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S.R.A.. Available packs 1 st class: 1A - stored in Rm 10 2 nd class: 1B - stored in Rm 3 rd class: 1C - stored in Rm 16 4 th class: 2B - stored in computer.

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Presentation on theme: "S.R.A.. Available packs 1 st class: 1A - stored in Rm 10 2 nd class: 1B - stored in Rm 3 rd class: 1C - stored in Rm 16 4 th class: 2B - stored in computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 S.R.A.

2 Available packs 1 st class: 1A - stored in Rm 10 2 nd class: 1B - stored in Rm 3 rd class: 1C - stored in Rm 16 4 th class: 2B - stored in computer room 5 th class: 2c - stored in computer room 6 th class: 3A - stored in Boland Packs are in good condition and available for each class in each standard to use.

3 What is S.R.A. It is a self contained reading lab found in a box. It contains a progressively graded series of both readings and language skills excercises. It offers a wide range of difficulty levels which caters for the varying abilities present within a class. It provides scoring and charting procedures that provides feedback.

4 Why do S.R.A. The principle behind S.R.A.: Reinforcement. The packs permit independent work The packs allow the children to move at his/ her own rate, according to individual ability. The packs contain great quantities of good reading.

5 How to do S.R.A. It is very important to read the teachers handbook before doing S.R.A with your class. It outlines clearly what to do with your class and when to do it. Each pack outlines a recommended teaching schedule which can be found in the teachers handbook. While all the packs follow the same general pattern, their are differences in teaching approaches from pack to pack. Their is a massive difference between the way you work with children in first class and those in sixth.

6 Example of a teaching schedule. S.R.A. 3A, 6 th class Fifteen week programme split into three blocks if at all possible. Block 1: six weeks long with S.R.A done every day Block 2: Two weeks long with S.R.A done three days a week, preferably on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday Block 3: Seven weeks long with S.R.A done twice a week, preferably on a Monday and Wednesday.

7 What is in the boxes/ packs Each box/ pack contain a teachers handbook- very important. Power builders- core component of S.R.A. These are 4 pages of reading and activities. Over 100 per pack/ box. Power builder key cards- every power builder has a corresponding key card with the answers to the power builder questions. Student Record books- too expensive but one in each pack to show you how to record work in a special S.R.A. Copy. Rate builders- found in boxes/ packs for the older children. They are designed to help students read faster and with greater concentration. They are short comprehension pieces with questions. Their colours and reading levels correspond to those of the power builders. Listening skill builders- designed to develop students’ ability to understand, retain and analyse what they hear.

8 Getting started Teachers handbook explains all.

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