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SAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND ENGEENIRING RESEARCH Ahmedabad B.E (3rd Semester)-Civil-Shift 2 December-2014 Shah Disha R.(130670106508) Gosai Beran.(130670106503)

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Presentation on theme: "SAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND ENGEENIRING RESEARCH Ahmedabad B.E (3rd Semester)-Civil-Shift 2 December-2014 Shah Disha R.(130670106508) Gosai Beran.(130670106503)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND ENGEENIRING RESEARCH Ahmedabad B.E (3rd Semester)-Civil-Shift 2 December-2014 Shah Disha R.(130670106508) Gosai Beran.(130670106503) Chavda Hetal N.(130670106504) Patel Keval K.(130670106518) Patel Tejasvini D.(130670106541)


3 Engineering geology is the application of geological data, techniques and principles to the study of rock and soil surficialmaterials, and ground water. This is essential for the proper location, planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of engineering structures. Engineering geology complements environmental geology, or hydrogeology. What Is Geology?

4 Rock, soil, water, the interaction among these three constituents, as well as with engineering materials and structures. What does Engineering Geology study?

5 Serve civil engineering to provide information in 3 most important areas: –Resources for construction; Aggregates, fills and borrows. –Finding stable foundations; Present is the key to the past –geology Past is the key to the future -engineering –Mitigation of geological hazards Identify problems, evaluate the costs, provide information to mitigate the problem Why Engineering Geology matter?

6 Geotechnical Engineer Prepares and inspects projects involving drilling and exploration. Responsible for geological mapping, report writing, site characterization, numerical modeling and analysis of excavations/supports.


8 What is Geotechnical Engineering? Geo = earth Technical = having special knowledge What do Geotechnical Engineers do? Evaluate soil properties to fully understand the below surface conditions of an area. Design the foundations that structures will be built on.

9 Why do we need Geotechnical Engineers? Questions Geotechnical Engineers answer: How tall can we make a building on this ground? What kind of foundation will be able to support this structure? Can we build a road, bridge or dam here? If we cut through this mountain, will the slopes collapse down onto the road?

10 When do we need Geotechnical Engineers? In order to have a successful structure, you have to have a successful foundation. If the foundation fails then the structure will fail. Need to protect against differential settlement, rock slides (slope stability), flooding and many other types of failures. So to answer the question…Geotechnical Engineers are needed whenever there is construction!

11 Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Gone Wrong

12 Interstate 35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota August 1 st, 2007

13 General Outline of Engineering Geology 1, Rock description and identification; 2, Engineering properties of rocks (e.g., foundation), material for construction (e.g., aggregates); 3, Rock weathering and soil development; 4, Map reading, both topographic and geologic; 5, Structure aspects –bedding, joints, and faults; 6, Mass movement and landslides; 7, Running water-erosion, flood effects, water impoundment; 8, Groundwater control during construction, water supply, pollution, subsidence, slope instability; 9, Shoreline erosion and protection; 10, Earthquakes and earthquake engineering; 11, Glacial deposits; 12, Arid environments; 13, Subsurface geology, condition of stress at depth (for excavation, tunneling etc.)

14 Civil Engineer Designs and supervises construction projects such as airports, bridges, channels, dams, railroads and roads. Responsibilities also include estimating costs and personnel and material needs, preparing proposals and establishing completion dates.


16 What is a Dam? A dam is a barrier that impounds water or underground streams; they serve the purpose of retaining water. Hydropower and pumped-storage hydroelectricity are often used in conjunction with dams to generate electricity. A dam can also be used to collect water or for the storage of water, which can be evenly distributed between locations.

17 Types of Dams… Arch Dams - Distributes force to the walls of the valley or canyon Gravity Dam - Uses the weight of the concrete to absorb the forces of the water

18 Buttress Dam -Uses buttresses to transfer the force of the water to the foundation Types of Dams… Embankment Dam -Uses mounds of soil or rock with an impervious core to hold the forces of the water

19 Main reasons for dam failure: 1, Sedimentary rocks on the west lost strength when it is wet; 2, The fault separating the west and east rock formations started to leak water; 3, Schist on the east increases pore pressure and lost shear strength after wet.

20 Careers with Geotechnical Engineering Salary: $51,000–$61,000 Education: Bachelor’s Experience: 0-2 years Civil Engineer Salary: $50,000–$57,000 Education: Bachelor’s Experience: 0-2 years Geotechnical Engineer Salary: $43,000–$57,000 Education: Bachelor’s Experience: 0-2 years Construction Coordinator


22 Hoover Dam Facts There is enough concrete in the Hoover Dam (4 1/2 million cubic yards) to build a 2 lane road from Seattle, Washington to Miami, Florida or a 4 ft. wide sidewalk around the Earth at the Equator. More than 8.5 million pounds of dynamite was used to blast the foundation for the dam and 8 miles of tunnels through the canyon walls.

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