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EXist and XPath.  General Announcements  Examples (Books.xml) from the Lecture Slides  Questions from the Movies.xml file  Assignment Discussion 

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1 eXist and XPath

2  General Announcements  Examples (Books.xml) from the Lecture Slides  Questions from the Movies.xml file  Assignment Discussion  Questions

3  Start up the “eXist-db Database” program.  Go to: http://localhost:8080/exist/http://localhost:8080/exist/  Go to the “Collections”  Drag in books.xml and Movies.xml to upload them.  Go to the “eXide – Xquery IDE” to run the queries on the XML files.  Once the XPath/XQuery queries are typed in, click “Run” to return results.

4  /bookstore/book  //book[3]/author[2]  //book[price<30]  //book[title/@lang='en']  //book[author][price<‘30’]/t itle

5  /bookstore/book  //book[3]/author[2]  //book[price<30]  //book[title/@lang='en']  //book[author][price<‘30’]/t itle This will return all the elements under the bookstore and book (all the element information for “Everyday Italian”, “Harry Potter”, “Xquery Kick Start” and “Learning XML”).

6  /bookstore/book  //book[3]/author[2]  //book[price<30]  //book[title/@lang='en']  //book[author][price<‘30’]/t itle The will return the second author for the third book element (“Per Bothner”).

7  /bookstore/book  //book[3]/author[2]  //book[price<30]  //book[title/@lang='en']  //book[author][price<‘30’]/t itle All the books where the price is less than 30 (the details for the “Harry Potter” book).

8  /bookstore/book  //book[3]/author[2]  //book[price<30]  //book[title/@lang='en']  //book[author][price<‘30’]/t itle All the books that have a title, and under the title element, there is a lang element that has a value of “en” (all the books since they all fall under this category).

9  /bookstore/book  //book[3]/author[2]  //book[price<30]  //book[title/@lang='en']  //book[author][price<'30']/t itle Note: This was changed slightly from the lecture. All the book titles that have an author element and a price under 30 – the title of “Harry Potter”.

10  Find the actors of the movie with title “Unforgiven”

11 //actor[../title='Unforgiven'] The details of Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman

12  Find movies directed by “Clint Eastwood”

13 //title[../director/first_name=' Clint'][../director/last_name=' Eastwood'] This will return “Unforgiven”

14  Find the year of the movie entitled “Spider- Man”

15 //year[../title='Spider-Man'] This will return “2002”

16  Find the first actor in each movie directed by some with firstname “Sofia”

17 //actor[1][../director/first_na me=’Sofia’] This will return the details for Scarlet Johansson and Kirsten Dunst from the movies “Lost in Translation” and “Marie Antoinette” respectively.

18  Find the roles played by the actor “Kirstan Dunst”

19 //role[../first_name='Kirstan'][../last_name='Dunst'] This will return nothing as there is no actress with the name “Kirstan Dunst”.

20  Find the roles played by the actor “Kirsten Dunst” //role[../first_name='Kirsten'][../last_name='Dunst'] This returns “Marie Antoinette” and “Mary Jane Watson” from the movies “Marie Antoinette” and “Spider-Man” respectively.

21  Find all movies that has a genre and country

22 //movie[genre][country] This returns all movies (“A History of Violence”, “Heat”, “Unforgiven”, “Match Point”, “Lost in Translation”, “Marie Antoinette” and “Spider-Man”) as they all have a genre and a country element each.

23  Find all movies that has a genre, country and summary //movie[genre][country][summ ary] This returns all movies except for “Lost in Translation” as it does not have a summary in the movie element.

24  Find the title and summary of movies produced in 1982.

25 //title[../year='1982'] | //summary[../year='1982'] This returns nothing as there were no movies produced in 1982.

26  Find the title and summary of movies produced in 1992. //title[../year='1992'] | //summary[../year='1992'] This returns the title and summary for the movie “Unforgiven” as that movie was produced (year) in 1992.

27  The assignment criteria sheets should be online on L@G.  This includes: ◦ The report assignment sheet which is due in week 10. ◦ The presentation assignment sheet which is due in weeks 11 and 12.  The report should follow the standard research paper structure and conform to a template such as the IEEE Transactions ferences/publishing/templates.html ferences/publishing/templates.html


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