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CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Dopo gli anni di FP6, BENE e’ ora al secondo anno FP7 di vita (2010) come contenitore di due iniziative Il.

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Presentation on theme: "CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Dopo gli anni di FP6, BENE e’ ora al secondo anno FP7 di vita (2010) come contenitore di due iniziative Il."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Dopo gli anni di FP6, BENE e’ ora al secondo anno FP7 di vita (2010) come contenitore di due iniziative Il Design Study EUROnu Sep 1 2008-12 : aims at 3 Design Reports Neutrino Factory Betabeam(s) CERN-Frejus Superbeam La Networking Activity NEu2012 Apr 1 2009-13 : aim at Eu neutrino road map WP3 della nuova EuCARD Integrating Activity Eu Coordinated Accelerator R&D sintetizzando …………. CNGS upgrade studies/ EUROnu / all international studies. …. a partire dal CERN SPC Neutrino Strategy Workshop Oct 1-3 …. fino agli echi del NEu2012 (Task 2) meeting ieri & oggi al CERN Breve update da Settembre 2009 ….il quadro generale …. news from the R&D Scientific Policy Committee to report to Council + NuFact IDS = International Design Study

2 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino NEu2012 Neutrinos for Europe in 2012 Council dixit …… to be in position to define the optimal neutrino program …………………… ….. in around 2012 7/6/20162

3 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino The 2006 Strategy Document

4 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

5 snapshot today : Workshop & aftermath did consolidate the notion that Accelerator beams R&D and Design Work…. today ----- is decisive SPC ECFA CERN Medium Term Plan more real effort from CERN & Eu agencies may indeed be slowly shaping up more world wide collaboration will inevitably make its way So, though 2012 will inevitably slip ……

6 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Da Settembre 2009 Neutrino Strategy CERN SPC Workshop 1-3 October NNN09 Workshop on Next Neutrino & Nucleon Decay Detector October First NEu2012 six months report October » First EURoNu Annual report 31 October » Neutrino Session at Plenary ECFA November Chamonix Workshop (LHC injectors) late January CERN SPC Neutrino Panel Report to Council 18 March First Neu2012 EuCARD & NEu2012 general meeting April Second NEu2012 six months report April Second EUROnu general meeting, Strasbourg June » Neutrino 2010 XXIII International conference on  Physics&Astrophysics June June CERN Concil Session: Medium Term Plan June Neutrino International Summer School August Having EUROnu Betabeam (WP4) meeting in Legnaro yesterady Neu2012 Task 2 meeting yesterday and today Preparing EUROnu second yearly report due mid October Neu2012 First 18 months report due mid October NuFact 10 Workshop on NuFact, Superbeam, Betabeam 20-25 October + Buon progreso degli R&D experiments, MERIT, MICE, EMMA …..

7 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Neutrino Strategy CERN SPC Workshop 1-3 October convocato dal Neutrino Panel dello SPC in vista del Report chiestogli del CERN importante traguardo intermedio della pressione della nostra comunita’ ampi contributi scientifici, organizzativi, finanziari da Neu2012 SPC report emerged from that to CERN Council on March 18

8 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino CERN SPC Neutrino Panel Report to Council 18 March

9 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino


11 P. Sala

12 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Refurbish the PS Neutrino Beam? 1) LSND- MiniBoone type of experiment sterile neutrino 2) GeV range muon neutrino cross section measurements includining antineutrino & electron neutrino’s 3) Test bed for neutrino beam components neutrino detectors

13 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

14 First EURoNu Annual report 31 October primo anno di impostazione del lavoro, soprattutto definizione di baseline solutions for CERN-Frejus Superbeam Betabeam Neutrino Factory Costing !!!!!!!!!!! Radioprotection + General Safety !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Three Intermediate Reports Spring 2012

15 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

16 Laveder, Bobisu, Guglielmi, Giunti + 1 contratto V. Krautchev Legnaro + 1 contratto G.M. Collazuol Padova

17 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Chamonix Workshop (LHC injectors) late January redefinizione della baseline evolution of the CERN p complex…. un low power SPL potrebbe non farne piu’ parte motivazione scientifica per high power SPL rimane …. per NEu2012, EURISOL, MWatt physics in general che dovranno motivarlo

