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The 1990’s were dominated by President C.L.I.N.T.O.N. Beyond LBH: 1989-present.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1990’s were dominated by President C.L.I.N.T.O.N. Beyond LBH: 1989-present."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1990’s were dominated by President C.L.I.N.T.O.N. Beyond LBH: 1989-present

2 C. Clinton signs Welfare Reform  Also known as “welfare to work,” this 1996 legislation required welfare recipients to work or risk losing benefits  Proposed by Republicans in Congress, the reform was actually opposed by Clinton at first, but he signed the very popular measure in the midst of the 1996 election Beyond LBH: 1989-present

3 L. Lifts embargo on Vietnam  President lifted the trade embargo on Vietnam that had existed since the Vietnam War Beyond LBH: 1989-present

4 I. Iraq Liberation Act  Signed in 1998, this Act made it official U.S. policy to support “regime change” in Iraq  Cited Saddam Hussein’s multiple violations of international law, U.N. sanctions, and peace terms after the 1991 war  Gave the President authority to give military and humanitarian aid to groups attempting to overthrow Saddam Beyond LBH: 1989-present

5 N. NAFTA  The North American Free Trade Agreement was negotiated under President George H. W. Bush but signed into law by President Clinton in 1993  The agreement created a free trade zone between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico Beyond LBH: 1989-present

6 T. Terrorism on the rise Beyond LBH: 1989-present  International terrorist acts against U.S. targets, especially by Al Qaeda increased during the Clinton administration  1993: Islamic terrorists hit the World Trade Center with a car bomb killing 6 and injuring 1,000  1996: Islamic terrorists bombed the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, killing 19 U.S. servicemen  1998: Al Qaeda strikes U.S. embassies in Africa, killing 223  2000: Al Qaeda suicide attack hits the U.S.S. Cole killing 17 and injuring 39

7 O. Ongoing scandals  The most famous scandal involved Clinton’s relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky  Other scandals included firing of longtime White House employees (Travelgate), inappropriate business dealings (Whitewater), misuse of FBI files (Filegate), and questionable pardons (Pardongate) Beyond LBH: 1989-present

8 N. NATO action in Bosnia  The multi-ethnic European state of Bosnia fell into civil war between the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims  The Serbs enacted a policy of “ethnic-cleansing” against Croats and Muslims  Clinton led NATO to intervene in order to end the burgeoning genocide Beyond LBH: 1989-present

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