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POD: How old is the Earth. (Three complete sentences)

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Presentation on theme: "POD: How old is the Earth. (Three complete sentences)"— Presentation transcript:


2 POD: How old is the Earth. (Three complete sentences)

3 When was the Universe was Born? About 14,500,000,000 years ago 14.5 Billion years ago

4 The Earth was Born About 4,600,000,000 years ago 4.6 Billion years


6 What is the study of Earth Called? Geology


8 What makes up the Earth? About 8,000 miles in diameter. There are Four zones.


10 Four zones of the Earth Inner Core Outer Core MantleCrust

11 #1 : Inner Core Solid Core 750 miles in diameter 5,000 Fahrenheit

12 #2 : Outer Core 1,400 miles in diameter Nickel & Iron Creates the North & South Poles

13 #3 : Mantle 1,800 miles in diameter Solid rock The top is molten rock (called Asterosphere)

14 #4 : Crust Called the Lithosphere 20 – 60 miles in diameter We live on top of this level

15 What are the Theories of Geology ? CatastrophismUniformitarianism Modern Geology

16 #1 : Catastrophism Changes to the Earth happen suddenly. Changes happen due to Asteroids, Volcanoes, & Earthquakes.

17 #2 : Uniformitarianism Changes to the Earth happen slowly. Changes happen due to rain, animals, rivers, and oceans.

18 #3 : Modern Theory Changes to the Earth happen Suddenly&Slowly

19 What else do scientists study to find out about the past ? Living Organisms from the past

20 What is the study of past life called? Paleontology


22 What is studied of past life? fossils

23 HOMEWORK   Homework page 271 #2.a.b.c.

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