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 My personal hero By Connor McCallion. James Connolly  I have chosen James Connolly as my personal hero, the reason for this is because he is known.

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Presentation on theme: " My personal hero By Connor McCallion. James Connolly  I have chosen James Connolly as my personal hero, the reason for this is because he is known."— Presentation transcript:

1  My personal hero By Connor McCallion

2 James Connolly  I have chosen James Connolly as my personal hero, the reason for this is because he is known as “the working class hero”.  He was a strong Irish socialist and was a leader of the 1916 Easter rising, that lead to the 26 county “Free state Ireland” which then led to the Republic of Ireland.

3 Socialist politics  Connolly first started when he was part of a socialist party in Scotland.  He then went to Ireland and started the socialist movement and was loved by the lower/ working class.

4 Connolly in America  James and his family then moved to America along with his family, to help support the workers unions.  During this time he wrote Labour in Irish history.  Connolly moved back to Ireland, to further go his campaign.

5 Contributions  Connolly was founder and co founders of numerous parties and organizations like, irish socialist republican party and the irish citizen army.  Connolly motivated uprisings like the Dublin lockout and the Easter rising.

6 1916 Rising  Connolly was one of the leaders of the 1916 Easter rising, which led the way for an independent Ireland.  As being a leader of the rising, he was executed in Kilmainham Goal in dublin.

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