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Chapter 1: Matter and Change Chemistry is a Physical Science Matter and Its Properties Elements.

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1 Chapter 1: Matter and Change Chemistry is a Physical Science Matter and Its Properties Elements

2 Chemistry is a Physical Science

3 What is chemistry? The study of the composition  What is it? structure  How is it put together? and properties  How does it behave? of matter and the changes it undergoes.

4 6 branches of chemistry List on page 6 1. Organic-study of carbon-containing compounds. 2. Inorganic-study of anything inorganic. 3. Physical-study of the properties & changes of matter & their relation to energy 4. Analytical-the identification of the components & composition of materials. 5. Biochemistry-study of substances and processes occurring in living things. 6. Theoretical-understanding chemical behavior & predicting properties of new substances.

5 Matter and Its Properties

6 What is matter? All matter has two properties in common:  Volume-the amount of 3D space an object occupies  Mass-a measure of the amount of matter present. Anything that has mass and takes up space is matter.

7 Remember! Atom-the smallest unit of an element that maintains the properties of that element Element-a pure substance made of only one kind of atom  Found on the periodic table Compound-a substance made from the atoms of two or more elements that are chemically bonded

8 Properties and Changes in Matter Extensive property-depends on the amount of matter that is present  Ask, “If I double the amount of matter that I have, will this property change?” If yes, then the property is extensive.  Examples-mass and volume

9 Properties and Changes in Matter Intensive property-does not depend on the amount of matter present  Ask, “If I double the amount of matter that I have, will this property change?” If the answer is no, then intensive property.  Examples-color, boiling point, and density

10 Extensive or Intensive? Examples:  boiling point  volume  mass  density  conductivity intensive extensive intensive

11 Properties and Changes in Matter Physical property-a characteristic that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the substance.  Examples-melting & boiling points Physical change-a change in a substance that does not involve a change in the identity of the substance.  Examples-grinding, cutting, and boiling

12 Changes of State Change of state-a physical change of a substance from one state to another  Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas.  Any change of a substance between these state is a PHYSICAL change!

13 States of Matter Solids  very low KE - particles vibrate but can’t move around  fixed shape  fixed volume

14 States of Matter Liquids  low KE - particles can move around but are still close together  variable shape  fixed volume

15 States of Matter Gases  high KE - particles can separate and move throughout container  variable shape  variable volume

16 Fourth State of Matter Plasma  very high KE - particles collide with enough energy to break into charged particles (+/-)  gas-like, variable shape & volume  stars, fluorescent light bulbs

17 Properties and Changes in Matter Chemical property-a characteristic that can NOT be observed without changing the identity of the substance.  Example-ability of charcoal to burn in air Chemical change-a change in which one or more substances are converted into different substances.  AKA chemical reaction  reactants  products  Examples-Charcoal burning in air

18 Property or Change? Physical or Chemical? Examples:  flammable  burning of a log  magnetic  ice melting  tarnishes in air  melting point  iron rusting  grinding spices  Property, chemical  Change, chemical  Property, physical  Change, physical  Property, chemical  Property, physical  Change, chemical  Change, physical

19 Classification of Matter MATTER Can it be physically separated? Homogeneous Mixture (solution) Heterogeneous MixtureCompoundElement MIXTUREPURE SUBSTANCE yesno Can it be chemically decomposed? noyes Is the composition uniform? noyes Figure 1-8, page 15

20 Pure Substances Element  Composed of identical atoms  On the periodic table  Examples-copper wire, aluminum foil Compound  Composed of 2 or more elements in a fixed ratio  Properties differ from those of individual elements  Example-table salt (NaCl)

21 Mixtures Variable combination of 2 or more pure substances. Heterogeneous- not uniform composition Homogeneous- uniform composition AKA solutions

22 What type of matter is it?  graphite (form of carbon)  pepper  sugar (sucrose)  paint  soda element hetero. mixture compound hetero. mixture solution

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