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Civil War Notes Prelude To War: Part I D. Slavery and Secession Buchanan’s Presidency is plagued with controversies over slavery Dred Scott Decision Lecompton.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil War Notes Prelude To War: Part I D. Slavery and Secession Buchanan’s Presidency is plagued with controversies over slavery Dred Scott Decision Lecompton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil War Notes Prelude To War: Part I D

2 Slavery and Secession Buchanan’s Presidency is plagued with controversies over slavery Dred Scott Decision Lecompton Constitution

3 Dred Scott Slave from Missouri, his owner took him to live in free territory for four years His owner died and he sued for freedom 1857: Roger B. Taney led Supreme Court: Scott V. Sanford Slaves do not have the rights of citizens Missouri Compromise is unconstitutional Scott is freed

4 Lecompton Constitution Remember Kansas Proslavery side creates a constitution and applies for statehood Outnumbered by antislavery forces 10 to 1 Vote down Constitution Buchanan endorses the constitution Constitution rejected a second time (Douglas) Democrats are splitting

5 Lincoln-Douglas Debates Douglas: Popular Sovereignty Lincoln: Abolition Illinois Senate race of 1858 Seven Debates Douglas wins election, but Lincoln is noticed

6 Harpers Ferry John Brown and a group of men attempt to seize the federal arsenal He wanted to distribute the arms to slaves and begin a revolt No slaves come forward for weapons and hostages are taken Brown is captured and tried for treason Brown hanged for treason, Martyr

7 Oh Captain, My Captain Election of 1860 Abraham Lincoln is nominated instead of William H. Seward at the Republican Convention Northern Democrats: Stephen Douglas Southern Democrats: John C. Breckinridge (VP at the time) Constitutional Union: John Bell (ignored slavery) Lincoln wins with no Southern state (Why?)

8 The South is Gone Secession: South Carolina is 1st, December 20, 1860 States’ Rights (Slavery issue) Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas followed (first wave) February 4, 1861, Montgomery, Alabama, Confederacy is formed with the first wave of southern states

9 CSA Constitution similar to that of the USA, but slavery is “protected and recognized,” and each state is “sovereign” and “independent” This sovereign and independent issue would hamper the Confederacy (Why?) Jefferson Davis, first and only president

10 CSA Eight slave states still in the Union Buchanan declares secession illegal, but says its illegal for him to do anything about it What will the North Do?

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