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The Opening of the Mosque By: Jeffrey Wu. The Issue of Park 51 - The mosque, which was later made into a multi-cultural center known as Park51, opened.

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Presentation on theme: "The Opening of the Mosque By: Jeffrey Wu. The Issue of Park 51 - The mosque, which was later made into a multi-cultural center known as Park51, opened."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Opening of the Mosque By: Jeffrey Wu

2 The Issue of Park 51 - The mosque, which was later made into a multi-cultural center known as Park51, opened near Ground Zero in September 2011 without controversy. - Before the opening, the media reported that the center was only to be a mosque, without stating that it was actually going to be a multi-cultural center including works and events for many various religions. - This disrespected many loved ones who died in the 9/11 tragedy. - Many felt this was insensitive to the American people due to the planned location of this center.

3 Disagreements of this Issue - America is built on religious freedom and tolerance. - Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama defended the mosque near Ground Zero. - A comedian said that it represents the best of America. - If it wasn’t allowed to open, it may encourage future terrorist attacks.

4 My Position - The opening of the center, if it were only to be a mosque, at the 9/11 site would be insensitive to the victims and their families. - Due to the multi-cultural nature of the cultural center, this made it less offensive to the American people. - The muted media coverage during the cultural center’s opening helped minimize the controversy.

5 Create a Truce - As long as Park51 is kept as a multi- cultural center, it should be respected. -Although not against the law, if the center were to benefit only Muslims, the center should be moved elsewhere to respect the wishes of the families of 9/11 victims. - The American value of religous freedom remain strong.

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