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Christopher Barrat Greystone Partnership Thriving in the Matrix.

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Presentation on theme: "Christopher Barrat Greystone Partnership Thriving in the Matrix."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christopher Barrat Greystone Partnership Thriving in the Matrix

2 Law A little bit about me...

3 Thriving in the Matrix Matrix Structure – Big picture – Local teams Matrix Motivation – Meaningful Missions – Golden Goals Matrix Management – Targeting stakeholders – Integrating cultures and people

4 Is your matrix structure clear? - A country or a federation? 4

5 A country or a federation? 5 Loud loyalty to single identity Style differences, but all ‘American’ Minor adaptations of process Quiet agreement on identity Less visible style differences Variation allowed on core processes Loyalty can be to different units Style differences in countries/counties Three parliaments with some powers Loyalty only to local flag Major style differences in countries Mild resentment of central parliament

6 6 Project Team PTL Line Team Line manager Functional Team PTL Matrix Structure Which team do I play for?

7 7 Matrix Structure – RACI R&R’s ACCOUNTABILITY ‘The buck stops with me’ ACCOUNTABILITY ‘The buck stops with me’ RESPONSIBILITY This for me to deliver RESPONSIBILITY This for me to deliver INTEREST ‘Useful to be Kept informed’ INTEREST ‘Useful to be Kept informed’ CONCERNED ‘I have an input to make on this’ CONCERNED ‘I have an input to make on this’

8 Matrix Motivation Salute the Flag.... ( and stop M.S.F.S.)

9 Matrix Motivation Meaningful Missions 9 MEMORABLEONLY YOURS FACTS LINKED TO THEORY UseableBelievable USED + =

10 Goals – Golden rules of effectiveness For richer for poorer, In sickness and in health........ Can you name:  The planets in order from the sun  The Oceans of the world Can you explain:  How the moon effects tides  The American electoral system AGREED UNDERSTOOD REPEATABLE ‘What are your short term targets?

11 Impact they can have Degree of involvement they Have with you Low High Get on board! Keep on board! Waste Of Time? Why Bother? Stakeholder Targeting - Mapping

12 Stakeholder Targeting - Attitude Positional Power Temporary Silo’d Relative Influential Power Permanent Global Absolute Leadership in a matrix is not about your position of power It is about your application of influence Leadership in a matrix is not about your position of power It is about your application of influence

13 Stakeholder Targeting - Scope Key PlayerAntagonisticNon committalLet it happenHelp it happenMake it happen 1 BOB 2 MARY 3 JORN 4 PETER 5 KATJA 7 ALEX X O X 0 O X X O

14 Stakeholder Targeting - Action Key PlayerJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober 3 JORNSales meeting 14thReporting meetingReview event 5 KATJAPlant visitBudget reviewBudget final

15 Integrating the matrix: Lessons from the Beach Go and meet them

16 Likeability Competence Competent jerk Incompetent jerk Loveable Star Loveable Fool Integrating into the Matrix: Team social roles

17 Integrating the matrix: Remote teams Focus on Quality not Quantity Let me take you to Italy…….

18 Integrating The Matrix and CULTURE……..

19 Heaven is where the police are British, the chefs Italian, the mechanics German, the lovers French and it is all organized by the Swiss. Hell is where the police are German, the chefs British, the mechanics French, the lovers Swiss, and it is all organized by the Italians We all have our stereotypes…. Integrating The Matrix and CULTURE……..

20 Culture x Culture Y Culture Z Culture P Culture R Culture V Human Culture Integrating The Matrix and CULTURE……..

21 Integrating the matrix and culture Focus on individuals not groups Jung MBTI Extraverted Thinking type - ENTJ, ESTJ Introverted Thinking type - INTP, ISTP Extraverted Feeling type- ENFJ, ESFJ Introverted Feeling type - INFP, ISFP Extraverted Sensing type - ESFP, ESTP Introverted Sensing type- ISFJ, ISTJ Extraverted Intuitive type- ENFP, ENTP Introverted Intuitive type- INFJ, INTJ Insights

22 Troubleshooting the Matrix 1: Senior management sympathy Breaking the ‘chain of complaints’

23 Troubleshooting the Matrix 2: The Elephant in the room……. SAY ITOWN IT

24 Michel de Montaigne Troubleshooting the Matrix 3: Focussing on the ‘best’ way to do things

25 Thoughts to take away Embrace the chaos Pragmatic Inspiration Ruthless stakeholder targeting Focus on People Lead by example

26 Christopher Barrat Greystone Partnership +44 (0) 7989 380 564

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