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Great diversity of reproductive structures
Reproduction Reading: Chapter 10; pp Great diversity of reproductive structures Great diversity of reproductive strategies -timing -number of young -how developed young are when born -many others
Eggs much larger than in
Monotremes: -single common opening from urinary and reproductive tracts called a cloaca (just like lower vertebrates and birds) -Only left ovary is functional -Have mammary glands, but no nipples Eggs much larger than in viviparous mammals -much more yolk
egg with permeable shell
Monotremes: have a cloaca no placenta egg with permeable shell -layed into pouch -sticky coating incubated in pouch for ~10 days
-do not have a “true placenta”
Marsupials: -also have a cloaca -do not have a “true placenta” -Instead, have a choriovitelline placenta much less intimate contact with developing fetuses than eutherian mammals have -Young are altricial and require a long period of development in the marsupium (pouch) of the mother
-Have a “true placenta” = a chorioallantoic placenta
Eutherians: -NO CLOACA -Have a “true placenta” = a chorioallantoic placenta -major evolutionary advance -temporary organ that acts to efficiently exchange oxygen, nutrients and waste products between the mother and developing young -much more intimate connection between mother & fetus -Young are relatively precocial when born
Reproductive systems Male Testes: paired organs within which sperm develop -hang outside of the body within a scrotum cooler
Reproductive Systems: MALE formation of copulatory plug contributes to semen Other accessory glands also may increase the volume of seminal fluid or modify or buffer the vaginal environment
Baculum (pl. bacula) Sciuridae Mustelidae
In all mammals except higher primates,
copulation is restricted to specific periods of the sexual cycle called estrus -occurs shortly before and after ovulation Estrous cycle: -entire sequence of reproductive events -hormonal -physiological -behavioral
Estrous cycle Controlled largely by: FSH LH Anterior Pituitary
ESTROGEN PROGESTERONE Anterior Pituitary Ovarian hormones
-low levels of ESTROGEN from the ovary trigger release of FSH
FSH released -low levels of ESTROGEN from the ovary trigger release of FSH Follicle forms estrogen low Follicle begins to form
LH -as follicle forms it releases ESTROGEN -stimulates LH production estrogen -inhibits FSH production Stimulates the thickening of the endometrium
Estrous cycle When egg is mature -follicle bursts -egg released
may or may not become fertilized
Estrous cycle When egg is mature -also have a surge of LH
triggers corpus luteum to form
Corpus luteum produces high levels of progesterone -continued thickening of endometrium -growth of mammary glands
Progesterone -usually provides a negative feedback loop that shuts down FSH & LH “don’t start a new estrous cycle, I’m pregnant!” -All Eutherians
“Tyranny of the Estrous Cycle”
EUTHERIANS MARSUPIALS Progesterone inhibits FSH production Progesterone does not inhibit FSH production feedback to prevent formation of new follicle when female is pregnant no feedback to prevent formation of new follicle even when female is pregnant “Tyranny of the Estrous Cycle”
“Tyranny of the Estrous Cycle”
-gestation period must be shorter than the estrous cycle! -severely limits the length of in utero development in marsupials
Placenta -complex of embryonic and maternal tissues main functions: 1. Anchors fetus to uterus 2. Transports nutrients to fetus 3. Collects metabolic wastes from fetus 4. Produces hormones regulating organs of both mother and fetus
Embryo can’t get very big Placentas Marsupial choriovitelline placenta
-enlarged yolk sack -relatively little attachment to developing fetus Marsupial 1. gas exchange a problem Embryo can’t get very big 2. danger of immune response 3. Progesterone doesn’t inhibit FSH “Tyranny of the Estrous Cycle”
Newborn Virginia opossum
Placentas choriovitelline Marsupial placenta chorioallantoic Eutherian
-enlarged yolk sac -relatively little attachment to developing fetus Marsupial YOLK Eutherian chorioallantoic placenta villi extend deeply into uterus very tight connection between mother and fetus YOLK
Can have much longer gestation periods in eutherians
Placentas EUTHERIANS Chorioallantoic placenta chorionic villi extend deeply into the uterus form a very tight connection between mother and fetus Trophoblast prevents immune response by mother to embryo Can have much longer gestation periods in eutherians
Mother Virginia opossum
choriovitelline placenta
EUTHERIANS MARSUPIALS hormonal feedback loop prevents formation of new follicle when female is pregnant “Tyranny of the Estrous Cycle” -no hormonal feedback loop chorioallontoic placenta (very efficient) choriovitelline placenta (not very efficient) trophoblast No trophoblast (prevents immune response by mother to embryo) (immune response a potential problem) -gestation must be short -extended lactation -young altricial at birth -can have long gestations -potential for precocial young
marsupials tend to have: gestation lactation
Gestation -period from fertilization to birth of young
1. Length highly variable 12.5 days (possum) to 22 months (African elephant) 2. Gestation time not necessarily correlated with size - No true gestation in monotremes
Common sequence in female reproductive cycle
gametogenesis insemination formation of diploid zygote attachment to endometrium intrauteran development birth nursing
Ovulation usually spontaneous
Induced Ovulation -cats, some mustelids & rodents
Delayed Fertilization
-insectivorous bats
Delayed implantation -Ursids, mustelids, phocids,
armadillos & many other groups
Delayed Fertilization
“norm” is spontaneous ovulation followed by events as in sequence “A” Induced Ovulation Delayed Fertilization variations from the “norm” Delayed Implantation Delayed Development All of these strategies can be important for dealing with environmental stresses, especially in highly seasonal environments
Delayed Fertilization
“norm” is spontaneous ovulation followed by events as in sequence “A” Induced Ovulation Delayed Fertilization variations from the “norm” Delayed Implantation Delayed Development Embryonic Diapause only in marsupials
Embryonic Diapause Embryo development halted mid-way through development! mother may mate again when joey is ~6 months old -suckling prevents development of 2nd joey Female can have 3 young dependent on her at one time
Lactation Functions: Production of milk by the mammary glands
Milk contains fats, proteins, lactose, vitamins, salts Functions: 1. Provides nutrients for growth of newborn 2. Transmits passive immunity Colostrum: first released by mammary gland following birth -a protein-rich fluid containing antibodies that confer mother's immunity to various diseases to young 3. May support the growth of symbiotic intestinal flora
Great Diversity of “Life History Strategies” in mammals
Big differences in: -gestation period -lactation period -number of young -size of young -how developed young are at birth etc. Many of these differences are related to constraints imposed by: -vivipary vs. ovipary -type of placenta -ability to prevent immune response to embryo -hormonal feedback -body size and lifespan -ecology of the species
Environmental Adaptations
Temps on Earth can range from -65C to +55C Animals must have adaptations to avoid overheating and overcooling Regulation of body temp through behavioral adjustments is called ectothermy Mammals are able to regulate their body temps using physiological mechanisms as well endothermy Mammals can maintain a relatively constant body temp homeothermic
Environmental Adaptations: Reading Feldhamer Chap 9
pp Regulation of body temp through behavioral adjustments is called ectothermy Mammals are able to regulate their body temps using physiological mechanisms as well endothermy Mammals can maintain a relatively constant body temp homeothermic
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