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Proportions in Math and Art Artful Thinking in Math 6 Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Proportions in Math and Art Artful Thinking in Math 6 Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proportions in Math and Art Artful Thinking in Math 6 Class

2 What’s going on in this painting? What makes you say that? John Curry, American FIRE DIVER 1936

3 What can the Fire Diver perceive? Step inside the role of the Fire Diver. What might the Fire Diver know about or believe ? What might the Fire Diver care about?

4 4545 12 X = What DOES X perceive? Step inside the role x. What does X know about or believe ? What might X care about? What does this have to do with art??

5 What is the relationship between these two versions of the same painting? The Scale Factor!

6 How Artists Enlarge Sketches Gridding is still used by many artists in addition to: over head projector. computer software that will enlarge/shrink or grid an image. SAILSS: Supporting Arts Integrated Learning for Student Success Bates MS/P.Klos 6 Historically, when artists need to enlarge an image for a large painting or murals, they often used a grid system using pencils, charcoal, rulers, and/or various inventions. In the 15 th century, Albecht Dűrer, famed for his superb wood cuts and draftsmanship, made a number of drawing engines to study perspective and enlarge or shrink images. Using this machine, sighting from a fixed point, he would look through a grid of strings and transfer what he saw onto his drawing surface which carried a similar grid.

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9 Bates, David Milkbone, 1983 Van Gogh, Vincent: Portrait of Dr. Gatchet, 1893 Klee, Paul. Senecio. 1922 Dongen, Kees Van, The Corn Poppy. 1919

10 SAILSS: Supporting Arts Integrated Learning for Student Success Bates MS/P.Klos 10

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