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Presentation on theme: " Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation INSPIRE Thematic Cluster on Topographic and Cadastral Reference data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation INSPIRE Thematic Cluster on Topographic and Cadastral Reference data Anja Hopfstock - facilitator

2 Status of Thematic cluster participation Topographic and Cadastral Reference Data (115) Main stakeholders: NMCAs, Road and Water authorities (17) (18) (19) (16) (8) (10) (20) INSPIRE Conference 2015

3 On-line platform initial resources Experts to involve:  Producers, users, domain experts  EC ISA, Copernicus … Communities  EU, National project members  EU umbrella organization: EuroGeographics, EuroGeoSurvey, EEA, …  OGC/ISO/CEN thematic WGs  EC Thematic EGs (WFD, FD …)  JRC thematic pilots contacts (e.g. Human Health)  INSPIRE MS CPs, SDICs/LMOs  SMES INSPIRE  SW vendors, open source communities INSPIRE Conference 2015

4 On-line platform initial resources Content to evaluate:  INSPIRE relevant TG Documents (esp. annexes, additional documentation)  INSPIRE Forum Groups  EU projects  EU related knowledge sharing groups (KEN)  INSPIRE website (INSPIRE conferences …)  Are3na Joinup (SW Tools)  INSPIRE Monitoring and Reporting  INSPIRE pilots  Social media groups (LinkedIn) INSPIRE Conference 2015

5 Information Resource Best practices EuroGeographics INSPIRE KEN NMCAs strategy to implement INSPIRE specifications Webinars on implementation issues, tools, etc. Workshops on data transformation EuroGeographics INSPIRE KEN Projects ELF Plan4business Thematic pilots JRC/TN-ITS/ELF Transportation Pilot News and events Relevant presentations INSPIRE Conference 2015

6 Collaboration platform Definition and description Group pages Group discussion News Categories and tags INSPIRE Conference 2015

7 Cross-theme discussion topics Data model/scope  Update of INSPIRE Network model  Management of PID and temporal aspects  Definition of HY::StandingWater  HY Topological consistency S/W tools  Application schemas to modelling software  Download services using ArcGIS for INSPIRE Portrayal  Points or Pixel? INSPIRE Conference 2015

8 CP – Cadastral Parcels Areas defined by cadastral registers or equivalent [Directive 2007/2/EC] © ELF Cadastre INSPIRE Conference 2015 Discussion topics - examples Quality of source data (topology, inconsistencies with AU) Complex vs. simple feature geometry

9 AU – Administrative Units Units of administration, dividing areas where Member States have and/or exercise jurisdictional rights, for local, regional and national governance, separated by administrative boundaries INSPIRE Conference 2015 Discussion topics - examples Common unique ETRS89 coordinate are crucial for crossborder data harmonization Requirements for linking data (e.g. AU and SU)

10 Discussion topics - examples What is the purpose of GN theme and it’s services? Change INSPIRE LocalisedCharacterString into PT_free text Handling of multiple languages GN– Geographical Names Names of areas, regions, localities, cities, suburbs, towns or settlements, or any geographical or topographical feature of public or historical interest © National Land Survey Finland INSPIRE Conference 2015

11 AD - Adresses Location of properties based on address identifiers, usually by road name, house number, postal code INSPIRE Conference 2015 Discussion topics - examples Natural identifiers in Buildings Link between AD and TN Definition of address components sufficient? Transformation of simple data structures into complex model includes challenges regarding the UIDs

12 BU - Buildings Geographical location of buildings [Directive 2007/2/EC] INSPIRE Conference 2015 Discussion topics - examples Request for publishing the extended 2D building schema Natural identifiers in Buildings Total number of floors Portrayal of buildings and building parts Estimated accuracy attributes Schema problem with dateOfEvent geometry2D

13 Definition of Standing Water Topological consistency HY– Hydrography Hydrographic elements, including marine areas and all other water bodies and items related to them, including river basins and sub-basins. Where appropriate, according to the definitions set out in WFD and in the form of networks. Physical Waters Hydro Network INSPIRE Conference 2015 Discussion topics - examples

14 TN– Transport Network Road, rail, air and water transport networks and related infrastructure. Includes links between different networks. Also includes the trans-European transport network… INSPIRE Conference 2015 Discussion topics - examples Application of TN to trekking trails Modelling rural paths/ways Characterization of streets / urban thoroughfares Harmonisation of Functional Road Class at EU level Link between AD and TN Tracing algorithm

15 Open issues with Annex I data themes In the amendment of the Implementing Rules, a number of changes have been introduced to the Annex I data models and the xml schemas need to be updated: AD  In the Addresses data model, the type of the building association role of the Address spatial object type has been changed from the Building placeholder type to the type AbstractConstruction in the Buildings theme. AU  In the Administrative Units data model, the association between AdministrativeUnit and the candidate type NUTSRegion has been removed. HY  The candidate types Shore, Wetland and Embankment have been reintroduced into the Hydro – Physical Waters model, while the candidate types HydroPowerPlant, InundatedLand, OceanRegion, Pipe and PumpingStation have been removed. TN-Air  In the Air Transport Elements data model, the type targetElement of the controlTowers property has been changed from the Building placeholder type to the type AbstractConstruction in the Buildings theme. INSPIRE Conference 2015

16 Thematic cluster promotion Better understanding on how different initiatives are related to be able to have a more cost effective implementation INSPIRE – national/European activities ELF Arctic SDI UN-GGIM Environmental reporting Communication (questionnaire): Is there an INSPIRE discussion forum in your MS? What are the expectations from the thematic clusters? Are there any obstacles in participating in the collaboration platform? INSPIRE Conference 2015

17 Looking for your participation… Mapping, Hydrographic and Transport agencies Implementers with questions about the INSPIRE DS EU agencies and organizations European and national projects on INSPIRE implementation Any potential user of topographic and cadastral reference data JOIN THEMATIC CLUSTER #6 cadastral-reference-data Take a leaflet in the JRC/EC booth INSPIRE Conference 2015

18 Questions? INSPIRE Conference 2015

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