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Petra Great Temple Nabataean through Byzantine Brown University 1995-2004.

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2 Petra Great Temple Nabataean through Byzantine Brown University 1995-2004

3 Nabataean diet Changes reflecting sociopolitical climate Local environment Religion, status, identity Aims of Research

4 1/3 of assemblage c. 8700 specimens 2157 identified to species & element From Petra Great Temple

5 Temple (7%) Upper Temenos (62%) Lower Temenos (25%) Propylaeum (6%) Petra Great Temple

6 Cultural PeriodApproximate Dates % of Identified Assemblage Nabataean (Hellenistic) 312 BCE – CE 1063% Late Nabataean / Roman Takeover 106 CE9% RomanCE 106 – CE 32510% ByzantineCE 325 – CE 55178%


8 10% “Other”

9 -Predominance of goats in Nabataean -Sheep for wool / milk after Nabataean Sheep & Goat Exploitation -Provisioning during Roman; local herds during Byzantine - Whole animals in all but Roman Takeover

10 -All meat-bearing bones -Market system (butchery elsewhere?) Chicken Exploitation Non-meat : meaty NISP Sheep / Goat2 : 11095 Pig2 : 1269 Chicken1 : 13125 Cattle13 : 129 Camel4 : 191 Donkey8 : 156 Dog1 : 127 Gazelle2 : 133

11 -Huge increase during Roman Takeover -Provisioning? Chicken Exploitation

12 -Huge increase during Roman Takeover -Preponderance of young (provisioning) -All body parts (on-site butchery) Pig Exploitation -High occurrence= micro- environment suitable to pig keeping

13 -Camel, donkey, few horse -Especially important in Nabataean -Evidence for carcass use, perhaps for meat but also other products -Camel feasting? Beasts of Burden

14 Other Taxa


16 Temple (7%) Upper Temenos (62%) Lower Temenos (25%) Propylaeum (6%) Petra Great Temple

17 Propylaeum -6% of assemblage Special deposit: -Nabataean period -80% burned -90% sheep/goat -Meaty parts Offerings?

18 Khirbet et-Tannur 90%+ burning in Inner Temenos Enclosure and Altar Platform N

19 Khirbet et-Tannur Cattle in only one context Limbs and skull fragments Young From Deities and Dolphins (1939)

20 Nabataean Period Fauna 3.5 goat : 1 sheep

21 Roman Period Fauna 1 goat : 2 sheep

22 Future Directions -Process of Romanization -Pace and nature of change -Function of the temple over time -Larger samples -Comparison with other materials & assemblages


24 Contextual relationships Photos Site plans Field notes Drawings Specialist databases

25 Thanks to: Martha Joukowsky, Brown University Richard Meadow, Zooarchaeology Laboratory, Harvard University Jordanian Department of Antiquities Judith McKenzie, Oxford University Priscilla Lange, Oxford University Michael MacKinnon, Justin Lev-Tov, and Jacqueline Studer for comments

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