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英文簡報 Easy Go!! 蘇 綉 惠 朝陽科技大學應用外語系 副教授 兼外語中心 主任 100.11.18.

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Presentation on theme: "英文簡報 Easy Go!! 蘇 綉 惠 朝陽科技大學應用外語系 副教授 兼外語中心 主任 100.11.18."— Presentation transcript:

1 英文簡報 Easy Go!! 蘇 綉 惠 朝陽科技大學應用外語系 副教授 兼外語中心 主任 100.11.18

2 Group Discussion How do you feel when speaking in public? Have you attended any good/bad presentations ? Why were they good/bad? When was the last time you gave a presentation? What was it about? What makes a good presentation?

3 Preparation Define the purpose. 確立目標 Analyse the audience. 分析瞭解觀眾 Brainstorm the topic. 對要演講的主題腦力激盪 Research your topic. 對要演講的主題多作研究

4 Preparation Organise your material and write a draft. 整理資料、寫下草稿 Summarise your draft into points. 將草稿寫 成重點 Plan and prepare your visual aids. 準備視 覺輔助工具 Rehearse your presentation. 演練

5 Introduction - Tell them what you will tell. Body -Tell them! Conclusion - Tell them what you told them.

6 Introduction Capture listener’s attention 抓住觀眾的注意力 ─ a question, a joke, a startling comment.. State your purpose. 說明演講目的 e.g. I’m going to talk about….. Present an outline of your talk. 說明演講大綱 e.g. I will concentrate on the following points: First of all…Then…This will lead to …and finally….

7 Attention-getters Ask a question State an unusual fact Give an illustration, example, or a story Present a quotation Refer to an historical event Tell a joke Use a gimmick Point to common relationships, beliefs, interests.. Refer to the occasion, purpose of meeting.. Compliment the audience

8 Body Present main points one by one in logical order. 逐項說明重點 Pause at the end of each point 每一重點後暫停 - give people time to take notes, to think Use connectives to move to the next point. 用轉接詞連結每一重點 e.g. The next point I want to make is… I will now move on to my next point. On the other hand, …. Use clear examples. 用清楚例句 Use visual aids. 用視覺輔助器材

9 Conclusion Summarise the main points again. 將重點概述 e.g. To sum up, I’ve explained…. So, in conclusion…. Restate the purpose of your talk, and say that you’ve achieved your aim. 重述演講的目的 e.g. I think we can now see that….. My intention was…., and it should now be clear that.. Thank the audience, and invite questions. 謝謝觀眾,並歡迎提問 e.g. Thank you. Are there any questions?

10 Transitions ( Connections)- Signpost 轉接詞 First, I’d like to talk about… Now, I’d like to move on to…. Next, let me describe…. Finally, let me explain… For example,…./ For instance,… In conclusion,…/ In summary, …

11 Transitions- Connecting Words Reason/ Result - Because…so….. - Since….Therefore, - Because of….. - Consequently,.. Contrast - but../ Although…./ However… Addition -..and…./ Also,../In addition,.. Expressions

12 Effective Delivery- Before you Speak Dress to help your speech. 有助演講的穿著 Step up to speak with confidence and authority. 自信、權威的上台 Establish contact with your audience. 與觀眾建立接觸關係 Video: What is the point? /Checklist

13 Effective Delivery- While You’re Speaking Maintain contact with your audience. 維持與觀眾的接觸 Sound conversational. 以口語方式表達 Avoid (避免) ah, so, you know, etc. Maintain (保持) good posture (姿態)。 Don’t play (玩弄) with notes, pencil, clothes, etc. Speak loudly enough. 音量夠大 Video: Making a start

14 Effective Delivery- Gesture (手勢) To help you relax (放鬆). To help your listeners (聽眾) relax. To help a speaker emphasise (強調) what he/she says. Gestures - A nod of your head ( 點頭) can emphasise a point. - A smile can communicate your agreement Practice (練習) when you are alone (一個人). Practice exaggerates (誇大) gesturing.

15 Effective Delivery- Use of Language Keep it simple- to communicate, not to show off (炫耀). Emphasise the key points. - make sure people realise ( 瞭解) which are the key points.

