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12 th April 2013.  What is it?  Why now?  Who’s doing it?  What are the benefits?  What will the plan look like?  How is it done?

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Presentation on theme: "12 th April 2013.  What is it?  Why now?  Who’s doing it?  What are the benefits?  What will the plan look like?  How is it done?"— Presentation transcript:

1 12 th April 2013

2  What is it?  Why now?  Who’s doing it?  What are the benefits?  What will the plan look like?  How is it done?

3  Background  Vision  Objectives  The Steering Committee  A Sustainable plan – The Scoping Report  Public Consultation 1  Housing Needs Analysis  Plan Designation  Plan Contents  What Next?

4 Simon Holt

5  Localism Act  Taking Control  Hoops to go through  Scoping Report  Housing needs analysis  Designation  Waiting for Wiltshire Core Strategy  Writing the Plan

6 Avoiding This!

7 Dave Mottram

8  Urchfont should be a place where:  our vibrant community spirit is fostered, protected and enhanced  the visual qualities and rural character of our villages and their surrounding countryside are cherished and protected  local people have access to a home they can afford  change is managed in a sustainable way

9 Dave Mottram

10  Protect the visual qualities, heritage and character of our villages  Protect and enhance our open countryside, biodiversity and our valued green space  Protect and enhance our community facilities and services  Protect and encourage small scale local employment opportunities  Improve local infrastructure, including highways, transport and communications  Improve the degraded areas of our villages  Develop sufficient land for small-scale market housing and affordable housing to meet local need  Develop a Design Statement to inform new development, alterations and extensions

11 Dave Mottram

12  Established by the Parish Council in 2011  Currently comprises Linda, Simon and myself plus 5 other members  Regular meetings to maintain progress  If you feel you have something to offer please speak to any one of us!

13 Linda Jennings

14 A legal requirement: (EU Directive 2001/42/EC and the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations Act 2004).

15 “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (UN General Assembly Resolution 42/187).

16 1. Gather evidence Under Subject Headings: EG: Biodiversity, Land and Soil Resources, Water Resources and Flood Risk, Climate, Historic Environment, Landscape, Population and Housing, Health and Well- being, Transport and other Infrastructure, Economy and Enterprise.....

17  Documents  Information from Agencies  Public consultation  Protect, Improve, Develop!  This is our BASELINE


19  Graph:  Increase in numbers of persons over 65  Numbers of persons 15-30 proportionately low  Housing survey:  lots of 3&4 bed homes  lack of affordable homes  Relatively high house prices in the Parish  Needs: - Smaller scale housing and affordable housing

20 2. Check Sustainability -via a framework of sustainability objectives EG - For Land Resources: ensure efficient and effective use of land in the Parish and use of suitably located previously developed land and buildings

21  EG for Historic Environment : “Protect and maintain all buildings and features of historic value in the Parish”  EG for Economy and Enterprise: “Protect and enhance small-scale local employment opportunities”  EG for Population and Housing: “Provide local people with the opportunity to live in good quality, affordable housing and ensure an appropriate mix of dwelling sizes, types and tenures”

22 2. Check Sustainability – How we will test our Plan and its policies EG Population and Housing: “Provide local people with the opportunity to live in good quality, affordable housing and ensure an appropriate mix of dwelling sizes, types and tenures” Ask the questions - Will the Plan and its policies – 1. Provide sufficient small-scale market and affordable housing to meet local needs? 2. Support the provision of a range of house types and sizes to meet the needs of all sectors of the community, including older people? 3. Ensure adequate provision of land to meet housing needs? 4. Provide quality and flexible homes that meet local needs? 5. Promote the use of sustainable building methods and the use of sustainable building materials in construction?

23 Dave Mottram

24  Held in September 2012  Good participation and feedback  Concentrated on the theme of:  Protect  Improve  Develop  Feedback from forms and meeting will be incorporated into the Plan  Thank you to all who have contributed

25 Simon Holt

26  Survey carried out in early 2013  Part 1 – People living in Parish  Part 2 – People with housing need  Good feedback allowing Wiltshire Council to have confidence in results  Draft report delivered April 2013  Comments fed back by Steering Group  Examples of report content




30 Simon Holt

31  We asked Wiltshire Council to approve our development of a Plan in Jan 2012  Jan 2013 we submitted a Wiltshire Council Neighbourhood Area Application Form to develop a Plan  The Formal Regulatory Stage for our Plan started on 4 March 2013  The Formal Regulatory Stage for our Plan will finish on 17 April 2013  This will show that the area for our Plan is appropriate and allow us to develop our Plan

32 Dave Mottram

33  Housing  Infrastructure  Community facilities  Transport  Design Statement  Local Business  Management Strategy  A living document  Keep it current

34 Simon Holt

35 Results of Housing Needs Analysis Designation approval Scoping Report approval Drafting the Plan Public Consultation (2) Acceptance of Wiltshire Core Strategy Submit plan for independent examination Community referendum ‘Make the Plan’


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