18 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Accelerator Neutrinos High intensity particle and nuclear physics ………………….. would have to stand on its own feet

19 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino




23 First EuCARD & NEu2012 general meeting April Neu2012 pre- meeting on 13 April Assessing Workshop and SPC Report Prospects for PS beam Relations to ECFA ………

24 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Sequel of Neutrino Session at Plenary ECFA late November at CERN

25 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

26 Vittorio Palladino, Univ & INFN Napoli, MICE CM27, 7 July 2010 UNIVERSITA' di NAPOLI “FEDERICO II” Neutrino 2010 XXIII International conference on  Physics&Astrophysics June

27 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino more and more accelerator  physics at the Neutrino conference ….. dominated by  transitions ancillary studies

28 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino EUROnu Betabeam (WP4) meeting in Legnaro yesterday come gia’ il 19 February e 8 June team Legnaro-Napoli-Padova su misure di produzione ioni Li e B, per un betabeam CERN-LNGS like

29 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino


31 NEu2012 Task 2 Meeting yesterday & today at CERN 1° meeting for a new PS neutrino program 17 March

32 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino CNGS Present and Future PS  experiments

33 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino PS  Test bed

34 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Longer Term Task 3 Roadmap to next Eu Neutrino Facility

35 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino + Buon progresso degli R&D experiments, MERIT, MICE, EMMA ….. completed

36 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Da Settembre 2009 Neutrino Strategy CERN SPC Workshop 1-3 October NNN09 Workshop on Next Neutrino & Nucleon Decay Detector October First NEu2012 six months report October » First EURoNu Annual report 31 October » Neutrino Session at Plenary ECFA November Chamonix Workshop (LHC injectors) late January CERN SPC Neutrino Panel Report to Council 18 March First Neu2012 EuCARD & NEu2012 general meeting April Second NEu2012 six months report April Second EUROnu general meeting, Strasbourg June » Neutrino 2010 XXIII International conference on  Physics&Astrophysics June June CERN Concil Session June Neutrino International Summer School August Having EUROnu Betabeam (WP4) meeting in Legnaro yesterady Neu2012 Task 2 meeting yesterday and today Preparing EUROnu second yearly report due mid October Neu2012 First 18 months report due mid October NuFact 10 Workshop on NuFact, Superbeam, Betabeam 20-25 October + Buon progreso degli R&D experiments, MERIT, MICE, EMMA …..

37 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino snapshot today : Workshop & aftermath did consolidate the notion that Accelerator beams R&D and Design Work…. today ----- is decisive SPC ECFA CERN Medium Term Plan more real effort from CERN & Eu agencies may indeed be slowly shaping up more world wide collaboration will inevitably make its way So, though 2012 will inevitably slip ……

38 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino 2011 Mid-term reports in the spring from EUROnu ….. future options NEu2012..… CNGS, PS EUROnu international lanscape

39 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

40 Chamonix Workshop (LHC injectors) late January redefinizione della baseline evolution of the CERN p complex…. un low power SPL potrebbe non farne piu’ parte motivazione scientifica per high power SPL rimane …. per NEu2012, EURISOL, MWatt physics in general che dovranno motivarlo

41 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Chamonix Workshop (LHC injectors) late January redefinizione della baseline evolution of the CERN p complex…. un low power SPL potrebbe non farne piu’ parte motivazione scientifica per high power SPL rimane …. per NEu2012, EURISOL, MWatt physics in general che dovranno motivarlo

42 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Accelerator Neutrinos High intensity particle and nuclear physics ………………….. would have to stand on its own feet

