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March 17, 2015 I can… How are genes related to functional and non-functional enzymes. Homework: TEST RETAKE – by appt. Protein Quiz 3/24 1.In Lab #19 we.

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Presentation on theme: "March 17, 2015 I can… How are genes related to functional and non-functional enzymes. Homework: TEST RETAKE – by appt. Protein Quiz 3/24 1.In Lab #19 we."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 17, 2015 I can… How are genes related to functional and non-functional enzymes. Homework: TEST RETAKE – by appt. Protein Quiz 3/24 1.In Lab #19 we altered the shape of the enzyme. Explain the following parts of the toothpickase enzyme: a.Substrate b.Active site 2. Review data from Lab #19 Activity 2. How did the enzyme perform the conditions were col? Why?

2 DNA structure- Chromosomes Chromosomes = long pieces of DNA

3 Chromosomes have genetic information and are passed on every time a cell divides chromosomes Dividing onion cells chromosomes nucelus cell wall

4 Information flow in cells DNA proteintraits

5 Chromosome structure- genes Human chromosome # 7 Contains about 1,800 genes Contains over 150 million nucleotides Link to view genes and DNA sequence Regions of chromosomes called genes determine which proteins can be made in the cell Traits result from which proteins are made

6 Genes The order, or sequence, of nucleotides in a gene is a code that cells use to make specific proteins ATAACAGGCGACTTACGGC GCCGTAAGTCGCCTGTTAT

7 DNA (gene) proteintraits

8 How does this fit with how we have been explaining the relationship between proteins and traits?

9 “Roundbuds”

10 Roundbuds In a type of wildflower, the round bud, red pigment is synthesized from a colorless molecule by enzyme Q. 1. Draw the enzyme pathway for the round bud. 2. Some round buds are white. Explain why these flowers are white.

11 colorless (white) molecule Red Pigment molecule Enzyme Q Nodes = Metabolites Edges = Enzyme Colorless molecule Enzyme Q Red pigment molecule

12 Cell with gene for functional enzyme Q Cell with gene for non- functional enzyme Q Cell of RED flowerCell of WHITE flower gene

13 Pigment Metabolic Network for the Imaginary Bioflower Blue Flower Red Flower Where is the variation in these flowers? Blue and Red Flowers (Color)

14 Bioflowers A colorless starting molecule is converted by enzyme A to blue pigment. Next, enzyme B converts the blue pigment to red pigment. 1.Diagram of the pathway. (include a key) 2.Give an explanation for a blue flower.

15 Colorless (white) molecule Blue pigment molecule Red pigment molecule Enzyme AEnzyme B pathway Molecule cartoons

16 Draw the enzymes and molecules present in the cells of each type of bioflower below. nucleus A B Type 1

17 Draw the enzymes and molecules present in the cells of each type of bioflower below. nucleus A B Type 2

18 Draw the enzymes and molecules present in the cells of each type of bioflower below. nucleus A B Type 3

19 “Coat Color in Labrador Retrievers” CocoaMidnight

20 Tyrosine Dopaquinone Brown pigment Black pigment Yellow and/or Red pigments tyrosinase TRP-2 TRP-1 Enzyme X


22 Exit Ticket A population of bears in British Columbia is famous for their white fur. Genetically they are identical to black bears, but the gene that normally turns a colorless precursor into black fur is non-functional. Draw a biomolecular model that shows a skin cell of these white bears.

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