16 Effective Delivery- Use of Voice (聲音) Speak loudly enough. Do not rush! -speak slowly and clearly. 不要急 Pronounce (發音) words carefully. Vary (變化) your voice quality. Video: The right kind of language

17 Effective Delivery- Use of Body Language Stand straight and comfortably. 站直 Hold your head up. 抬頭 Use your hands, facial expression( 臉部表情) and body. Video: Body Language

18 Interaction with the Audience Be aware of (瞭解) how your audience (觀眾) is reacting. Check if the audience is still with you. e.g. Does that make sense? Is that clear? Be open to questions. Video:Video: Finishing off

19 Using Visual Aids- Designing Visuals Minimum lines and numbers Short titles and labels Clear main point

20 Using Visual Aids- Describing Visuals Introducing Main Points e.g. If you look at the screen, you can see… This diagram shows…. Defining Parts e.g. If you look at the top, you can see.. On the right is…. Focusing on Important Items e.g. As you can see… Here is the…..

21 Simple but excellent slides Richard St. John Richard St. John: "Success is a continuous journey" | Video on

22 Dealing with Questions Be prepared. Stay in control. Check the answer.

23 Q & A Session - 5 stages Welcome the questions. - ‘Good questions!’ - ‘Very good points!’ Clarify the question- repeat the question. - ‘Would you rephrase the question?’ Think about the answer. - Pause and think.

24 Q & A Session - 5 stages Answer the question -Be honest if you don’t know. -Be helpful. ‘I’ll email you later.’ Make sure your answer is satisfactory. - ’Did I answer your question?’

25 Q & A Session When there are no questions, - ‘If there are no questions, I’ll finish there.’ - ‘Thank you very much.’ When there are no more questions, - ‘I’m afraid that’s all the time we have. Thank you.’ - ‘I’m sorry to say we’ve run out of time. Thank you.’ Video:Video: Question time

26 Tips- Nervousness緊張 Nearly everyone is nervous about giving a presentation. Admit it! Luciano Pavarotti said: “I am now as nervous as the first day I was on stage.” Experience reduces(減少) nervousness. Realise you appear more confident (自信)than you feel. Keep breathing.( 呼吸)

27 Tips- Attitude Be friendly- Smile! Relax- Breathe. Have fun! Giving an oral presentation is a performance ( 表演) !

28 Dos Do give yourself enough time to prepare. Do limit the amount of information you give. Do find out your audience. - How much do they know? - What are they interested in? Do check before the presentation about the equipments ( 設備) you are going to use.

29 Dos Do remember the eye contact (眼神接觸). Do remember to speak clearly and not too fast. Do pause after showing a visual aid. Do keep the time. Do relax!

30 Don’ts Don’t apologise (道歉) for your English. Don’t look at the ceiling, the floor or out of the window. Don’t memorise (死記) your presentation. Don’t wave your paper or anything around when gesturing.

31 Steve Job’s presentation Present Like Steve Jobs – YouTube

32 Steve Job’s presentation Set the theme 設定主題 -Make theme clear and consistent (一致). -Create a headline (標題) that sets the direction for your meeting. Provide an outline (大綱) -Open & close each section with a clear transition. -Make it easy for your listeners to follow your story.

33 Steve Job’s presentation Demonstrate Enthusiasm( 熱情) -Extraordinary -Amazing -Cool -Incredible -Unbelievable -Awesome

34 Steve Job’s presentation Wow your audience (使驚豔) - Don’t put them in sleep. Sell an experience - Make numbers and statistics ( 統計數字) meaningful (有意義). - Analogies (類比法) help connect the dots for your audience. Make it visual (視覺的 ). - Paint a simple picture that doesn’t overwhelm ( 過度).

35 Steve Job’s presentation Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse (預演) - Spend the time to rehearse. One more thing…. - Give your audience an added bonus (好康的) to walk away with….

36 References Comfort, J.(2006). Effective Presentations. UK: Oxford University Press. Fletcher, L. (2004). How to Design & Deliver Speeches. US: Pearson. Knight, G. & O’neil, M. (2002). Business Explorer 3. UK: Cambridge University Press. Powell, M.(2003). Presenting in English. Taipei: Crane. Vaughan, A.& Heyen, N. (1994). Stand & Deliver. UK: Longman.

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