43 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino




47 Accelerator Neutrinos High intensity particle and nuclear physics ………………….. would have to stand on its own feet

48 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino




52 Qualche commento CERN Neutrino Strategy Workshop 1-3 October convocato dal Neutrino Panel dello SPC in vista del Report chiestogli del CERN importante traguardo intermedio della pressione della nostra comunita’ NNN09 workshop 7-10 October Next Nucleon decay and Neutrino detector, uno dei piu’ importanti workshop per noi, insieme a NuFact EUROnu first Yearly Report (fino al 31-8-09) 31 October primo anno di impostazione del lavoro, soprattutto definizione di baseline solutions NEu2012 first 6 months report (fino al 30-9-09) 20 October set up del network, ampi contributi scientifici, organizzativi, finanziari etc al workshop CERN LHC injectors workshop late January, Chamonix redefinizione della baseline …. un low power SPL potrebbe non farne piu’ parte, decisione June Council motivazione scientifica per high power SPL rimane …. per NEu2012, EURISOL, MWatt physics in general che dovranno motivarlo Betabeam EUROnu (WP4) meeting 19 February report dal team Legnaro-Napoli-Padova su misure di produzione ioni Li e B, per un betabeam CERN-LNGS like EUROnu costing workshop 15 March imposta una competent evaluation and fair comparisons of costs of different facilities 1° meeting for a new PS neutrino program 17 March possibile ripresa di attivita’ al CERN … misure, detector and accelerator component R&D … da seguire SPC Neutrino Panel Report to Council 18 March encouraging and supportive, riconosce e raccomanda ripresa di R&D al CERN ed alle agenzie Eu 1° NEu2012 Yearly Meeting 13 April, RAL fara’ il punto della situazione, aggiustamenti di rotta etc 2° EUROnu Yearly Meeeting 2-4 Jun, Strasbourg : focus on the upcoming Interim Design Reports da segnalare anche forte intensificazione del MAP Muon Accelerator Program a Fermilab

53 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Da Settembre 2009 CERN Neutrino Strategy Workshop 1-3 October, CERN NNN09 workshop 7-10 October, Estes Park, US EUROnu first Yearly Report (fino al 31-8-09) 31 October confidential, still waiting EC approval NEu2012 first 6 months report (fino al 30-9-09) 20 October confidential, still waiting EC approval LHC injectors workshop late January, Chamonix Betabeam EUROnu (WP4) meeting 19 February, Paris EUROnu costing workshop 15 March, CERN 1° meeting for a new PS neutrino program 17 March, CERN SPC Neutrino Panel Report to Council 18 March Immediato futuro 1° NEu2012 Yearly Meeting 13 April, RAL 2° EUROnu Yearly Meeting 2-4 Jun, Strasbourg + Buon progreso degli R&D experiments, MERIT, MICE, EMMA …..

54 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Preamble : choices driven by θ 13 Superbeams 100 Kt LAr and/or 1000 Kt H 2 0 Neutrino Factory 25 GeV baseline 40-100 Kt mag Fe, multi Kt SuperOpera Betabeam otherwiseotherwise SuperCNGS 40-100 Kt mag Fe, NB few GeV NuFact is also a possibility OPERA, 20 Kt LAr Longer term accelerator  facilities

55 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino 1) Dopo gli anni di FP6, BENE e’ ora al secondo anno FP7 di vita (2010) Il DS (Design Study EUROnu) Sep 1 2008-12 La Networking Activity NEu2012 WP3 di EuCARD Eu Coordinated Accelerator R&D I3 Apr 1 2009-13. 2) Breve update da Settembre 2009 ….il quadro generale …. news from the R&D …. a partire dal CERN SPC Neutrino Strategy Workshop Oct 1-3 …. fino agli echi del NEu2012 (Task 2) meeting ieri & oggi al CERN + NuFact IDS = International Design Study Scientific Policy Committee to report to Council

56 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Decisione difficile, matura nel 2012-2013?

57 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino The 2006 Strategy Document

58 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

59 anticipating the conclusions: priorities today Accelerator beams R&D and Design Work …. today ----- is decisive presently more that detector R&D and design Our community is trying to motivate it attract more to do it or back it up get more real effort from CERN & Eu agencies This is what is at stake at the workshop

60 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

61 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

62 Int. Design Study

63 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Laveder, Bobisu, Guglielmi, Giunti

64 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino NEu2012 Networking Activity “Neutrinos for Europe in 2012” Structuring the Accelerator Neutrino Community WP3 of EuCARD Integrating Activity “Eu Coordinated Accelertor R&D”

