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Bell RingerDate: February 22 nd, 2016 1)Copy down homework for this week. You will have a quiz on Wednesday. 2) Take out a new sheet of paper. Label it.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell RingerDate: February 22 nd, 2016 1)Copy down homework for this week. You will have a quiz on Wednesday. 2) Take out a new sheet of paper. Label it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell RingerDate: February 22 nd, 2016 1)Copy down homework for this week. You will have a quiz on Wednesday. 2) Take out a new sheet of paper. Label it Bell Ringers 2/22 to 2/26, and answer the question below. How would you have handled Indian Removal from the Southwest?

2 What was the Indian Removal Act? A)Authorized the President to make treaties with Native Americans B)Act that forced Native Americans to walk long miles. C)Authorized the president to negotiate with southern Indian tribes for their removal

3 Why would the United States want to force Native Americans to move? A)The belief it was in the best interest of all parties involved. B)The belief in Manifest Destiny. C)The belief we could move people whenever we want. D)All Native Americans would be killed if it didn’t happen.

4 TRUE OR FALSE Native Americans in the Northwest voluntarily moved from their territories TRUE OR FALSE Native Americans in the Northwest voluntarily moved from their territories

5 TRUE OR FALSE Native Americans were forced to move from their territories in the Southeast to territory to the west. TRUE OR FALSE Native Americans were forced to move from their territories in the Southeast to territory to the west.

6 The Bank War & States’ Rights Directions 1)Take out a blank sheet of paper 2) Title it States’ Rights and the Economy – F13 3) Number it 1-10 skipping a line in between each.

7 The Bank War & Questions of States Rights Today we will focus on Chapter 10 Section 5. Take out a textbook. Turn to page 362 in your textbook

8 Questions to consider…. Pg. 362-363 1)Why did many Americans dislike Banks? Who was their most powerful enemy? 2) How did Jackson win reelection in 1832?

9 The Bank War & Questions of States Rights Work alone or with your desk partner to complete answering the other questions. Hand in work when completed.

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