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Year 1  Word:  Add –s to make words plural.  Add –ing, -ed and –er.  Add -un  Sentence  I can use and to create compound sentences.  I can join.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 1  Word:  Add –s to make words plural.  Add –ing, -ed and –er.  Add -un  Sentence  I can use and to create compound sentences.  I can join."— Presentation transcript:


2 Year 1  Word:  Add –s to make words plural.  Add –ing, -ed and –er.  Add -un  Sentence  I can use and to create compound sentences.  I can join words together to make simple sentences and phrases.  Text:  I can create sentences by joining words together.  Punctuation:  Separate words with spaces.  Use a capital letter for I and at the beginning of sentences.  Use full stops.  Use exclamation marks.

3 Year 2  Word:  Make nouns and adjectives using suffixes.  Make compound words.  Compare using –er and –est.  Use –ly to make adverbs.  Sentence  Extend my sentences using if, that, because.  Extend my sentences using or, but.  Use adjectives to describe nouns.  Recognise statements, questions, exclamations and commands.  Text:  Use past and present tense correctly.  Use verbs to show actions in progress.  Punctuation:  Use capital letters, full stops, questions marks and exclamation marks.  Use commas in a list.  Use apostrophe to show that a letter is missing.  Use apostrophes to show that something belongs to somebody.

4 Beginning and End Packs Match the sentences together, look at the beginning and end of sentences.

5 Sentence Surgery Putting sentences together, looking for clues such as capital letters, question marks, exclamation marks etc.

6 Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs and Verbs Understanding their meaning and how they can be used to improve our sentences.

7 Can you find an adjective in the text? ADJECTIVES

8 Spelling  Mnemonics  Flash cards and Matching games  Decision door  Children to use their phonics

9 Mnemonics

10 Flash Cards and Matching Games  When reading key words /spelling sheets, you don’t just have to read these words from a list.  You could write these on flash cards and play different games e.g. running games.  Matching games.

11 Decision Door / Obb and Bob  Decode unfamiliar words which maybe real English words or they maybe ‘Alien’ words.  Decide which word has the correct spelling.

12 Thank you for taking part in our SPAG Workshop.

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