65 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

66 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Da Settembre 2008 NNN08 …….., highlights September CARE08/BENE08 lst and EuCARD kick off December il CERN nomina un responsabile in NEu2012 (I. Eftymiopoulos !) NEu2012 kick off Mar 18 EUROnu Design Study first general meetingMar 20-25 EUROnu Design Study slow startup ….funds late BENE Final Report » Call of the Neutrino Strategy Workshop Spring NuFact09 ….. highlights July Preparing Neutrino Strategy Workshop Now » EUROnu first yearly report due mid October » Neu2012 first internal semester report also due mid October

67 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Da Settembre 2009 Neutrino Strategy CERN SPC Workshop 1-3 October NNN09 Workshop on Next Neutrino & Nucleon Decay Detector October First NEu2012 6 months report October » First EURoNu Annual report October » Neutrino Session at Plenary ECFA November Chamonix Workshop (LHC injectors) January March CERN SPC Session Concil Session June First Neu2012 EuCARD general meeting April Second NEu2012 6 months report April » Second EUROnu general meeting, Strasbourg June Neutrino 2010 XXIII International conference on neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, June June CERN Concil Session June Neutrino International Summer School August Having EUROnu Betabeam (WP4) meeting in Legnaro yesterady Neu2012 Task 2 meeting yesterday and today Preparing EUROnu second yearly report due mid October Neu2012 First 18 months report due mid October NuFact 10 Workshop on Neutrino Factory, Superbeam, Betabeam 20-25 October

68 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino dopo il Workshop, 2009-10 Contiamo nel 2010 di intensificare il nostro sforzo, contando sul sostegno e le indicazioni del Council Strategy Secretariat. Il Design Study EUROneutrino dovra’ venire a pieno regime e misurarsi con le questioni principali, preparare i suoi interim scientific reports, attrarre nuove risorse umane e finanziarie. La Networking Activity NEu2012 dovra’ avanzare -sulla sua attivita’ di review e valutazione del progresso dei progetti di R&D in corso nel mondo e dei Design Studies come EURO neutrino in corso in America e Asia. -sulla definizione di una road map percorribile e proponibile alla comunita’ -guadagnare ulteriore rappresentativita’ di fronte al Council e CERN management -consolidare un polo di attivita’ al CERN in stretto contatto con il CERN neutrino group Contribuiremo organizzazione e contributi scientifici a il secondo meeting annuale di EURO neutrino in Marzo il primo meeting annuale di EuCARD e NEu2012 in Aprile NuFact10 (in Giappone) e NNN10 in estate i meetings dell' International Design Study di una Neutrino Factory e agli eventi speciali che ci fossero dettati.

69 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino NEu2012 yearly meeting at EuCARD yearly April meeting NuFact Workshop and Summer School NNN Workshop International Conference on Neutrino Physics & Astrophysics International HEP Conference International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos European HEP Conference plus inevitably several semi regularly returning and ad hoc events Draft Calendar of workshops & conferences concerning NEu2012 Yearly even years odd years Core Eu event, large participation outreach events Major strategic events, largest participation October 2009 Strategy Workshop ???? International Forums + strong interest in yearly meeting EUROnu, Spring

70 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino dal talk di Migliozzi ……. Preamble : choices driven by θ 13 Superbeams 100 Kt LAr and/or 1000 Kt H 2 0 Neutrino Factory 25 GeV baseline 40-100 Kt mag Fe, 5 Kt SuperOpera Betabeam otherwiseotherwise SuperCNGS 40-100 Kt mag Fe, NB few GeV NuFact is also a possibility OPERA, 20 Kt LAr

71 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Super CNGS

72 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Japan T2S Tokai to Somewhere 658km 0.8deg. Off-axis 1000km 1deg. Off-axis 295km 2.5deg. Off-axis 1.6 MW T2S …… Tokai to Somewhere Okinoshima Kamioka Korea

73 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

74 Fermilab Flagship today !

75 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Muon Vision at Fermilab

76 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

77 USA+UK+ Continental Europe +Japan + more International Design Study of a Neutrino Factory

78 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino USA+UK+ Continental Europe +Japan + India + more Nation wide NFMCC for >10 yrs MuCool, MERIT R&D projects Muon Test Area operational at Fermilab Fermilab Muon Task Force UKNF Collaboration Scoping & Design Study MICE, EMMA R&D projects J-NuFact …..…. HARP INO

79 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Opportunities in the Eu context

