi, The Lake's Edge (Philadelphia Museum of art) -1843 32

34 Corot – Odalisque - 1871 33

35 Corot Old Beech Tree (Museum of Fine Art, Boston)-1828 34

36 Corot Old Man Seated On A Trunk (Museum of Fine Art, Boston)-1875 35

37 Corot Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld (Museum of Fine Art, Houston)-1861 36

38 Corot - Path In The Forest 37

39 Corot Peasants under the Trees at Dawn, Morvan, 28x40cm (National Gallery London)-1840 38

40 Corot - Pensive Young Woman -1865 39

41 Corot - Ponds In Ville de'Avray 40

42 Corot Portrait Of A Man (Museum of Fine Art, Boston) 41

43 Corot Promenade in the Parc des Lions at Port-Marly, 78x65cm (Museo Thyssen Bornemisza, Madrid) - 1872 42

44 Corot - Ravine In Morvan, Lormes -1840 43

45 Corot Rocks In Amalfi (Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg)-1828 44

46 Corot Rocks In The Forest of Fontainebleau -1860 45

47 Corot – Print, Dreamer - 1854 46

48 Corot – Print, Italian Landscape - 1865 47

49 Corot l‘Etang (Hermitage Museum, Russia)-1862 48

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