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UPSALA, 9 th OCTOBER 2008 Dr Angeliki Trikaliti The concept of sustainable Development in Education in Greece.

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Presentation on theme: "UPSALA, 9 th OCTOBER 2008 Dr Angeliki Trikaliti The concept of sustainable Development in Education in Greece."— Presentation transcript:

1 UPSALA, 9 th OCTOBER 2008 Dr Angeliki Trikaliti The concept of sustainable Development in Education in Greece

2 The structure of the Greek education system Primary Education Ages 3-12 Ages 3-6 NIPIAKA TMIMATA (nursery classes) PAIDIKOI STATHMOI (Kindergarten s) PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION Ages 4-6 NIPIAGOGEI O (mainstream, All-day, Special) Ages 6-12 DIMOTIKO (mainstream, All-day, Special) Compulsory Education Secondary Education Ages 12 -18 Ages 12-15 GYMNASIO (General, Musical, Ecclesiastical, Physical Education, Special) Compulsory Education TEE Technical Educational Schools IEK Vocational Training Institutes Unclassified level Higher Education Ages 18 -Upper UNIVERSITIES TEI Conventional Technologica l Education Institutes Ages >22 Hellenic Open Universities Ages >22 Postgraduate Studies (Universities, TEI,HOU)


4 Since 2003, in the new curriculum for compulsory education the traditional school subjects are maintained. However, a holistic approach to content learning is followed,. Moreover, emphasis is placed on the processes through which academic knowledge can be acquired as well as on the values and attitudes associated with academic learning and thinking.

5 In the cross-thematic curriculum a period of 2-4 hours per week is established within which pupils implement collective projects on topics of their interest. Thus, it is expected that pupils will discover connections between school knowledge and their everyday experiences and that school in general will open its doors to the outside world.

6 Besides the projects of the ‘Flexible Zone ’, at the end of each semester pupils are expected to work within each school subject on topics related to the content covered.

7 Cross- thematic Project Cross-   thematic Project Mathematics Science Foreign language Language ‘ Flexible Zone EXTRA  CURRICULUM  ACTIVITIES EXTRA  CURRICULUM  ACTIVITIES ENVIRONME NT CULTURE EVERY DAY LIFE

8 In primary education   In lower secondary education there are recommendations to diffuse environmental topics in all subjects

9 In non compulsory education secondary education there are: recommendations to diffuse environmental topics in all subjects Optional subjects as: Natural Resources Management Human environment Extra curriculum activities

10 Ευχαριστώ πολύ για την προσοχή σας.

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