80 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino An asset of Europe & CERN: HPSPL JAERI and even Fermilab nowhere close

81 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

82 V. Palladino Summary Report on BENE Activities Options for Europe : ISIS 7/6/2016

83 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Assets of Europe & CERN II EUROnu WP : a small Eu only Collaboration Most fit to CERN

84 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

85 The Neutrino Strategy Workshop All’ ultimo CERN Council 2009 la delegazione UK, ispirata dalla UK Neutrino Factory collaboration, lamenta la mancanza di un Eu-wide strategy (progresso inadeguato e insufficienti committments) nel settore degli accelerator neutrinos il CERN Council richiede allo SPC Scientific Policy Committee (SPC) un report per la sessione di Dicembre 2009 Lp SPC crea uno SPC Neutrino Panel e gli affida il report Il Neutrino Panel organizza insieme al CERN Management il workshop 1-3 Ottobre Ne pubblichera’ i proceeedings e ne raccogliera’ gli elementi per il suo report al Council in Dicembre. Nel Panel Dornan e Blondel ed altri sono attivi in Neu2012/EUROnu. Altri sono stati cooptati nell’ organizzazione del workshop E’ l’ evento principale dell’ anno, per noi una milestone decisiva verso il 2012.

86 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino Mandate of the SPC panel Specific Request from Council to the Scientific Policy Committee Relations between CERN and the ongoing development work regarding future neutrino facilities. The UK delegation to the CERN Council notes that there is no European-wide strategy to engage in the precise determination of neutrino oscillation parameters for the period beyond ~2015, after the T2K and Nona experiments. Within the context of “Questions from Council to the SPC”, it requests that the SPC gives its views on several issues pertaining to the physics of neutrinos, namely, - What is the view of the SPC on the importance of precise measurements of the neutrino oscillation parameters, in particular the CP violating phase and mass hierarchy? - One of the most promising techniques for such measurements is the neutrino factory and there is currently an International Design Study (IDS) to produce a conceptual design report for a neutrino factory by 2012. This is not site specific. What is the view of the SPC on the overall value of the IDS for the future of the subject? Should CERN take a more active role in enabling the study to reach its goals, irrespective of where such a facility would be sited? - What other high intensity neutrino facilities are technically possible and how would they address the measurements above? What should be the involvement of CERN in studies of these facilities, in particular with regard to the planned LHC upgrades? - What is the view of the SPC on the merit of a European strategy in this phase of neutrino experimentation and whether it should have a place on the future CERN road map?

87 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino The Neutrino Strategy Workshop II Si tratta di ottenere che il report dello SPC induca dal Council Strategy Secretariat (CSS), che e’ anche in consultazione diretta con la comunita’ ed EUROnu/Neu2012, indicazioni esplicite su l’ importanza che CERN ed agenzie europee sostengano con piu' risorse neutrino accelerator and detector R&D, perche' una valutazione strategica sia davvero possibile non molto dopo il 2012 l’ importanza di valutare con grande attenzione le opportunita’ uniche offerte dal CERN nel settore della fisica del neutrino, in particolare quelle aperte dal progetto HPSPL, l’ unico nel mondo capace di potenze adeguate (multiMW) ad un attacco frontale alla mixing matrix PSNM e alla sua leptonic CP violation fase. Segnali positivi dal CERN management sono arrivati nei primi mesi del 2009, verso la ricostituzione di un piccolo ma agguerrito CERN neutrino team, che unifichi gli sforzi dei CERN staffs coinvolti in EuroNeutrino e NEu2012, innestandoli sulle solide basi del CNGS team che sta completando il suo progetto con grande successo

88 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino The outcome we hope for A statement in favour of more intense R&D in view of 2012-3 from the Council Strategy Secretariat A stronger CERN neutrino group CNGS+EUROnu+NEu2012 catalyzing A stronger common effort from Eu Agencies around it What we really need

89 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino reproposing the conclusions: priorities today Accelerator beams R&D and Design Work …. today ----- is decisive presently more that detector R&D and design Our community is trying to motivate it attract more to do it or back it up get more real effort from CERN & Eu agencies This is what is at stake at the workshop

90 CSN2 INFN, 28 Sep 2010 “BENE”, V. Palladino

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