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Reading 2 T. Nouf AlBattah.

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1 Reading 2 T. Nouf AlBattah

2 Instructor’s information
- Nouf AlBattah - Office No. 62B Website :

3 :Important notes 1- class participation grades will be assigned on the basis of attentiveness and interaction. 2- use of mobiles in class is strictly forbidden. 3- No makeup exams for midterms unless you have medical report. 4- Be punctual, late comers will be marked absent. 5- if your absence exceed 25% you will be deprived from attending the final exam.

4 Interactions 2 Gold edition
Text Book Interactions 2 Gold edition Pamela Hartmann Elaine Kirn

5 The Reading comprehension course seeks to foster the following skills:
-Skimming -Scanning -Intensive reading -Extensive reading - Writing a summary

6 Sub skills and strategies
- Making predictions - Varying reading speeds - Understanding word meaning by relying on immediate context in the text - Understanding word meaning by relying on overall meaning in the text - Recognizing main ideas - Making inferences - Discovering writer’s point of view

7 1st interm : 25 2nd interm : 25 Project : 5 Classwork : 5 Final : 40
Grades Distribution 1st interm : 25 2nd interm : 25 Project : 5 Classwork : 5 Final : 40

8 1st Exam Week Monday Oct.24 2nd Exam Week Monday Dec.12

9 What are the steps that you have to follow before and during reading a text??

10 1- Read the title. 2- Analyzing the feature of the text , finding organizational pattern. 3- skimming : Read the passage quickly to get general idea , also to pick up the key words that tell you Who, what, when, where , how many….?

11 Pause after you read a section of a text. Then :
4- Take notes : Why ???? A/To maintain attentiveness while you read. B/ To focus your attention. C/ To familiarize your self with primary and secondary material on a given subject. D/ To provide you with a summary of the material. 5- Summaries : Pause after you read a section of a text. Then : put what you’ve read into your own words.

12 Discussion

13 1- What are the difficulties that you
encounter in reading an English text? 2- What are the things that you want to improve , …things you still have weakness in and you need to improve ?

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