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Lord of the Flies Reading Quizzes Ch 1- The Sound of the Shell Ch 2- Fire on the Mountain Ch 3- Huts on the Beach.

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Presentation on theme: "Lord of the Flies Reading Quizzes Ch 1- The Sound of the Shell Ch 2- Fire on the Mountain Ch 3- Huts on the Beach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lord of the Flies Reading Quizzes Ch 1- The Sound of the Shell Ch 2- Fire on the Mountain Ch 3- Huts on the Beach

2 Monday, 1/24 Quiz on The Sound of the Shell (7-31) Get out a half-sheet of paper and a pen/pencil Put your name and date on the top of the paper

3 Question 1 Describe Piggy’s appearance.

4 Question 2 What item do Ralph and Piggy find on the beach? What do they do with it?

5 Question 3 Jack Merridew is the leader of what group?

6 Question 4 Who is elected chief of the boys?

7 Question 5 What animal does Jack almost kill?


9 Question 1 Describe Piggy’s appearance.

10 Question 1 Describe Piggy’s appearance. Wears glasses, short, fat, has asthma

11 Question 2 What item do Ralph and Piggy find on the beach? What do they do with it?

12 Question 2 What item do Ralph and Piggy find on the beach? – A conch shell What do they do with it? – Play the conch, make noise

13 Question 3 Jack Merridew is the leader of what group?

14 Question 3 Jack Merridew is the leader of what group? – The choir

15 Question 4 Who is elected chief of the boys?

16 Question 4 Who is elected chief of the boys? – Ralph

17 Question 5 What animal does Jack almost kill?

18 Question 5 What animal does Jack almost kill? – A wild pig

19 Tuesday, 1/25 Quiz on Fire on the Mountain (32-47) Get out a half-sheet of paper and a pen/pencil Put your name and date on the top of the paper

20 Question 1 Per the rules of the island, if you want to speak, what must you be holding?

21 Question 2 The little boys are scared of what on the island?

22 Question 3 What do the boys decide to make in hopes of being rescued?

23 Question 4 How do the boys start the fire?

24 Question 5 What do the boys do to the island that shows they do not think about consequences?


26 Question 1 Per the rules of the island, if you want to speak, what must you be holding?

27 Question 1 Per the rules of the island, if you want to speak, what must you be holding? – The conch

28 Question 2 The little boys are scared of what on the island?

29 Question 2 The little boys are scared of what on the island? – Snake-things/beastie

30 Question 3 What do the boys decide to make in hopes of being rescued?

31 Question 3 What do the boys decide to make in hopes of being rescued? A fire

32 Question 4 How do the boys start the fire?

33 Question 4 How do the boys start the fire? – They use Piggy’s glasses

34 Question 5 What do the boys do to the island that shows they do not think about consequences?

35 Question 5 What do the boys do to the island that shows they do not think about consequences? – They do not control the fire they make, and it burns a large portion of the island.

36 Wednesday, 1/26 Quiz on Huts on the Beach (48-57) Get out a half-sheet of paper and a pen/pencil Put your name and date on the top of the paper

37 Question 1 Describe the change in Jack’s appearance and actions.

38 Question 2 Who consistently helps Ralph construct the shelters?

39 Question 3 While on the island, Ralph is focused on doing what activity?

40 Question 4 While on the island, Jack is focused on doing what activity?

41 Question 5 Describe the place Simon goes to at the end of the chapter.


43 Question 1 Describe the change in Jack’s appearance and actions.

44 Question 1 Describe the change in Jack’s appearance and actions. – Sunburned – Freckles on his back – longer hair – stalking the pigs through the forest/hunting/tracking

45 Question 2 Who consistently helps Ralph construct the shelters?

46 Question 2 Who consistently helps Ralph construct the shelters? – Simon

47 Question 3 While on the island, Ralph is focused on doing what activity?

48 Question 3 While on the island, Ralph is focused on doing what activity? – Maintaining the fire – Getting rescued

49 Question 4 While on the island, Jack is focused on doing what activity?

50 Question 4 While on the island, Jack is focused on doing what activity? – Killing a pig

51 Question 5 Describe the place Simon goes to at the end of the chapter.

52 Question 5 Describe the place Simon goes to at the end of the chapter. – A clearing with sunshine – creepers on one side, rock on the other – Full of aromatic bushes – fallen tree – “bowl of sunshine”

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