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MS I Multimedia Storage Management Sunil Prabhakar Assistant Professor Department of Computer Sciences Purdue University.

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Presentation on theme: "MS I Multimedia Storage Management Sunil Prabhakar Assistant Professor Department of Computer Sciences Purdue University."— Presentation transcript:

1 MS I Multimedia Storage Management Sunil Prabhakar Assistant Professor Department of Computer Sciences Purdue University

2 MS I 2 Researchers n W. Aref (CS) n A. Elmagarmid (CS) n A. Ghafoor (ECE) n R. L. Kashyap (ECE) n M. Khan (ECE) n S. Prabhakar (CS)

3 MS I 3 On-Going Research Projects for Multimedia Storage Management n Efficient image storage Disk placement schemesDisk placement schemes n Tertiary storage management I/O scheduling and reliability for robotic librariesI/O scheduling and reliability for robotic libraries n Multimedia document management Document placement techniquesDocument placement techniques I/O managementI/O management Goal: improved performance

4 MS I 4 Image Placement for Multiresolution Browsing Images decomposed into multiple resolutions using wavelets

5 MS I 5 Image Placement on Disks n Content-based retrieval using browsing graphs or quantitative measures n Multidimensional data declustering for similarity queries n Designed and evaluated (through simulation and implementation) several efficient disk placement schemes

6 MS I 6 Tertiary Storage Management n Scheduling and reliability for tertiary storage are critical issues. These issues arise due to high latency and rapid tape wear-out n Most scheduling work has focussed on single medium scheduling n Work on reliability has been limited to mirroring or RAIT

7 MS I 7 Research Results for Tertiary Storage Management n Scheduling Developed scheduling algorithmsDeveloped scheduling algorithms –Optimal for single drive libraries –Near-optimal for multiple drive libraries Significant improvement over FCFSSignificant improvement over FCFS n Tape reliability Tape Group Parity ProtectionTape Group Parity Protection –Lower storage overhead than mirroring –Better performance than RAIT

8 MS I 8 Challenges for Multimedia Document Placement n Mixed media storage (audio, video, text, images) n Mixed media data placement techniques Statistical techniques using access patternsStatistical techniques using access patterns Document striping across multiple disksDocument striping across multiple disks n Document clustering and allocation techniques for parallel disk arrays and clusters of networked servers

9 MS I 9 Multimedia Browsing Graph Rumen Reticulum Digestive System Esophagus Stomach Omasum Abomasum Protozoa Salivary Glands Small Intestine Large Intestine Image Audio Video Text Audio Image Text

10 MS I 10 I/O Management Issues n I/O channels between various levels of the storage hierarchy are limited resources n To ensure QoS at run-time intelligent I/O channel allocation schemes are needed. n Document profiles can be utilized for dynamic I/O channel allocation

11 MS I 11 Document Bandwidth Profile Time Bandwidth Digestive System Esophagus Stomach Omasum Abomasum Protozoa Salivary Glands Small Intestine Large Intestine Rumen Reticulum Exit MICROBIAL FERMENTATION: Microbial fermentation is an anaerobic process Microbes live in a symbiotic existence with the host (e.g. Cow) Microbes do not have complete TCA cycle, volatile fatty acids (VFA) are byproducts of their anaerobic Multimedia Browsing Graph

12 MS I 12 Related Work n Image storage Chabot (UC Berkeley)Chabot (UC Berkeley) QBIC (IBM)QBIC (IBM) n Multimedia storage Fellini (Lucent)Fellini (Lucent) Mitra (USC)Mitra (USC) IBM (Phillip Yu et al)IBM (Phillip Yu et al) NASDNASD Streaming RAID (Tobagi et al)Streaming RAID (Tobagi et al)

13 MS I 13 Planned Multi-Level Storage Architecture Environments RAID Cluster Parallel Disk Array Architecture Clustered Server Architecture Multimedia Document Profiles & Traces Tertiary Storage Multimedia Document Profiles & Traces

14 MS I 14 Objective: Comparison between the two environments in terms of QoS guarantees Real-time schedulingReal-time scheduling Multimedia data placement schemes at different levels of the storage hierarchyMultimedia data placement schemes at different levels of the storage hierarchy I/O channel managementI/O channel management ReliabilityReliability ScalabilityScalability Experiments for Multi-Level Storage Architecture Environments

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