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Business Law 3.04 Key Terms Intellectual Property.

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1 Business Law 3.04 Key Terms Intellectual Property

2 Key Terms Copyright: a right granted to the creators of artistic works, such as sound recordings, choreography, and computer programs. (life + 70 years) Doctrine of Fair Use: permits the use of copyrighted information without permission, if the work is used for specific purposes. Intellectual property: product resulting from human creativity; an original work fixed in a tangible medium of expression.

3 Key Terms Patent: a right granted to inventors of useful, unique, and non-obvious processes. (20 years) Service Mark: a distinctive word, name, symbol, or device that identifies a service. (10 years, renewable)

4 Key Terms Trade dress: the distinctive appearance, color, shape, style, texture, and size of a product or service. (indefinite) Trade Secret: a right granted to businesses that allows them to prevent certain information from being obtained by its competitors. (indefinite) Trademark: a distinctive word, name, symbol, or device that identifies a product. (renewable every 10 yrs)

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