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Moodle Quizzes – Workshop Outline Example of a Moodle Quiz. Features of the Quiz. Setting up a Quiz. Sharing a Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Moodle Quizzes – Workshop Outline Example of a Moodle Quiz. Features of the Quiz. Setting up a Quiz. Sharing a Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moodle Quizzes – Workshop Outline Example of a Moodle Quiz. Features of the Quiz. Setting up a Quiz. Sharing a Quiz.

2 Take the Quiz Log onto Moodle/NGA/HistoryI(Castelli) Scroll to American Revolution Quiz II A Day. Password: patriot

3 Why Use a Moodle Quiz Easy: No grading necessary Unique: able to shuffle questions. Secure: able to password protect Reusable

4 Why Use a Moodle Quiz Flexible: Assessment or Preparation At school or home Timed or un-timed Private or shared

5 Types of Questions Although there are many types we will focus on: Multiple Choice Matching Short Answer

6 If you want to review A vid-cast tutorial of this workshop is available on Moodle. ZIS IT PD- Unit 3- Lesson 5

7 Part I- Set up 1.Go to classworks/itpd/moodlequiz 2.Copy the moodlequiz folder to your desktop. 3.Open the word document called sample quiz. 4.Open up your own course in moodle and turn on editing. 5.Now you are ready to go.

8 Part II- Creating the Quiz 1.Select Quiz as a new activity. 2.Provide the name of the quiz. 3.Review the parameters of the quiz: *Time Limit *Shuffle Questions *Attempts *Students may review *Security

9 Part III- Questions 1.In the Categories tab- create categories (like folders) 2.Choose type of questions and copy/paste. 3.Set Format within the question. *Question Name *Image *Default Grade/Penalty *Set Answer and Grade *Save or Save as new Question. 4.Editing and Preview Questions

10 Part IV- Saving the Quiz 1.Select all questions and “Add to Quiz” 2.Set a point value for each question in the quiz. *remember that matching will appear as one. 3.Save changes and preview your quiz.

11 Part V- Sharing your Quiz 1.Select the Export Tab. 2.Choose to export questions in GIFT format. 3.Rename the quiz. 4.Check the save to file box. 5.Click download quiz.

12 Part VI- Uploading a Quiz 1.Select the Import Tab. 2.Choose the category and test to import into. 3.Select the GIFT file to import and import. 4.Final touches: *remember that you can show or hide the quiz icon.

13 If you want to review Please check out the vidcast on Moodle. ZIS IT PD- Unit 3- Lesson 5

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