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Laboratory Safety Rules

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1 Laboratory Safety Rules
OR: How to get out of this class alive.

2 Always read all directions before beginning an experiment
Always read all directions before beginning an experiment. Follow all directions. Act responsibly in lab. No goofing off or playing in the lab. Clean up all spills immediately and report spills to the teacher. If you spill a chemical on yourself, immediately wash it off with water.

3 Don’t eat drink, or chew gum in lab (not even water).
Do not taste anything in the lab. All pictures from:

4 Lab tables should be kept clean
Lab tables should be kept clean. Only pens, pencils and lab papers should be on the lab desk. Notebooks, backpacks, and all other belongings belong by your seat.

5 If the lab requires goggles and aprons, keep them on at all times, until ALL lab materials are cleaned up.

6 Do not touch your eyes, nose, face, or body while using chemicals.
Always wash your hands after lab.

7 If the teacher says a chemical is safe to smell, gently fan the chemical towards your face. Don’t “sniff” the chemicals.

8 Never aim chemicals toward your face or anyone else’s.

9 Always tie hair back during a lab
Always tie hair back during a lab. Do not wear overly baggy clothing on lab days.

10 Do not touch any lab equipment unless you are told to do so.
Don’t do experiments unless told to do so. (Don’t make up your own experiment.) Don’t touch other classes’ materials and experiments.

11 Always carry a microscope using both hands: one hand under the base, one hand on the neck.

12 Clean up Clean all lab instruments and put them away in their proper place. Clean your work area. Wash your hands after lab. Do not throw broken glass into the garbage can, it must be placed in the sharps box. (Do not throw garbage in the sharps box.)

13 Dispose of all chemicals properly
Dispose of all chemicals properly. Only water and solutions the teacher tells you may be poured down the sink. NO DIRT OR OTHER GARBAGE IN THE SINK.

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