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Benjamin Worel Minnesota Department of Transportation.

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1 Benjamin Worel Minnesota Department of Transportation

2 International Pavement Research Subcommittee Meeting Sunday 3:30pm-5:00pm Eastern Market (M3) Marriott Attendance Minnesota (3), Norway (2), Sweden (5) California (1)

3 2016 Topics Discussed Norway – Durable Roads completed - Implementation starting – Future Projects – Pavement Performance Prediction Analytic Design / ME Reduction Energy and Consumption (Carbon Calculations) Quality of Construction Practices Sweden – Gross Vehicle Weight Change 64 or even 74 metric tons – Effects on pavement performance Use of wide based tires and Change to higher tire pressures – Scan Tour

4 2016 Topics Discussed General – Warm mix asphalt 20 Deg (C) Change 1% less air voids  10% longer life MnDOT – Intelligent Construction MnDOT Efforts HMA Rollers Infra-Red Paver Bar Unbound Materials

5 5 NCAT Partnerships Pavement Preservation HMA Performance Test

6 2016 Topics Discussed MnDOT – Update MnPAVE with PMS Objekt Design frost model – MnROAD Phase-III – DCT Testing – Dave Covered – RoadScanners Testing Performance Analysis of MnROAD Sections – Thickness, Rutting – Ride – Rutting – Subsurface Moisture – Lidar – Radar – point cloud Help pick MnROAD Forensics locations County Survey?

7 2016 Topics Discussed MnDOT – MASW survey objectives: Obtain information on MnROAD subsurface conditions to be used in interpretation of past and future performance; Exchange information to help advance the state of practice; Data will be used to complement existing FWD data; Potentially study known area of very high subsurface moisture; Determine areas to do more detailed investigations such as forensics, or FWD; – Both MnDOT and Sweden have equipment for these surveys. It is envisioned that this will be a joint effort to compare approaches.

8 National Road Research Alliance  Minnesota Lead State  Developed around a 2014 National PEER Exchange Goals:  Strategic Implementation Through Cooperative Pavement Research  Focus on regional and national needs  Foster innovation through membership from states, academia and industry  Ensure the development of implementable products for road owners  Create an effective technology transfer program  Direct 2017 MnROAD construction (MnDOT $2.5 million contribution)

9 Pooled Fund Solicitation Pooled Fund Solicitation Looking for your involvement! Current Members Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan

10 2016 Topics Discussed Group – MnDOT, Sweden, Norway samples DCT tested Finalize Report – 4 Swedish Modified Binder MnDOT Testing – PG grading and Testing – Future meetings / exchanges?

11 Thank You Ben Worel

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