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To: 1 747 444 3548 Body of the text: 42344 and your response How much time do you spend explicitly teaching the Speaking and Listening standards in your.

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1 To: 1 747 444 3548 Body of the text: 42344 and your response How much time do you spend explicitly teaching the Speaking and Listening standards in your class?


3 Julie Buzard Great Bend Public Schools Kristin Hase Lawrence Public Schools Lori Stratton Wamego High School

4 Become more familiar with the KCCRS in Speaking and Listening Gain ideas on how to incorporate Speaking and Listening Standards into daily lesson plans Apply understanding to own units and lessons Objectives

5 Activity Quadrant Sort: 1.Find the S&L standards that each activity explicitly addresses. 2.Sort activities into quadrants based on Impact and Risk.

6 Listening with Empathy and Understanding Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision 16 Habits of Mind

7 Compare Read minds Rehearse Filter Judge Dream Identify Give advice Argue Be right Derail Placate Scrutinize Which of these is your biggest struggle when trying to listen?

8 Communication is comprised of: 55% to facial expression 38% to tone of voice 7% to words (especially when dealing with feelings or emotions) Listening is a CHOICE. Listening is a SKILL that can be taught.

9 How do we move students from this…

10 1 talks2 listens3 evaluates  Eye contact  Clarifies for understanding  Asks relevant questions  Reflects back what they said  No interruptions  Validates  Appropriate feedback  Only problem solves if asked Listening Triads What did he/she do best? What could he/she do to improve?

11 The Paradox of War “Fighting for Peace”

12 Can be used with a common book for entire class or with small groups of students reading different books Encourages small group discussion with prepared handouts Can be followed up with a whole class discussion Literature Circles: excerpt from the Killer Angels

13 Director: Questions and Prompts Literary Luminary: Highlight and analyze significant lines from the text Synthesizer: How does the text unfold? How do the ideas stack up? Connector/ Contextualizer: What connections can you make? How are those connections relevant? What context can you bring to the text? Literature Circle Roles

14 Essential Question: How does perspective shape reality? Can be used with literature or non-fiction text (poem, song lyrics, artwork, chapter from a larger work, speeches etc.) Teacher can prepare questions Allow students time to read and annotate material Review guidelines for seminar before the discussion Critical Components for Alignment to KCCR ELA S&L Socratic Circles Devils and Dust and Gettysburg Address


16 Video – Pinwheel discussions: Texts in Conversation lesson-plan Discuss with colleagues: 1.What Speaking and Listening Standards were demonstrated in the video? 2.What other KCCR ELA Standards were demonstrated? 3.What topics could you use for a Pinwheel Discussion? Pinwheel Discussion

17 Review Shaara’s excerpt, The Gettysburg Address, and lyrics to “Devils and Dust” keeping this essential question and guiding question in mind: Is war justifiable? Does war build a nation or destroy it?

18 In your group: Choose one Speaking and Listening standard. Collaboratively brainstorm ways to develop activities that could explicitly teach and assess that standard.

19 Speaking and Listening Standards support all other KCCRS in ELA Speaking and Listening Standards can and should be practiced daily Teachers can serve as models on how to communicate in a professional manner Speaking and Listening Standards, when effectively implemented, increase student engagement Final Thoughts

20 Two Stars and a Wish 2 things you learned 1 thing you wish we would have discussed or explored

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